Madden 11' introduces online scouting

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by Zcore, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Zcore

    Zcore New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I like to throw the curl route on first down in "Madden." Prefer to throw it to the receiver on the right side of the screen. I have the timing down so perfect in my head that I can usually do it without looking. Eight yards to open the drive.

    As John Madden used to say, "Boom!"

    And it's funny -- I know my tendencies and a couple of my best friends know what I've been up to for years, but when I go online and play random people, that curl route is still always open.

    But not for long.

    With "Madden NFL 11," EA Sports is tracking your every play in order to deliver scouting reports to your online opponents. So now, whether I'm playing against a "Madden" vet in Sacramento or a newbie in Denver, all they need to do is order up my report and they'll know my tendencies as well as the people I've been playing "Madden" against since high school.

    "Online scouting tracks all of your play calling and what you like to do in different situations," producer Donny Moore says. "We're tracking every online game that you play: online ranked, unranked and 'Madden Ultimate Team' head-to-head."

    And according to Moore, there are 10 situations the game is tracking: first down, second down and long, second down and medium, second down and short, third down and long, third down and medium, third down and short, fourth down, goal line, and red zone.

    "On defense, the first thing you're going to unlock is the run/pass percentage of your opponent. The next thing you're going to unlock is the field location," Moore says. "Where on the field does your opponent target in this given situation. If it's a run, it's broken down into three zones: right, middle and left. If it's a pass, it's broken down into more zones: right, middle and left, and then also short, medium and deep."

    The final thing gamers unlock on defense is the player-specific target: Who does your opponent like to throw to or hand the ball off to in these certain situations.

    "On offense, you're going to be scouting the percentages on how often your opponent likes to play man or zone versus the blitz in certain situations," Moore says. "The other thing you're able to unlock on offense is to view your own tendencies. This adds to that chess match where you can see that on third down and short, you actually run the ball 87 percent of the time, and during those runs, I'm running to the left 68 percent of the time. So now that I know what I do, I'm actually going to flip my play and run to the right because my opponent might scout me and know what I'm doing."

    So now, not only will my opponent know about my curl route on first down, but I'm reminded of that fact myself, leading me to change my game plan and maybe call a draw or even an out and up to catch my opponent off guard. Says Moore: "By changing your game plan, it's actually making you a better player."

    Madden NFL 11EA SportsWith one message, you know the chess match is on.

    But how do you unlock these scouting reports? "Madden" producer Phil Frazier provides the details: "Scouting is a consumable. So you earn coins in every online game that you play as long as you don't quit or disconnect. You can then spend these coins on scouting reports or other things within the game [gamers also will be able to use real money to buy coin packs or scouting packs, but the prices are not final]. It's the same economy that drives 'Madden Ultimate Team.' So you can literally be playing 'Madden Ultimate Team' online, earn some coins, then turn around and either buy a pack of cards or a scouting pack. The economy drives a lot more this year than just 'Madden Ultimate Team,' but we're not talking dollars per scouting report here. You're earning these coins by playing 'Madden' online, so this isn't a money-grab for us. This is about building up your online skills. We're trying to provide a competitive advantage and we're presenting it to you in a way that's authentic to the sport of football."

    And to give gamers a taste of the strategy, everybody who buys the game new will receive 50 free scouting reports with purchase tied to the new EA Sports Online Pass initiative.

    "When you total everything up, there are 45 different pieces of scouting report information that you could buy per game," Moore says. "Or you can just buy the full game purchase option before the game for just 25 coins so you can just have all the scouting before the game without having to buy every piece of information separately. It's a pretty good discount. Then when you're in-game, if a scouting report is available to be viewed, you just hit a button to activate."

    Adds Frazier: "What ultimately drove this feature was the hard-core, competitive, head-to-head gamer who wanted the ability, just like NFL coaches, to have a tool to understand what their opponents are doing. And that's why we've focused this feature on online head-to-head and not carried it over to online franchise, which we feel is a more social aspect of gaming."

    As for how the new scouting works with "Madden's" GameFlow play-calling system? Frazier believes the two work hand in hand. "With GameFlow, you're giving the A.I. the ability to choose for you, so maybe the statistic of pass versus run isn't as valid as the others, but even when a pass play is called, it's up to you on how to execute that play," he says. "When we call out the primary receiver who is running a streak route, you can choose instead to throw to the receiver on the other side of the field who is running the corner route. So the information on where the play is run, who is favorite target is, how deep he likes to throw, all of that information is very much relevant even though the play was called by GameFlow. And since you can also audible out of GameFlow, we're also tracking those plays that you're calling. There's no way to circumvent the system, as we're tracking the final result."

    Madden NFL 11EA SportsViewing your own tendencies will help make you a better playcaller.

    In addition, Moore sees the advantage coming from how online opponents like to constantly change playbooks. "The computer doesn't change his playbook, but online, gamers are always adapting," he says.

    "And just because you have the information on what your opponent likes to do, that doesn't mean he's going to do it. It's just some great, useful information that could help you gain that edge in your game. And it's cool, because when someone is scouting you, a pop-up appears on your screen that reads, 'You've been scouted.' So you know when somebody is watching you and it gets back into that chess game where he thinks you're going left, so you throw a deep ball to the right when he's least expecting it. But to me, the scouting I find most useful is field location. This lets you know if a guy likes to throw those screens and drag routes across the middle or if he likes to throw deep more often."

    "I agree," Frazier adds. "I was playing a game against ['Madden' producer] Ian Cummings the other day, and when I play defense, I like to play safety, and the scouting enables me to cheat a little one way or the other. But at the same time, Ian was using his own scouting to target places on the field he doesn't usually throw to because he knew I was cheating my safety deep. It really added an extra element to the game play.

    "We have high hopes for this feature because of this. Now if you're being shut down, it's not because of your stick skills. It's because you're not calling a good game. You won't be able to get away with calling the same plays over and over anymore. It's geared to make the average Joe play a more serious game of football and call the game more like a real coach."

    Looks like my days of first-down curl routes are coming to an end. Then again, now that you know what's coming, and you know that I know that you know what's coming, you never really know what's coming.

    And that's what playing "Madden" is all about.
  2. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Who has time to read all that while the other user waits for you to make a decision?
  3. Vorrecht

    Vorrecht Active Member

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Are they still selling cheats for MS points?
  4. Zcore

    Zcore New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Just the fact you wrote that....I'm guessing you have no skills in Madden
  5. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Yes, and it is devastating to my life LOL.

    No, what I am asking again is, if you are given a scouting report before the game, who will give you the time to review it before starting the contest. Unless you have preset people that you know you will play at X:XX time, then you will only see it when you challenge someone?
  6. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    you can view the reports in game based on the situation. so if you buy the full report before the game starts and it's 3rd and 7 you can quickly bring up the report and see your opponents tendencies in that situation.
  7. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Thanks for the real answer and not the gay "madden skills" response.

    That was exactly what I wanted to know.
  8. Zcore

    Zcore New Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    From what I understood it will just give you a percentage for example...he passes to the right 87% of the time. So you should know the guy passes to right pretty much all the time. Shouldn't take you long to figure that out. Or like "He runs the ball 90% of the time..You know that guy is running..No what I mean? I think It's a great tool & I'm sure once you use it you'll like it too
  9. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Imagine how good herm Edwards could have been if this had been available when he was our coach.
  10. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    2k5 had online scouting...and you know what ?

    Just so sad what EA is doing.
  11. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    this is free too.
  12. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Corporate bashing fail.
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Really? because everywhere I have read said you would have to pay for it....

    So no, not a fail.

    again, 2k had this all for FREE totally 100% FREE

  14. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    No they didn't. There was no in-game scouting in 2K. And if you read closely, this IS free. You start with 50 when you buy the game, and earn more simply for completing online games. You have the OPTION to buy more, but all you have to do is play the game and you will get them. When they say "pay" in the part you highlighted, they are talking about using tokens that are given to you for free. I like that they are tying it to completed games. Maybe I won't end up playing the computer for a half as often this year.
  15. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    digital coins that you are given for free and then earn for completing games are not the same thing as money. the only people who will be paying for these coins are lazy or quit out of games. either way those of us with a functioning brain will not be paying for these scouting reports.

    there is plenty to hate on EA for but creating a system that gives people an incentive to not quit out of a game is a good thing. and lets not forget that scouting reports will be useless for at least a week or two because nobody is gonna have any tendencies to scout so every person who plays regularly online will have a balance of coins built up so once again there will be absolutely no reason to spend real money on these reports.

    you sure it wasn't a fail?
    #15 ukilledkenny, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  16. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    You're crazy...there was VIP in 2k andscouting in 2k all pro!!

    I'm almost positive the scouting was pre game and at anytime through the lobby for every single opponent so it wasn't "In Game" but there was definitely scouting....

  17. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Did you read my quote bolded?
    I understand it was free at first,
    but then you could BUY ...
    after FREE runs out they will be available for purchase (if you don't get more coins)
  18. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    i understand exactly what you posted but free doesn't run out. if your buying scouting reports that means your playing games which gives you more coins when you finish them so your coins will never run out.

    i have had this argument on other forums and i get it, you hate EA and the fact that they are even giving people the option to pay money for something they could get for free is rubbing you the wrong way. i am of the opinion that if someone is making a conscious decision to pay for something they can easily get for free they deserve to have their money taken.
  19. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    Exactly, it wasn't in game. So the claim that 2K had this is false. They had something similar, but significantly different. In game scouting is way better than just pre game. And this is 100% free as well.

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