17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    And that's exactly why I went with Mezz B over LLE. I don't want to risk having to watch a jumbo screen in the 4th quarter, game on the line.

  2. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    "I'm not saying the Mezz seats are bad - at all! Just saying that given open seating, people chose field level. I just think that row one of Mezz in the old stadium was a MUCH better seat than row one of new Mezz. Again, a very good seat, but much further back.[/QUOTE]

    I agree Mezz A seats are bad, other than corners and low rows you are way way back. I had seats in 228 row one last year and I had a super amazing view for 80% of field as I was 20 yard line. Not so much when they were downfield other way. But last row Mezz A you are a good 40 rows from the back of the goalline!! Last year my ticket was $115 for my same seats Jets wanted $245 a ticket.

    Mezz endzone in old stadium was a tough sell. Lady at work had them and she ended up selling regular season games at face value and eating pre-season and a late season game . Now Mezz A is cats meow. No way.

    I had trouble selling my mezz 20 yard sideline row one seats last year at face, heck 227 could not even get face for some games and he had seats right by me.

    People with lower level season tickets who go to games like higher row seats like 227

    People who are a Pats fan who buy one single game on visitors side on stubhub want to sit as close as possible to their favorite team.
  3. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    This is pretty much my dilemma, ATM. Am I more concerned with which view is best (Mezz B for me), or which will sell better online? It's a very even trade-off, which makes for a very hard decision.

    I know Mezz B won't sell nearly as well as LLE, but I personally do prefer a higher view to soak in as much of the game (i.e. other end zone too!), than being closer to the field.

  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I love the LL EZ view, but I've sat there my entire life-

    I have also been seated pretty much everywhere else throughout the stadium over the years too.

    I just love the view down there, when the ball is coming your way and in your EZ there is no better seat in the house.

    I know some don't like the view when it's on the opposite 20 but I love seeing the holes open up and the routes being run.

    But again I have a very biased opinion. Even when we sat on the 50 last year when I did the coin toss thing I was saying to my Dad that I wish we were in our seats.
  5. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My family has seats in new stadium in 347, 342, 144 and 142. I plan in sitting in all four sections. Wish I had some on Jets side. But we all picked different spots but all stuck around Pepsi corner for meeting up before and after game and at halftime. Plus for some reason for all four seats of tickets Pepsi corner had the best seats left. The 142 seats which are not mine are in 13th row towards 20K seats. Those are the ones I am most looking forward to trying ou.
  6. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    In terms of PSL choice, I think many people are overlooking leverage with respect to ticket prices. Given all the bad publicity and the tough time they had had selling PSL’s, I think there is a very low chance we will see a big increase in 2011 unless they win big this year. After that, it will be interesting to see what they do.

    With respect to years out and ticket prices:

    1. Upper Deck: If the Jets jack up the prices, the customers can walk at no cost. While the Jets can charge what the market will bear, they cannot charge more.

    2. $2.5K PSL: By year 3, most of us in LLEZ and Mezz B will have paid off most, if not all of the cost of our PSL’s. While the Jets can increase prices if the demand is there, they will have no leverage over us because of the PSL. If they jack up ticket prices in an extortionate manner, our worst case scenario is paying off the balance of the PSL (less than $1,000 for most people) and walking away. It would hurt, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

    3. High Dollar PSL Owners: Simply put, they are at the mercy of the Jets with respect to ticket pricing. If you paid $20K each for two lower prime tickets, the Jets could raise prices from $150 to $400 and you would still probably be forced to pay up.

    Now that it is essentially over:

    My rankings of the best deals:
    1. Good (lower rows) seats in the UD. No PSL, low ticket price. No commitment beyond year 1. Although the Jets say you cannot legally transfer them, I would bet the farm people will make arrangements to work around the rule. If I owned first row seats on the 50 yard line in the UD and wanted to sell, I would make a deal with someone. You pay me $x per year and I will buy my season tickets and give them to you. It would be like my own little annuity.
    2. LLEZ: In terms of risk, they are a low risk investment and the resale demand should be high enough to further reduce risk. In terms of view, they are much better than the UD and Mezz B is a mile away.
    3. Mezz A: Under the old pricing, they were a great deal. With LLEZ at $2.5, not so much. Still a good value and someone who likes to see the whole field will enjoy them.
    4. Lower Sideline: A big nut to swallow, but I think they offer very good resale value and a great view of the game.
    5. Lower Goal Line and LTC – OK values if you are near the “better side” of your section.

    My rankings of bad deals:
    1. All Club Seats – the high PSL and ticket price is a killer. If you bought them, you probably don’t care about price.
    2. Lower Prime and Sideline Select: the PSL prices make you very vulnerable to price increase. Good seats.
    3. Lower Corner Endzone: You pay twice as much for your PSL as the LLEZ and have basically the same view.
    4. Mezz B: Even with the price reduction, you are way up there. The covered seats are depressing.
  7. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    When my friends and I decided to buy the Mezz EZ seats in 222a, we were shown two sets of seats in 122. One set of 4 was like row 9 or 10 right behind the Jets team access tunnel. The other set was up under the overhang, don't remember the exact row but was like 25 or something like that. We thought about taking the 122 row 25, but decided on the mezz because it was 1000 cheaper and had a better birds eye view. I'm sure if we had known the 122 seats would be 2500, we would of went with those.

    Do I feel screwed? Sure!! I think the whole PSL thing is screwing for everyone. I can say this though, I felt more screwed with the original UD seats we had in 307 row 26. It would of been one and done for me, I'm sure of that.

    In the old stadium, I had seats in 301 row 21 for about 10 years before giving them up. They were dead center endzone. The advantage was you could see the plays developing etc. Disadvantage was when action was at the other end. The company I work for had groups of season seats that they allowed employees to get in a lottery for (we did have to pay the face value). One set was sec 111 row 4 right at the 50 yard line. These seats were great if you want to be right behind the team and see the interaction of fans with the team etc--specifically remember some real entertaining Kotite heckling in the last game he coached--but national games you always had the TV boons sitting in front of you, and the overall action was harder to to see and decipher.

    The seats we now have are 222a row 3. I don't feel buyers remorse, I'm psyched for the season to start. Feel I committed to 4k to get a decent seat, so it is what it is. I enjoy seeing the plays develop. Sitting in the seat you naturally look straight across to the jumbo tron. I'm sure I'll wish I had the 122 row 25 when its pouring out.

    Does anyone know what the story is with the restaurant/bar's that are under the jumbo trons? Are they considered club, or cost you to get in? I'm not one to spend a lot inside the stadium, but having a place to duck into during a down pour or to take a few minutes to warm up the bones sounds inviting. I am hoping its something I can do without emptying the wallet.
  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    The bars under jumbotron are for sponsors only, they will entertain clients there and it is not open to public. The only indoor bar open to non EW Club people (US) is the Captain Morgan Bar located behind section 142/143.

    However, you can't see field from that bar. But it is all indoors, heated and will have TVs. Great place to send wife when she is bitching and moaning about cold for ten minutes or so to warm up.

    I am done bitching so I took down my nasty avitar and put up my seat view.

  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I fail to see the logic in saying that High Dollar PSL owners are at their mercy while Low Dollar PSL owners are not. Why? Because they're paying less or they owe a smaller amount compared to the higher PSLs? To the average Joe Spimone on the street, 4 seats at $2500 represents a significant amount of money to walk away from. It's all relevant.

    Once you've antied up and raised the pot, the house can see you and raise you some more. They know they can do this becasue you are not going to walk away... that's not happening. You'll pay them off first and try to sell them... or try to find someone to assume the balance and kiss off what you've already thoughtlessly spent... those are the likely scenarios. But if the ticket prices are being raised by ridiculous increments, they also know your buyer is aware of this also, making your PSL even more difficult to unload.

    The classic bear trap. This has been my argument all along. And as I've warned many, many times in this thread, 10% price increases DOUBLE the ticket price in 7.5 years. Do the math.

    It can't/won't happen?

    It already has. Ask any Mezz STHer what happened during the 8 years Woody owned the team. My tickets went from $57 to $115. Yeah, I know: "But it still won't happen to us."
  10. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    How fitting, my avatar is from the Bengals game that was last game at old stadium. It was so cold my beer would freeze before I could finish it in the parking lot. My buddy was drinking Captain Morgan and Creme soda, so I started drinking that. My son has a picture of me doing the Captain Morgan pose after about 5 of them. I'll have to get that from him and change my avatar.

    As far as the wife, my wife hates football and the Jets specifically since I am a Big Jets fan, who will spend every Sunday in the fall watching football rather then sightseeing an Indian Summer. So I don't have to worry about her complaining while at the game anyway.
    #7691 Clayture, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2010
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    To avoid massive amounts of defaults Jets will let people assume loan balances. The $2,500 seats require $250 balances, after a few years will be easy to transfer over.

    According to my brother a vendor managment and contract expert it does not appear the PSL contract is valid. The contract is collateralized by the seat, yet Jets state they can sell seat and still seek balance of loan. In effect getting up to 200% of the value of the loan. In other collateralized loans you can not sue for more than remaining balance of loan minus sale of asset repossesed. Additionally, the Jets do not have a NYS or NYJ banking license. Yet they are making loans. My brother was 95% sure the Jets have no recourse other than siezing the PSL and the ex-owner forfeiting the balance of his paid off loan. Additionally, business law 101 states cash must exchange hands for a contract to be valid. Those numerous PSLs they sold in last few months to ex season ticket holders with no money down to 2011good luck collecting, proof is an internet click on an pdf file with no cash exchanging hands. Why do you think Jets stopped that and is now once again asking for deposits? My final stupidity is Jets have said everyone can downgrade, they did not put a deadline on this. Once anyone has $2,500 in prinicipal paid they downgrade and walk away. The PSL contract is pure swiss cheese full of holes. The Jets need to put a quality product on field next few years so people keep paying down balances so by the time they stink again people won't walk away as they own the PSLs outright.

  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hahahaha.... reminds me of the Brad Paisley song about a guy who loves to fish:

    Well I love her
    But I love to fish
    I spend all day out on this lake
    And hell is all I catch
    Today she met me at the door
    Said I would have to choose
    If I hit that fishin' hole today
    She'd be packin' all her things
    And she'd be gone by noon

    Well I'm gonna miss her
    When I get home
    But right now I'm on this lakeshore
    And I'm sittin' in the sun
    I'm sure it'll hit me
    When I walk through that door tonight
    That I'm gonna miss her
    Oh, lookie there, I've got a bite
  13. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    I'm not so sure about that.

    If someone buys a $2,500 PSL and in year 3 or 4 the Jets have raised the ticket prices from $120 to $250 are they really going to send in that $2500 check for that years tickets (throwing good money after bad)? Or just suck up the one time $2500 loss for the PSL and walk away? I can't imagine anyone would keep spending thousands of dollars year after year in order to 'not lose' the original $2500. if ticket prices get outrageous I think we'll see a lot of people simply walking away.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Heh - heh...

    That's the elephant in the ointment now, isn't it? Expectations are SOOOO high... all kinds of talk about SB... even the coaches will "be disappointed if we don't make it, etc." Everyone is high as a kite right now. This all helps move the rest of those PSLs.

    But all bets go off the table if we hit 7-9 this year, foillowed by another bad season and then go into another long decline. We're geared for a run right now, no question. But if that run doesn't happen, PSL prices will tank faster than Cisco Systems and JDS Uniphase did in 2001. Lofty expectations followed by abysmal disappointment. Ticket prices will find the lowest common denominator and the market will determine how low they'll go. Tickets for $20-$25 are not inconceivable with no regard for what the PSL was. As a matter of fact, at that point, there will be no market for a PSL because who in their right mind will buy one? There's no need to! Just go on StubHub and buy a seat for $25.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I disagree. And I'm a living example of someone who did just that... escalating prices but well.... there's always next year. Bill Parcells is here now... things will be different. Okay, so I'll send in the check once again even though this is fucking highway robbery. And this was without a PSL ball and chain.

    Believe me, Jets fans in particular are a masochistic bunch. Just look at how they're letting Woody fuck them real good right now. HEll... we're going to win a Superbowl this year!
  16. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Jets are the Best off season team in the NFL
    #7697 Clayture, Jun 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2010
  17. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    I get that and agree. That Parcells year gave us a big jump, but we justified it in our minds and sent in the payment.

    My point was that it is not the PSL holding anyone hostage and making them buy season tickets year after year. It's their love of the Jets and live NFL football that does it. It's not like the Jets can say now we've got their PSL money we can raise prices to whatever we want because people will be scared to lose their psl money.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    When Leon hess owned the Jets we had good ticket prices and a lousy team, I prefer this way even though we get screwed.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The PSL is one more hook in your hide. Hell, I tolerated the 10% increases WITHOUT THE PSL! You don't think Ten Grand won't factor in? Okay, Parcells is gone but Eric Mangini is here now... he's the second coming of Bill Belichick. We're finally going to the SB! Look at this animal DeWayne Robertson! Send in the check!

    Well, that didn't work out but Rex Ryan is here now... and LT... and Oh Lord... we're GUARANTEED a SB victory now. Where's my check book? Call up the rep honey, get him on the phone while I look for my credit card! We gotta do this!

    My point is you tolerate the price increases, however steep they are. Very few people walked away, believe me, and the PSLs are one more reason not to... it's the icing on the cake (more like cement overshoes).

    Everyone seems to want to downplay the PSL commitment. "Well, it was no money down, therefore I don't owe anything and they don't really cost me anything. The payments are small, therefore it's easy to walk away from... no big deal. I can get out any time I want, the contracts are bogus and unenforcable. They won't dare raise the ticket prices... people will walk away even though they're committed. I know Woody doubled the ticket prices in the Mezz and I know he'll be pissed now because he had to diminish his PSL prices, but Oh No... he won't do it this time."

    Reminds you of the little boy who ran into the snake and the snake asks him if he can sleep in his bed with him tonight. "But you're a snake," said the little boy, "and you might bite me."

    "No," said the snake, "I promise I won't bite you." So the little boy lets the snake sleep with him in his bed that night. And the snake bites him.

    "Hey," said the little boy, "I thought you promised you wouldn't bite me!" "Yeah, I did," said the snake, "But I AM a snake you know!"

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