Well you SHOULD cheer for a guy that is going to help your team win games. I've hated Taylor for as long I can remember, but I've hated him because he's good, and he was good against us. Now he's going to be good FOR us. There's no reason not to cheer him. I'm happy to say I was one of the people chanting for him yesterday. It was a very cool moment that I don't think you'd see happen with very many other teams.
i like how he's confident that he'll be sackin the QB come december, makes me happy to know he's ready to play
I could care less how he feels about us as a fan base as long as he gets along with the team, and it seems he is with how he was kidding around with jenkins, and produces on the field.
assuming he IS making plays in December. I'm all for forgiving old grudges, but I'm more for players who can play. Can Taylor?
I'm sure the first beer fired from the stands at Taylor's head would've come from Zach Thomas. :rofl:
We were sitting on the 2nd Level and saw it unfold....Jenx basically pushed JT to the fans...he looked scared :lol: It was actually a kewl moment
This is now the thread for confessing that you were at the practice and had your football signed by Jason Taylor.
It's surreal, especially since I was talking to a neighbor last year about how much I hated Jason Taylor and brought up his crying during the Monday Night Miracle. Forget what Herm Edwards said in his infamous press conference. This is what the great thing about sports is, especially since :finssuck: fans are still delirious over it. If I were the jersey buying type, I wouldn't be buying his jersey, but Taylor has said all the right things so far, and I can appreciate him reaching out and making that first step towards making amends with the fans who have grown to hate him. Does it really matter in the big picture to appease the fans? No, but he understands his responsibility as a member of Jets and to do right for what he's said in the past. If he plays up to his standards, then I have no problem cheering the guy on because his play will be beneficial to our team.
I couldn't care less if he's comfortable. He needs to earn his respect here after all the BS that came out of his mouth over the years. Being comfortable doesn't necessarily equate to playing better or working harder either. Not being comfortable can be quite the motivator.
Okay, what I meant is he'll play better if his mind is on football and not the fans. He has a job to do and he'll do it better without his own team's fans chirping him at practice.