um. no. best corner making 1 million next season ( or whatever it is.. its low for his caliber). revis didn't make contracts in the nfl damn near pointless.. its just how shit is. if he's the best, he should be paid in the realm the best are paid. fair market value etc. don't fault him for wanting to get paid.
Damn Micheal Kay's just ripping the Jets a new one right now. And he's right. Rex talked this guy into legend and now they have nowhere to go but 16+ mil a year. And Cimini's gonna be on the air in like 20 minutes, as if this couldn't get worse...
He isn't really right at all. Next year when that stupid contract Aso signed is off the books the market for both him and Revis will not be 16 million a year.
That's the problem...the difference between the highest paid and fair market value is about 4 mil a year. Asante Samuel makes about 10.2, and Charles Woodson (who actually DID win Defensive player of the year) makes about the same.
Manish Mehta TheJetsStream what the fuck? Jesus Christ. Apparently the Jets offered him a second contract, and it wasnt good enough either.
are you crazy this guy is what made our defense #1 last year...he is the best corner in football i dont know if you realise how valuable that makes him, but guys don't come around to often like let him walk your crazzy
this is real bad. it truly shows how, in a way, rex needs to shut up a bit. i love when he talks smack but he boosted revis to god-like status and now he is demanding god-like money. and the worst part for the jets is, he deserves it. to make matters worse there is no chance that shitbag agent of his budges on the demands either. idk how the jets are going to keep the core 4 after hearing this press conference.
Woodson and the Packers are discussing a new contract as his pricetag could escalate significantly.
That maybe so. But at the same time...he's supposed to be the leader for this team. Surely he has to understand the restraints for the FO right now due to the CBA, as well as many of his teammates who have contracts that are about to expire! If he wants to hold out for 16 mill a year..fine. But to go public and act like he's been disrespected by the FO to me is childish and greedy.He knows damn well why the FO is hesitant to fork over that amount of money...he just won't acknowledge it b/c A. he's a selfish player B. It gives the F.O leverage within negotiations. Why go public with this? Keep the dialogue behind closed doors. I've lost alot of respect for Revis the past few weeks. He's well deserving of a very lucrative deal..but the way he's gone about this doesn't reflect the classy player he is on the field.
A) When the Jets gave Revis his rookie contract many GMs were pissed because we gave him to much money... show some gratitude Revis! B) It's in HIS best interest to re-do his contract because HE is the one who's only making a mill next year. C) As far as I'm concerned we still have him for 3 more season at 21 mill... if he is smart he averages them out so he gets his money as soon as he can... if he is an idiot he makes 1 mill this year, 5 mill next year and 15 the one after (barring injuries as Leon showed). Good luck in negotiating with Tanny! PS Oh I think it's unfair to only look at the higest contract at a position... a guy could be over-payed for a million of reasons (In Ashomuga's case it was to stay on a crappy team)... if he takes the top 4 CBs after ASo and does an average he'll see what the real worth for a top CB in this league is.
to be clear though, you don't want him to walk. am i right? like you make valid points and all... but letting revis walk is 'tardo.
If anything that could potentially help our cause, no way does the Packers give Woodson, ASO money Revis for 3 first rounders is looking more and more likely I swear, I just don't get why he's being such an asshole
i think its safe to say we all have to be rooting for woodson to sign closer to asante samuel money. its pretty much the only leverage the jets are going to have in keeping revis from getting that insane aso type deal that he is looking for.
Don't pin this on Rex. There is nothing wrong with a coach believing in his players and hyping them up. That's part of what makes Rex a great coach. Revis IS the best corner in the game, and he SHOULD make more than any other corner. Unfortunately, that stupid Aso contract makes that price tag way, way too high.
God damnit why the fuck can't Woody Johnson just stop by Darrelle's house, and drop off a big bag of cash off the books.
I don't think Revis needed Ryan's praise to be known league-wide that he is by far the best cover corner in the league.