Ladanian is Ladone

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hennessy2710, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Hennessy2710

    Hennessy2710 New Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    With mini-camp freshly behind them and training camp just around the corner, the Jets and their fans have plenty of reasons to be excited about Rex Ryan's second season.

    LaDainian Tomlinson shouldn't be one of them.

    One of Gang Green's more curious moves this offseason was jettisoning Thomas Jones after a 1,402-yard rushing year and signing Tomlinson to replace him.

    Tomlinson's low-cost signing had all the makings of a marketing gambit to juice stagnant PSL sales that -- like the Darrelle Revis and Nick Mangold contract scuffles -- are casting a considerable black cloud over the Jets' otherwise promising hopes.

    If only the Jets could have signed the 2007 Tomlinson.

    Even without pads or contact, it didn't take a grizzled NFL scout to notice in the Jets' recent workouts that Tomlinson just doesn't look like the same player who terrified opposing defenses with his slippery moves and sublime hands for nine seasons with the Chargers.

    Tomlinson appears bulkier and definitely a step (or three) slower than he did in his prime, which is to be expected from a running back who next week turns 31 -- increasingly the point of no return in the NFL -- with his incredible amount of mileage.

    We're talking about a player with 3,410 touches (combined carries and receptions) who missed just three games combined in his first nine NFL seasons. Indeed, Tomlinson enters this season as the league's active leader in rushing attempts by a wide margin -- 2,880 carries to Fred Taylor's 2,491.

    That's a lot of collisions, a lot of wear-and-tear that no amount of blaming the Chargers' offensive line will allow Tomlinson to roll back the odometer on.

    Also consider that the two other active leaders in carries with Tomlinson last year, Edgerrin James and Jamal Lewis, both hung it up after the 2009 season.

    And to put that in further perspective, Tomlinson has almost 300 more career touches than Eddie George, who -- while admittedly a more straight-ahead, physical runner than Tomlinson -- was burnt to a crisp and out of football by age 31.

    Yet Ryan and the Jets act and talk as if Tomlinson is still in his prime, even though LT hasn't averaged better than 3.8 yards per carry each of the past two years and had been reduced to a nothing role with San Diego by the end of last season.

    Tomlinson actually worked with the starters at times ahead of Shonn Greene during the Jets' OTAs, and Ryan dropped hints throughout that Tomlinson could have a big role this year.

    Tomlinson and the Chargers, particularly GM A.J. Smith, have exchanged insults since Tomlinson's ugly offseason departure, but several NFL executives told me it isn't just sour grapes on San Diego's part.

    "If you watch the films from the end of last year, the guy had nothing left," a general manager with multiple Super Bowl rings said last week. "It's not a knock on him personally. All those carries are going to catch up to anyone."

    If that role is any bigger than a handful of carries per game while Tomlinson provides locker-room leadership and tutors Greene and rookie third-down back Joe McKnight, then the Jets aren't headed back to the playoffs, much less the Super Bowl.

    Deep down, you have to believe the Jets think the same thing.

    I do not agree with him, especially with this Jets offesnsive line and LT playing to prove he still has it. And him basing this on OTAs doesnt mean shit. Wait till at least training and still that doesnt neccesarily mean it means anything
  2. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Bart Hubbuch wrote this. He is going out of his way now to bash the Jets on EVERYTHING.

    Ever since Woody fucked up, and threatened black outs or something Bart has been on an anti jets rampage.

    edit: on topic sorry. I would like to only see LT on passing downs for protection/catching the football. Possibly goal line stances as well.
  3. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I hope this clown puts a gun in his mouth when Thomas Jones has a less than mediocre year behind Kansas City's garbage offensive line.
  4. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    also the fact that TJ cannot catch a fucking ball. Wanted to shit myself during the Miami game I think. With nobody around TJ on the sidelines drops a clean thrown football.
  5. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    There is no doubt that Thomas Jones will do nothing this year in Kansas City. He probably won't even start. However, Tomlinson will probably not do much either. Hopefully Greene shines in 2010.
  6. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Tomlinson Finished- NY Post

    Where do they get these guys to write this stuff? He must be pretty special though because he can tell LT is finished while watching a few minutes of OTA's and he know what the Jets are thinking. If I was Woody, I would get rid of our GM and scouts and just hire this guy to run my whole department. Do you think he had the article written before he went to see the jets? I do. I hope LT shoves it up the media's ass and has a great year. And once and for all, LT REPLACED LEON, NOT TJ. Greene is replacing TJ!!!!!!

    With mini-camp freshly behind them and training camp just around the corner, the Jets and their fans have plenty of reasons to be excited about Rex Ryan's second season.

    LaDainian Tomlinson shouldn't be one of them.

    One of Gang Green's more curious moves this offseason was jettisoning Thomas Jones after a 1,402-yard rushing year and signing Tomlinson to replace him.
    Tomlinson's low-cost signing had all the makings of a marketing gambit to juice stagnant PSL sales that -- like the Darrelle Revis and Nick Mangold contract scuffles -- are casting a considerable black cloud over the Jets' otherwise promising hopes.

    If only the Jets could have signed the 2007 Tomlinson.

    Even without pads or contact, it didn't take a grizzled NFL scout to notice in the Jets' recent workouts that Tomlinson just doesn't look like the same player who terrified opposing defenses with his slippery moves and sublime hands for nine seasons with the Chargers.

    Tomlinson appears bulkier and definitely a step (or three) slower than he did in his prime, which is to be expected from a running back who next week turns 31 -- increasingly the point of no return in the NFL -- with his incredible amount of mileage.
    We're talking about a player with 3,410 touches (combined carries and receptions) who missed just three games combined in his first nine NFL seasons. Indeed, Tomlinson enters this season as the league's active leader in rushing attempts by a wide margin -- 2,880 carries to Fred Taylor's 2,491.

    That's a lot of collisions, a lot of wear-and-tear that no amount of blaming the Chargers' offensive line will allow Tomlinson to roll back the odometer on.

    Also consider that the two other active leaders in carries with Tomlinson last year, Edgerrin James and Jamal Lewis, both hung it up after the 2009 season.

    And to put that in further perspective, Tomlinson has almost 300 more career touches than Eddie George, who -- while admittedly a more straight-ahead, physical runner than Tomlinson -- was burnt to a crisp and out of football by age 31.

    Yet Ryan and the Jets act and talk as if Tomlinson is still in his prime, even though LT hasn't averaged better than 3.8 yards per carry each of the past two years and had been reduced to a nothing role with San Diego by the end of last season.

    Tomlinson actually worked with the starters at times ahead of Shonn Greene during the Jets' OTAs, and Ryan dropped hints throughout that Tomlinson could have a big role this year.

    Tomlinson and the Chargers, particularly GM A.J. Smith, have exchanged insults since Tomlinson's ugly offseason departure, but several NFL executives told me it isn't just sour grapes on San Diego's part.

    "If you watch the films from the end of last year, the guy had nothing left," a general manager with multiple Super Bowl rings said last week. "It's not a knock on him personally. All those carries are going to catch up to anyone."

    If that role is any bigger than a handful of carries per game while Tomlinson provides locker-room leadership and tutors Greene and rookie third-down back Joe McKnight, then the Jets aren't headed back to the playoffs, much less the Super Bowl.

    Deep down, you have to believe the Jets think the same thing.
  7. Brien O'Ken

    Brien O'Ken Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Hubbuch is the new Cimini.

    He is fast becoming my least favorite Jets beat guy. Just searches for anything he could find to cast a negative light on the team and supports his argument with questionable "facts": for example, the Jets signed LT to replace TJ? No, Shonn Greene is replacing TJ and LT is providing a better option out of the backfield on 3rd down.
  8. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Darren Sproles 3.7 yards a carry behind that line.
    Sproles had 45 catches
    LT with 20. Of course they used Sproles as a receiver from the back-field more. (cant argue with that point) But I'm looking forward to a Jets Running-back catching balls.
  9. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    This article is LaGarbage.
  10. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Hubbach is a LaDouchebag.
  11. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Hubbuch is Lajtrain
  12. NYJetsMetsCTHuskies

    NYJetsMetsCTHuskies Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I don't see the point in him writing something like that at this point. There is still 3 months before the season starts give the guy a chance before saying he is "LaDone"...
  13. Hennessy2710

    Hennessy2710 New Member

    Apr 1, 2010
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    i wish the best for TJ but reality is he wont do shit with the chiefs, bottom line is we made the right move here
  14. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    The guy hardly ever played in preseason games for San Diego. That's a fact.

    I am not sure if he even practiced in full pads very much in recent years relative to other starting running backs. This part I don't know for sure because I don't pay attention to SD OTAs and training camp practices.

    My point, though, is that Tomlinson takes it easy in the spring and summer. We likely won't know how much he has left in the tank until Week 1.
  15. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    damm .. this turned into a bash TJ thread quick ..
  16. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    It's not a basth TJ thread... it's a credit's due where credit's due... that means our OL.

    WIth that said yeah Hubbuch is one whiny little bitch o.0 what the hell is wrong with him!?

    I like how he finished his article... it's not like the Jets had a gun pointed to the head to sign LT!!!
  17. chrisrex

    chrisrex Active Member

    Aug 24, 2004
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    I agree that this guy is an asshole, but honestly...

    During the San Diego game, all I kept thinking was "Man, LT is done" :-( I do hope I'm wrong...
  18. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Fixed your post
  19. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Unfortunately, we could find out sooner than that. Other older backs were found to be done early in seasons (two recent examples- Shaun Alexander with Washington, Edgerrin James with Seattle).
  20. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    WTF. I thought he got injured or something. He's our SECOND running back, so we don't need him to be like he was.

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