Watching some of the Xbox presentation right now on Spike, some stuff looks pretty cool. Biggest things I've seen so far is Natal, now called "Kinect" was shown off a bit, and there is now an exclusive Xbox/ESPN agreement that looks interesting. You can watch games through the Xbox and have trivia and such as you watch. Seems pretty cool.
They just unveiled a new model 360, with built in wifi N. It's smaller, black, 250 GB, and same price as the current $299 model. It's shipping out today and will be available later this week. Pretty awesome.
What a disappointing conference. They showed maybe one new game. The rest were titles that we knew were coming out (Halo Reach, Fable 3, Gears 3). Kinect looked good... until they showed the games coming out for it. It's clearly aimed at kids and 40+ year old moms. I will be picking up Fable 3. Might pick up Halo Reach if they fix the multiplayer issues. Black Ops is a must. At this point, Sony and Nintendo will probably top Microsoft's conference. Sadly, I won't be able to watch them live.
They had a good showing. Not great though. Kinect is a cool concept, but its not for me personally. I did like the Espn concept. But then again why would i want to watch Espn on my xbox? Gears 3 and Metal Gear were my pesonal highlights of the show
Would of liked EA's presentation better if they showed this trailer: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] Planning on buying a Kinect this November? If you've got one of those ... not-so-Slim Xbox 360s, then you're gonna need some extra power outlets, as Microsoft tells us that older Xbox consoles will need a separate power supply for the motion controller add-on. While new, less opulent 360s will be able to support the Kinect without any external wattage, older consoles will require a power outlet for the device to work.
I kept fast forwarding looking for game play footage but sadly there were none. Microsoft's conference sucked. Nothing new was shown besides Forza with motion controls (lame, how do you step on the gas?) and Star Wars with motion controls (lame, very linear). And the rest of the Kentic crap was crap.
I am just not into the whole motion controlled thing or 3D gaming which is the big thing for all companies this year. I cant see them being all that good for gaming. Motion control leaves plenty of room for inaccuracies in control and I really dont want to wear those 3D glasses to play games let alone buy a 3D tv when I havent even bought a HDTV yet. Just make a game with good graphics and a great storyline and I'm happy.
I didn't really watch it but what I was told, it was a lot about the Move, some talk about 3D gaming and introducing a new version of the PSP. I'm sure there was some more but I think that was the gist of it.
Red Dead Redemption is the best of the new(er) games if you ask me. I'm still rockin The Show until Madden 11 comes out.
Anyone interested in seeing some Star Wars: The Old Republic gameplay footage should check out PrimeDefense on youtube.
Well there really wasn't all that much introduced this year for the 360 at least games wise. Mostly stuff we already knew about... although Arkham Asylum 2 and GOW3 will be awesome.