While the Jets did set a personal precedent by canning Mangini after 2008, I find it hard to believe that Woody would make Tanny's head roll during a critical time with the CBA approaching.
I doubt the cap is much more (if at all) than the current cap. The owners couldn't handle the pace of the cap increases and thats a big reason why they haven't come to an agreement yet.
I think the main sticking point with negotiations may not even be an issue with the players. Revenue Sharing with the small market teams seems like it's an even bigger issue than player contracts. D. Smith has been playing the power game and getting the small market teams as an ally since he took the job.
That's another issue but so far as I've read it's not the main issue. Revenue sharing isn't going to be what causes a potential 2011 lockout.
The only thing I got out of that entire piece is that the Jets want to extend Revis contract not tear it up. Everything else smelled like major league bullshit.
Man, if they take out revenue sharing, how many teams will eat it within a few years? I'd say at least 3-4...
Step it up to what? They are talking an extension and not a new contract. By buying back those last two years he will already have 20 million guaranteed. You can bet the Jets aren't stupid enough to give him a Haynesworth or Russell kind of deal.
I think that revenue sharing may be the only thing that will cause a 2011 lockout. Because the owners are the ones that lockout, not the Players Union. If the owners can't come to agreement on something, the small market teams can cause a lockout. If the ownership versus NFLPA don't come to an agreement, I believe the ownership has legal right to continue business as usual under previous CBA rules, or something similar. Then the NFLPA would be forced to de-certify the union to strip the NFL of their anti-trust exemption. I remember a Mike and Mike interview with DeMaurice Smith during the 2009 season where D. Smith said the NFLPA funded an NFL lawsuit challenging the big market owners' ability to opt out of revenue sharing with the small market. They got the small owners the money back and bought some allies, and soon afterward D. Smith started talking lockout.
1) for the contract to average 12 million in 9 years (3 in his current contract + 6 more) the math says we have to give him 108 millions. If he plays through his current contract (3 yrs @ 21 mill) that means he'd be signing a 6yrs 87 mill deal worth 14.5 per season. 2) Yeah the contract will keep him here until he's 33 but by the time he reaches the final years of his contract the guaranteed money will be over and he'll be easily cuttable. And how many 32-33 yr old elite CBs are there in the league? And sure as hell they aren't the higest paid at the position. All in all the contract is balanced ONLY if the Jets are offering 105+ mill and if it isn't too backloaded.
the only reason why those deals were stupid is because those players werent worth the money ... that kind of guaranteed money was well spent on players like freeny, ware, polamalu, allen etc. and if he agrees to an extension the current three years on his deal will look completely different than they do now, so your point is moot
Dude..CB's aren't worth much more than that period. If he's going toxic (see law,t) let him do it somewhere else. Revis is a great player. But a large part of that is the TEAM he plays on. If he becomes problematic ship him to the worst place humanly possible. The problem, not isolated..but very prevalent on this board is the overrating of the CB position. It's not worth the premium dollar that gets placed on it by both, bad GM's and over zealous fans. The best coach in the game sees it that way, that should tell you something.... Why do you think Samuel is an Eagle? P.S. Of the Core Five (you have to include Sanchez) He's the least valuable and easiest to replace And don't think Mangold, Harris, Dbrick, and Sanchez don't see it (at least partially) in terms of actual snaps affected by postion.... All four of the other players are involved in every single snap on their side of the ball. Revis prevents 8-10 plays a game. Remind me again, how that worked in Indy? I think he merits the 12 a year..but thats the ceiling
if you really think that revis is the most replaceable player of the five then you have no concept of value over replacement player
What kind of meaningless, bullshit speculation is this? Hey, here's something to tuck away for future reference - if the Jets fail to win a single game next year and Woody Johnson relocates the team to Rio de Janeiro and then the NFL completely kicks them out of the league, look for Ryan, by then probably a crack addict weighing 500 pounds, to murder some random nun passing by in the street.
I say trade Revis for a backup QB and a kicker and use the money to buy the remaining PSL's and give them to BP for their clients.
Get the fuck out of here! Thats COMPLETE BULL SHIT! Where the hell is that coming from? "Commence" what has Ryan done already for him to use the word "Commence". Get the heck out of here, that is rediculous! Ryan and Tanny seem to work great together. Ryan wanted Wilson, who'd we pick? Ryan wanted Conner, who'd we trade up to get?(didnt we trade up to get him?)
that was my favorite part, too. Just for fairness sake, he should also say that if the jets win the Super Bowl, there is a chance Woody Johnson will lick dick.