Are you in the UD or shifting every game. You are very confusing, every other day another BIL has new seats.
I am sitting in FOUR sections next year. I have no intententions of sitting in any one seat more tha twice. All Lower Level Sideline or UD. No Mezz I hate it. I plan on posting shots from all the angles.
Some of you guys are forgetting the fact that at least the Jets didn't handle things like that other team in blue jersey's handled things! I mean 1,000 dollar PSL's for the UD and not allowing you to visit the Stadium until you sign your contract. We must never forget that there is always somebody out there that has it worse then you do. And by no means am I standing up for the way the Jets did things, I just feel some what better that it wasn't done like the Giants. Jets- No PSL fee for the UD sections. PSL price cuts on a couple of sections, free concert tickets to a concert that you probably wouldn't go to if it cost you money, set up an appointment before you sign on the dotted line, 5 to 15 year financing on your PSL, No money down and free parking for the first year. I don't want to waste my time making a check list for the Giants but trust me it doesn't even match up to what the Jets offered.
This I will agree with. I love the fact the Jets have no PSLs in the UD. It makes it at least possible for someone 5-10 years from now to still get ahold of season tickets, instead of sitting on a waiting list, watching families passing seats on down the line, and no one else ever getting a chance. Though I'm sure it's quite possible they didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts...
Well I have been holding back info from fear of being attacked. My Dad bought 2 seats in Coaches Club section 114 row 10, so I'll be visiting there quite often. I'll probably end up swapping towards the end of the game to catch the presser. I really do like my view better. Plus he did it through his law firm so I'm sure he's going to give a few away. AT MOST!!! lol I convinced the crap out of him, I posted it on JI but here there seems to be a lot of PSL/Club hate.
You bastard. :smile: Honestly though, I did a tour of the whole place with my company, who does business with the Giants, and I have to say I despise the whole Club/Suites crap. To me, it just robs great seats/space away from real fans who enjoy watching football start-to-finish from their seats, and gives it to rich people/corporations who couldn't care less about the Jets, and just want to wine and dine some client prospects. It's just a kick in the groin to fans who actually care about their team.
These are all excellent points and yes, I'll concede that the Jets worked it better than the Giants did, except for the part where Woody allowed the sales representatives to unabashedly and without abandon conduct themselves like lying, conniving, despicable used car salesmen. But I also suspect the Jets' plan was necessary because of the much shorter waitlist. After the first perk, which was the PSL-free offerings in the UD, they didn't have a choice with the other price reductions, free parking, no down, etc. inducements. The jury is still out and will be out for the next decade on how good the Jets were compared to the Giants, however. This is because none of us know what the Jets' PSL price increases will look like in the future. Will Woody try to "make up" that lost ground (those giveaways)? History tells us all that he already did so and is capable of doingit again (10% per year for 8 years). So, stay tuned and let's not name Woody Johnson "Man Of The Year" just yet.
You have the spreadsheet too?? lol I actually moved 4 times all in about 2 months, this was last year though. Your in TDC right, which section again. Are you right next to me??
with a tombstone reading sellout sanchise prime, rojf, BIL btw where is your other hand......
I have to disagree. I think the Jets made an enormous mistake by failing to charge a PSL for any of the seats in the UD. With a total capacity of 82,500, I figure there are at least 32,800 seats (40% of total) in the UD at NMS. Had they charged an average of $750 per seat (assume premium pricing for lower rows and midfield and nominal PSL for high rows and endzones), they would have raised approx. $24.6m towards the stadium construction. With that money in hand, the Jets would have been able to offer PSL's at more reasonable prices throughout the lower bowl (Mezz B and LLEZ were clearly overpriced to begin with). Furthermore, the PSL-free tickets in the UD incentivized long-time ticket holders to buy the cheap seats and to avoid the PSL seats. They made the other seats seem more expensive. Finally, having 9,000 PSL seats unsold in the UDEZ and Nosebleed sections would be better than having 9,000 seats unsold in the lower bowl. Bottom Line: the Giants aren't having any major problems with their fans b/c of the way they managed the PSL sale process. The Jets - full blown debacle.
Can you kindly take that pic down?? I posted it for proof, I don't want any odd TGG stalkers at the games. lol The thread I posted it in had like 10 page views. lol I'll invite you down for a presser??