That makes little sense. NO is an NFC team, and unless the Jets lost to them in a SB, there's no sound reason to hate them so. Any Jets fans top three should be Bills, Dolphins and Patriots in no particular order. At least that's my perspective.
Wow. While you're entitled your opinion, how the hell can you hate an out of conference team more than a division rival?! That's like me hating the Texans more than the Falcons.
Anyone who says the Phillies have a better shot of winning the most championships in a fans lifetime...than the Yankees is an idiot. I don't know if they are aware but any living yankee fan today over the age of 10 has seen at least 5 championships. But then again ESPN hates New York so in that regard the list makes sense
I agree except for the Bills part. I will hate them when they become a threat but I just feel bad as of now. Especially for the die-hard fans. It's been since 99 since their last playoff appearance, and in the new millennium they've only had 1 winning season. 9-7 in 2004, finishing 3rd in front of the 4-12 Dolphins. It's hard to hate a team like that, even in our own division. Once you guys get on the right track I will hate once again, but as of now it's just pity.