There is jus a little bit of zoom to this photo, of course. I've been in the seats and I like them. At first it takes some getting used to as far as the steepness of the UD itself, but then you realize you get a pretty good overall view of the field this way too. All I know is, my seats are cheaper than they were last year, I've got better concessions, i can still take my grandkids to the games and tailgates and I'm not paying no stinkin' PSL.
The worker on the 10YL is actually a 12' tall cardboard cutout of a worker. My sales rep told me this is one of his helpful sales tools.
My rep never said that, wonder if you get to pick which Flight Crew member!!!!! LOL Woody might want to think about this one, he might actually sell the rest of the PSLs before the season starts. :rofl: That was too funny!!!
I am really curious to see how the Jets do when it comes to packing the Stadium. I mean maybe the NFL has figured something out with all of these new Stadiums going the way of the PSL. Once the Jets sell all of their seats they will have over 50,000 plus fans paying a PSL fee on each of their seats. And to make the deal even better for them, those fans have to buy tickets each season till the Jets stop playing in the stadium (30 years or so). The Yankees are yet to sell out their Stadium and teams like the Knicks only max out MSG when Kobe or Lebron comes to town. Maybe the way of the PSL needs to slowly make it's way to the MLB or the NBA. Maybe this PSL thing will make fans actually buy into the whole notion that owning the same seat for 30 years or so is a great thing even though you are leasing it for those 30 years and ticket prices may go up each year LOL. To me all of this just shows me the power of the NFL and how much it means to us American fans!
Bottom line is you have to be happy with your seats and the price you're paying. Otherwise you'll find everything wrong with the experience you can.
There was a time before the days of the internet (thank Al Gore) when everyone was happy just to be in the stadium...the good old days they will not return. Greed is the root of all evil?
227------------THAT PICTURE is from 342 rite? and what row??? info appreciated ps thanks for all the posts and info guys
I took this picture from my seat with my new portable Hubble Space Telescope PowerX128,000, available from BJ's this month for only $18,999 plus free shipping. No, seriously, the pic is from ROJF. It does look like my seat though... Section 342 Sideline near Pepsi Corner:
So my three year old knocked over the bleach bottle while wife was doing laundry last night and my opening day Jets shirt now looks like it belongs in a grateful dead concert from the 1970's. I need a new one for opening day and wife said to order one asap. If I get RowOneJetFan on back of my jersey wonder how many people per game will spit on me? That picture is from standing up shot from section 342 row 16.
If you get that on your shirt, we will know who to pass the half-empty beers to when we enter the stadium.
I only take the full ones. Funny, I take train to game and was finishing up the one tall boy I had with me sitting on concrete barrier near entrance and people were giving me unopened cold beer one after another rather than throw them out. As I got closer, there was like ten guys by dumpster drinking brand new beers one after another, even more will take place with higher ticket prices. Interesting tibit is the UD corners and UD EZ row 20 and back don't seel for near face and no one wants them. Good Luck Jets selling those UD tickets in four weeks as season tickets. At this point most fans have tickets, and scalpers or fan looking to add extra tickets ain't buying seats that sell at a loss six out of ten games.
The pic of 227's seats are almost the identical view I will have from section 317.
Bleach on Opening Day Jets Shirts I think you should definitely wear it anyway. I will retro us back to 1969 when the Jets won the Super Bowl and JETS WILL ROCK the NFL World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jets Seasons fyi, I still have FACE VALUE FULL SEASON JETS Tix for Sale in Section 317, row 18, and 344, Row 5 for Sale. Parking at FACE AS WELL, with Seat Purchase ONLY!!!! PM or email me at
I went to the stadium tour this morning, they were still taking apart the Bon Jovi stage rigging and had not yet cleaned the seating areas. It is a monster, the fact that we have 3 night games and the Giants one I believe should show well on national TV when the stadium is all lit up in green when the blimps take the night time sky shots. I am sure the Giants fans will still call it their stadium. LOL On a side note, I checked TM for a ticket to the Steelers/Jets at Heinz field (this is also a PSL stadium) and the ticket that came up was 235 Row A seat 3 in the Mez on the 50yd line for $250. I have friends who are Steelers fans who road trip every year. I did not buy the seat but in a few years, PSL's or not, when seats default back to the organization I am sure we will see the same.