Demise of the Big East?

Discussion in 'NCAA' started by Barry the Baptist, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You'd have to think with the Big East no longer being a conference with football will that hurt them in basketball as they would no longer have that to fall back in terms of money. Or even if the power conferences would start screwing them come Selection Sunday.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I'm not sure how that all works in terms of money, but there are a lot of basketball-only schools, so to speak, some in the Big East like Seton Hall that are competitive. Others like St John's, Georgetown, and Villanova have small football programs that don't bring in much money. That's how Marist was, I was on the team there, that's how small time it was.

    The Big East got going in the early 80s on basketball alone, I think they could reinvent themselves the same way again. If you got rid of the Louisvilles, Rutgers, Pittsbughs, the big football schools, you'd have a better, more balanced conference in terms of money. It's all about TV, people would still want to see Georgetown-Villanova, etc, when you compare that to other conferences, that Big East would still have some drawing power. Look at its heyday, they started with 8 teams, only BC and Syracuse had big time football programs and only a few of the basketball teams were good, but then they got real good and the conference took off.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Yeah but college sports have taken on a different landscape now, I'm not doubting that people will wanna watch Gtown vs Nova but if you look at the way that teams that have traditionally been football powerhouses have developed good basketball teams in the last decade or so it usually doesn't work the other way.

    It's an older article from 2007/08 season but here is how the schools ranked in revenue, it's only the top 20 but none of them are basketball only schools
  4. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    #64 wildthing202, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  5. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Lots of good stuff.....

    If those 5 teams joined the Pac 10 that's be something although I can't see it happening. In the rivals article there are a lot of things that would need to happen for it to come to fruition.

    What caught my eye was the Big 10 shunning Nebraska and then taking Rutgers, UConn, Mizzou and either Cuse or Pitt to force the BE collapse and try to force ND to join. Reading that article it appears it's a done deal that Missouri to the Big 10.

    Teams like Kansas, Kansas St, Baylor and Iowa St could be in trouble because logistically they really wouldn't work in the SEC or ACC and the MWC seems content with just adding Boise although I would imagine should the oppurtunity to have Nebraska and Kansas in the conference might be too good to pass up. When you consider that adding Boise will almost certainly give the MWC AQ status you'd have to think that Nebraska and KU would be looking for a conference with AQ status.

    I couldn't imagine the Pac 10 shaping up with

    East: Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, OK St, Texas , A&M , Arizona and ASU
    West: USC, UCLA, Oregon, OSU, Wazzou, Udub, Stanford, Cal

    Big 12
    East: Rutgers, Penn St, Uconn, ND, Indiana, Ohio St, Purdue, Pitt
    West: Minn, Illinois, Mizzou, Wisconson, Iowa, Michigan, NW, MSU

    That would leave the follwing schools as essentially free agents

    Syracuse, USF, Cinci, Louisville, WVU, Kansas, KSU, Iowa St, Baylor, Nebraska

    I love all this speculation, it's so intriuging and fun to think about the endless possibilities that could insue in the next few weeks. Of course we're all going to be disapointed but in the end I think it's a done deal that Boise will leave the WAC for the MWC and that Mizzou will become the 12th Big 10 team. After that I don't really know what is going to happen.
    #65 Barry the Baptist, Jun 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I don't disagree with any of this, but I don't think you need to be a top revenue school to have a good basketball team. You need a handful of scholarships to get a few good guys and a gym. In most Big East cities there is an NBA arena or close to it, so that's not even essential. When the league started in the 80s, most schools played some on-campus games in their own small gyms and used the local NBA arena for the bigger games. You look at teams like Gonzaga or Dayton, they don't have football teams and they put out good basketball teams on a steady basis. Add to that the Big East brand, some of the original teams, a TV deal and their tournament at MSG and I think it could work again.
  7. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I hope your right, although if Cuse were to get sucked into the Big 10 that would really hurt the BE in basketball. Notre Dame while a big loss wouldn't be unfixable.

    It'd be cool to see Memphis be brought in basketball only unless the remaining teams tried to pick CUSA and other schools for football survival.

    Would the BE be viable if they stayed with Louisville, Cinci, WVU, Cuse, USF and bring in UCF, East Carolina, Memphis and maybe UAB or Marshall? Granted they would lose their AQ status which is going to happen regardless but they'd at least have enough teams to stay afloat.
  8. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think they could survive with five of the eight original members:

    Seton Hall
    St John's

    If Syracuse and/or UConn stay that's six or seven of the eight. From there, you can either keep DePaul and Marquette, who fit the bill of basketball-only Catholic small schools, but aren't in the east, or go with a few of the Iona, Marist, Siena, types to round out the league. Over time the new teams would be able to recruit better and reach the level of the originals. I think 8-10 teams is perfect, my biggest gripe with the Big East is that it's gotten too big and fragmented.
    #68 Italian Seafood, Jun 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  9. bimboslice

    bimboslice New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    boise moving to the mountain west this weekend will be the first domino to fall then expect all hell to brake lose.
  10. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Apparently the newspaper in Manhattan, KS is reporting should the Pac 10 expansion take place Kansas and Kstate would join the MWC.....

    That would mean Boise, Kstate and Kansas in with the possibility of Baylor and maybe even Nebraska

    I have yet to see a link... this was on the UNLV message boards... while it's an ok move in football Kstate and Kansas are very good CBB teams which is really all I care about.
  11. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    A letter from the President of Iowa State to Cyclone fans IMO assuring that the Big 12 is in serious trouble.

    Dear Cyclone alumni, fans and friends of the University,

    This week, we participated in the Big 12 Conference spring meetings in which a major topic of discussion was potential conference re-alignment. With the immense speculation and media attention given to this issue, we felt it was important for you to hear directly from us.

    We believe the Big 12 Conference is the perfect fit for Iowa State University. We are committed to our membership in the Big 12, and we are optimistic that the conference will remain intact. However, we also recognize that the long-term viability of the Big 12 Conference is not in our control - it is in the hands of just a few of our fellow member institutions.

    Iowa State and several other members of the Big 12 Conference are especially vulnerable under some of the re-alignment scenarios currently circulating, particularly one involving expansion of the Pac-10. We are doing everything in our power to represent the best interests of Iowa State in these discussions, but we also are sensitive to the huge uncertainty that has been created and recognize that the situation could evolve in directions that are not aligned with our interests.

    We understand and share your concerns about Iowa State athletics and the Big 12 Conference. We are still optimistic that the Big 12 will remain intact and continue to be one of our nation's premier athletics conferences, but we must be ready to act if that does not prove to be the case. We will keep in touch as the situation unfolds, and we appreciate your understanding.

    Go Cyclones!

    Dr. Gregory Geoffroy


    Jamie Pollard

    Director of Athletics
  12. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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  13. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    So I've spent the last 2 days checking out various message boards and sites and this is what I think could potentially happen when the dust settles assuming this Pac 10 thing is true.

    Pac 10

    Texas, Tech, Oklahoma, A&M, Ok St, Arizona, ASU, Colorado
    USC, UCLA, Wazzou, UW, OSU, Oregon, Cal, Stanford

    Big 10
    Nebraska, Mizzou, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, MSU, Michigan
    Ohio St, Indiana, Penn St, Purdue, Rutgers, Uconn, Pitt

    The question then becomes what does the SEC do to counter? Raid the ACC? Stay with 12 teams? If they raid the ACC who do they target? I think they have a rule about 2 teams from each state so if that's the case then I'd assume Clemson, GTech, Carolina and NC State? Who does the ACC replace them with? The scraps from the BE and maybe some CUSA teams.

    We know the MWC is going to add Boise but will they be tempted to pick up some of the scraps of the Big 12 with Kansas and K State? What then becames of Iowa State and Baylor? I'm guessing Baylor could find a home in CUSA assuming they are still around? I don't really know where Iowa State would go. The WAC maybe? They certainly won't be going to the Big 10 or either the ACC or SEC? Do they play as an independent and join the MVC for basketball? Does LATech bolt for CUSA if given the chance? If the WAC loses two teams then what for them? Could the WAC and CUSA merge? At this point the MAC should just drop to DII.
  14. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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  15. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    It can be done though. Uconn is a perfect example.
  16. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    1st domino has fell:

    Report: Nebraska to join Big Ten; Texas officials to meet Thursday

    1. Nebraska apparently has its Big Ten golden ticket now, if you believe Fox Sports Ohio. The cable TV channel reports that Nebraska to the Big 12 could be a done deal by Friday. One high-level Big 12 source pronounced that Nebraska to the Big Ten is a done deal. Another cautioned that Nebraska could still be negotiating a timetable for its full share of the Big Ten revenue pie, estimated at $20 million. Everybody said the Cornhuskers were the key to holding the conference together? If they announced they're gone by the end of the week, what next?

    2. Expect the Big 12 to quickly hold a meeting of the remaining members about the possibility of going forward, either in person by teleconference. It might be a tough sell. Missouri, which may be stuck in the conference, will be a grudging partner. Those six schools involved in talks with the Pac-10 face a hard choice, especially with a great offer on the table for Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and either Colorado or Baylor. Do they hang around? Probably not?

    3. Big 12 sources have confirmed that Texas and Texas A&M officials will be meeting Thursday. The discussion is likely to focus on remaining united on expansion (given Texas A&M's on-again, off-again interest in the SEC) and the Colorado vs. Baylor issue regarding the Pac-10. Things are moving quickly.

    4. Baylor and Colorado continue to jockey for position. If any Pac-10 presidents still have open minds about the process, the news today that Colorado will lose four football scholarships and one in men's basketball. Baylor is solid across the board. For those interested in academics, that's an interesting development.
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I got a text from my friend who has some knowledge of the situation with the MWC and the reason Boise was not added is because there is strong vibes among the MWC presidents that Kanas, KState and Missouri are going to be left behind. He also said that the Big 10 may not add any BE teams and wait to see what happens with the Pac 10 before making any more moves because talk is that Texas and A&M need to get on the same page about the Pac 10 but word is Nebraska bolting for the Big 10 is the straw that is going to break the camels back with chaos begining rather shortly.

    I asked him about time... he said probably within a few days the entire landscape of college sports could change with traditions being left behind. If The Pac 10 expands the conferences that are going to suffer will be the Big 12 obviously and the BE. The SEC is quietly waiting things out but apparently some people in the ACC are quite nervous but speculation is that GTech and Clemson are on the wish list. I heard from an unreliable source that Florida does not want another Florida school in the SEC, things could get very interesting.
    #77 Barry the Baptist, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010

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