Once I calm down ill probably realize how much i enjoyed it... But right now I am f*ing pissed. I watched the whole episode think it was gonna go untill it said in the guide and when it ended i didnt actually believe that it ended. I watched that stupid bullshit crossword puzzle sneak preview for a god damn half hour .I thought maybe they were doin some kinda intermission or something for publicity for the ne show. Yea i know the credits should have been a clue but i dunno, really pissed me off. As for the show, that was some intense shit, I really felt like Walt came to life while watching this episode, like it wasnt a scripted character anymore, hes gone all the way now. This is gonna be as bad as waiting for football, maybe worse.
What was the cliff hanger exactly? Another great episode, although Tivo got me too, recording almost 2 hours and then having the show end at the 56 minute mark. It's going to be tough to root for Walter after this, he was just straight up evil this season.
I initially thought Jess pulled the gun to the side.... then read that wasn't the writers intention. Is that ok?
Pinkman is my favorite character after season three, but Walt is still fucking awesome. He has evolved into Heisenberg and that's awesome. There was definitely a cliffhanger or two - Victor is rushing to Gale's apartment and Walt is still being held by Mike the Fixer. Gus will certainly want revenge.
Man I thought it wasn't in walts nature to beg and give up Jesse like that. I was like no way WTF..... Thank goodness the writers did what they did...
Victor doesn't matter. Gale's dead, and Pinkman will be long gone by the time he gets there... What I liked was Jesse flirting with the pipe...he's def. going back on now.
Seeing Walt beg for his life made me like him more - the scene before the "chemical spill", he's spending time with his new daughter. When he told the fixer he'd give up Pinkman, I was pissed. I figured he had a plan from the beginning though. Who would win in a showdown: Mike the Fixer or the Cousins?
Pinkman lost his battle with sobriety in the last episode. He used crystal before he attempted to kill the two mexican drug dealers. Victor does matter. He's Gus Fring's right hand man, or one of them at least. He's basically a spy. Gale's most definitely dead, but Gus will definitely have Victor and the Fixer looking for Jesse.
Yes, but the flirting with the pipe tells you he's still teetering. Not any longer...As to my comment about Victor, I only meant that in the context of going to Gale's... Correct on Gale. Saw this this AM. (Season 3 ending spoiler alert for those that didn't see it yet) http://www.tvguide.com/News/Breaking-Bad-Finale-Gilligan-1019578.aspx
He was going to smoke if Walt didn't call and interrupt him...at least how that's I interpreted it. I want him to stay clean, but I don't think he'll able to do that - especially after shooting Gale in the face.
Cranston was amazing in that scene, really made you think that he was just begging for his life and ready to give everyone up. Then after the phone call he's in Heisenberg mode. Awesome.
Same, I'm not gonna pretend like I knew what was gonna happen next after they kidnapped Walt. It was awesome that he just told Pinkman to take care of Gale and that he did it On a side note, the show has officially been picked up for a fourth season
Walter: Listen to me. You're closer than we are. You have about a 20 minute lead. They got me at the laundry and they're going to kill me... [Mike and Victor attempt to grab the phone away] Jesse, do it now! Do it! Do it fast! Do it, Jesse! Do it!