17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    that guy is a middle man. lines up deals with guys that can't make the game and then resells at higher price.

    technically all he is doing is making money off of people, you know capitalism...
  2. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    It's looking more likely that I will be buying 2 new HDTV's and sitting this season out....

    not throwing in the towel yet but it's as if everytime I get a call/email it's from a fukin JETSbot....

    It sickens me to the point where I cringe

  3. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    What...you don't think when a group of people and their BIL's buy tickets together it won't add up to 8-10 seats in a section/row? :smile: Is it not possible that the 'scalper' happens to have people from the same section and row that front him the tickets? Like Pats-Hater said, he's just a middle man. If he sells the seats he gets to keep the difference between what he sells it for and what the actual ticket holders said they would accept. Does not mean he/she actual purchased the tickets from the Jets themselves.

    And...yeah the people are giving their parking passes too. Why would they let him sell their seats and not their parking passes? If they don't want to be bothered selling their own seats, why would they want to sell their own parking passes?
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    hey rojf,you do know that alot of these sites are sister websites of stubhub.

    when you sell tix on stubhub they also list them on about 2-3 other sites too.
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Section 144 row two case in point. The entire row all 13 seats are on sale for all ten games this year. Even more interesting is 144 row 3, whole row is also for sale but it got broken into three price ranges, on aisle off aisle and towards back of endzone. I agree with what you say, but most blocks are for sale every single game. I love in the UD where I see 21 in a row in good seats for sale for all ten games.

    My family controls nine tickets. We are all in same corner but our tickets sets are not all together as they kept pushing us further and further back once you went great than three together.

    BTW a pair in section 247a row one just opened up in 4k seats. People from that section have been jumping like wildfire downstairs to 2.5k seats.
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I look at seatgeek etc. I know the do that. That is why tickets sell quicker on stubhub and people pay the 15% fee over the 10% fee on Jets ticketexchange.

    There are also these sites that let fans sell their tickets. I can smell scalper tickets as they list them on their own sites at same time to see if they can sell them without a commission. I google key word search on seat and section and game to see if it also pops up on a scalper site.

    Plus they are easy to spot anyhow, Good seats UD, good seats, LLEZ 2.5k , 6kTC, 7.5kLGL and 10KLSL very low rows in large blocks.



  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest


    Team Waiting List Fees
    Baltimore Ravens 3,000 $50 deposit, $25 a year
    Chicago Bears 4,000 $100 deposit
    Cincinnati Bengals 2,500 $100 deposit
    Denver Broncos 28,000 No deposit
    Green Bay Packers 78,000 No deposit
    Houston Texans 3,000 $10 deposit
    Indianapolis Colts 24,000 $150 deposit
    New England Patriots 55,000 $100 deposit
    New Orleans Saints 35,000 No deposit
    New York Giants 0 No deposit
    New York Jets 0 No deposit
    Philadelphia Eagles 41,500 No deposit
    Seattle Seahawks 14,000 $100 deposit, $25 a year
    Tennessee Titans 27,000 No deposit
    Washington Redskins 200,000 No deposit
  8. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Or maybe people list all of their games at ridiculous prices figuring if someone will pay that crazy amount for any of their games, they will sell them. Otherwise they'll keep them and go themselves.

    Sort of like "I'd love to go to the Pats game, but if someone is stupid enough to pay me $400 for my $120 ticket, then screw it. I'll watch it at home with a pocket full of money". Now substitute the Pats game for every other game on the schedule and adjust the price up or down depending on the game. It's like their sellout price...everyone has one.
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That is an amazing # for us and the Giants considering the size of our waitlists a few years ago.
  10. terps56

    terps56 New Member

    May 8, 2009
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    That makes no sense. i dont believe it. How do you (or your Rep) explain that Row 1 Sec 110 was available 2 months ago.
  11. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Interesting read.

    Can you supply a link to your source of this info ??
  12. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    The waitlist existed b/c of supply and demand. Pre-NMS, the tickets to the Jet/Giants (the "Teams") games were underpriced relative to demand.

    At the Pre-NMS pricing, both Teams had more people willing to pay face value for the tickets than they had tickets available. Faced with excess demand, most businesses would act to maximize revenue and profits by raising prices.

    Why didn't the teams do it?
    1. Some businesses make more money of there are people turned away. That is why clubs turn people away at the ropes. If tickets are perceived as hard to get, they can gradually raise prices and keep profits high.

    2. Publicity: Both teams knew they were going to want new stadiums at some point. Had they needed to hit up NJ/CT/or NY for large amounts of public money (See the Yankees and Mets), artificially low prices could be a good strategy.

    The PSL Debacle:
    1. The Giants: From public reports, it appears the Giants priced their tickets and PSL's at, or very near to, the optimal clearing price. They managed to sell all (or very nearly) of their tickets and PSL's. They managed to clear the waiting list without overly angering their fans. In B-School, their project would get an A or an A+.

    2. The Jets: First, they overestimated the demand for PSL's in the lower bowls and Mezz B. By failing to charge any PSL at all for UD seats, they gave long-time ticket holders an incentive to buy UD seats instead of seats in the lower bowls. Nevertheless, when all is said and done, the Jets will probably rake in more revenues in 2010-11 than they did in the old stadium. In B-School, Woody and his minions would get a solid F.
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Don't know, but they did release a bunch of NFL hold seats that were nevered offered one day. They were gone in minutes, they also threw up TC where Jets come out row four on aisle and a row 3 LGL off aisle by LSL on vistiors side.

    They ain't playing everyone move down, good seats pop up first one on line gets them sometimes.
  14. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I make it up. Actually I subscrive to NFL trade publications fo NFL employees where I get . good info.

    My favorite bit I got today was the Vikings are paying 325 bps over LIBOR which last week was .054 on their NFL loan they just borrowed on. Meanwhile Jets are charging 8% on PSLs where they "claimed" to cover their loan costs.

    So NFL charged Jets and Giants 8X interest on their loan?
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It makes plenty of sense and you should believe it. The entire Jets selling organization has been lying since Day One. Where have you been? And they're lying to this day.

    The whole scheme revolves around selling poorer seats first. Get the suckers to buy lousy seats knowing the better ones will be easier to sell. Why do you think they never made available an online seating chart, like they do when you inquire about a Broadway play or an airline ticket? Big fucking secret because it's all been a scam.

    "How does your rep explain?" This is laughable. If you've ever talked to them, they talk in circles and don't explain diddly shit.
  16. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    What trade publication is that from ??

    I know some people in the NFL offices and I would like to read that article.
  17. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    100% accurate. When I was talking to my rep about buying tickets, every question I asked was followed by the most vague responses.

    Q: Can you tell me what seats you have available in sections X, Y, and Z?

    A: I can get you seats A/B in section X.

    Q: Is that the lowest row available in those sections?

    A: It's about as good as you're going to get. One sec, let me put you on hold.

    Q: Can you list all the seats available, by lowest row and/or closest to aile in all these sections?

    A: Not really. Let me put you on hold. (for the 8th time in a 10 minute call)

    Q: What do you have, lowest row, in section Y?

    A: Not much. I have seats A/B. Let me put you on hold, my system is taking forever.

    And on it goes. You're expected to pay thousands of dollars for a product you (presumably) will have for next couple of decades, and they can't list all available options to you??? The rep even refused to email me anything with any sort of seating information, probably in fear that I would post it online. Everything has to be done over the phone, where they can play this short answer BS, and pressure you into making a quick decision.

    It's ridiculous to expect fans to sign up without knowing they are getting the best seats available at that time. And then when you ask for a listing of the best seats available, you are put on hold (most likely to avoid the question) and they come back saying "I have seats A/B", and wait for a response, as if it's a "take it or leave it" proposition.

    Tell me every damn seat you have available, in the format I ask!!! :mad:

    The only reason I got tickets, is because I wasn't looking for low rows, and actually wanted a higher row, so I was okay with taking seats a few rows farther back, since they were closer to the aile. That, and I'm a sucker for anything to do with the Jets. :sad: Otherwise, I probably would have said screw it, like many fans probably did.
  18. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    There is a 247a row one and a row 31 of 109 near 110 and row 8 of 109 open plus seats are popping up and down in the 10K sections this week and next week as people last week who had impulse to upgrade are backing out and not siging contracts. The four corners of LL EZ at 5k are clearing out quicker that a as if Rex Ryan just farted in that corner.

    Jets are doing multiple open house in July on Saturdays so we can all see our seats and have one last shot at upgrading.

    Now I heard not many people bought in Mezz B even at $2,500. And people in Mezz A, LL EZ Corners at 5k and TC corners at 6k closer to corners are pissed as shit and all want a price reduction.

    I think it should be Mezz B $1,500, Mezz A 3k, LL EZ corners 3.5k and TC 5k. The Giants only charged 5k and $120 a ticket for TC as they called in part of Endzone. Anyone in these areas should not pay their PSL fee until this is resolved. The Jets altered the terms of the agreement. Also think
  19. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Where did you hear this?

    If true, then the rep I spoke with is a lying POS. I was told they are "all booked on tours, so no one can see their seats at this point".

    P.S. If they lowered Mezz A to $3k, I'd move up in a second.
    #7879 dthomas53, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

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