17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Great writeup 227-

    It's stories like that where I get pissed-

    It truly is heartbreaking and BS, you have the exact same feeling my father has.
  2. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    thanks LogeS2RJ....I'll send you a PM in the fall.....

  3. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    This story doesn't seem to really have an ending. Is there a part 2?

    227 - We are both in similar situations. All I can say is that I've pretty much agreed with everything you've posted here regarding this. I've put 31 years in, but I'm younger having gotten my tickets when I was only 16. (easier to afford then which is crazy) I rarely miss a home game, do not want to miss a home game, but I simply refuse to have any future financial decision in my life be influenced by PSL's. It could affect the car I drive, the vacation I take, etc - all things you've preached. We've handed over enough cash over the years to do this now. I can't believe you even got to a car dealership sales "left alone" situation having been in sales yourself. I can't believe it. The fact that you did only shows that you do love his team, just hate the situation - like me.

    Your seats will seem better when the stands have live bodies in them instead of being so empty as it was today. I'm not claiming they are great seats, but you're in, you are not in the last row, and your kids will be fine with the steepness. Just remember when you were a kid in the upper deck at Yankee Stadium 1. Not THAT was a steep pitch.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    doesnt sitting in your seat in the uppers with no one else in the stadium donwright depressing????

    instead of excitement and envisioning sanchez tossing a bomb to edwards and the crowd erupting and chanting J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS

    you sit their envisioning Rocky all beat up calling Mick's name as he takes his last breathe.
  5. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    That's why when I took a tour in February I decided I wasn't going back there until there was an actual game with people around. Will it be better then? Maybe not, but it'll sure SEEM better.
  6. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Actually the sign says "FRANKS" research concluded people are more likely to eat a hotdog with all cap letters than just "Franks"
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I guess you're right about the steepness. And I'll get used to the height, I'm sure. I was a paratrooper in the Army, so height is not a problem. It's the distance to the field I guess. But yeah, when the Pepsi Corner gets rockin' I suppose we'll get into it pretty good. It's always about the friends and family you're with anyway, it's never been about the exact location. Tha tailgating was always a huge part too.

    When push comes to shove and I think about spending $20,000 and $500 per game ($125 X 4), it's still a no brainer. This guy will call on Monday and I'm going to end the conversation right there. He tells me they will be sold out by kickoff, but he still had some decent seats to sell me, which makes me wonder how TF they are going to move the lousier or much more expensive seats.

    BTW, the escalators being turned off is a VERY effective sales tool for them with the Upper guys. One would think the Jets would offer hospitality... you know...make the experience a nice one. Turn them on during tour hours. But oh no, make them all walk 1200' straight up to the top. Got to hand it to them.

    But the escalators are the way to go. There are elevators too, (very, very limited numbers of them) and these could be for handicapped only, I suppose. But the escalators will help. Crowded probably, but no big deal, especially getting in.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why they designated the parking the way they did though. It actually screws others besides the Uppers in Pepsi Corner. If you are on the Jets side (Met Life), there is no parking there either. The train station takes up all that and the concrete apron is nothing but a huge space to be walked. Those people are as screwed as we are even if they paid a PSL.

    The parking lots should have been designed in concentric rings, not clumping the orange lots all together across highway 120. Inner circle should be for upper end PSLs, that's understandable. Then the next "ring" for all other PSLs, then the outer ring for the Uppers, but have it on all sides. Relative convenience for everyone. This design is outright imbecilic. It's a design intended to force Pepsi Corner Uppers right out of the stadium.

    Mark my words, Pepsi Corner will be empty for 2011. Many, many soon-to-be one and doners, IMO, if something is not done with the orange parking situation. Way too much walking to get to your car after the game. Just not an enjoyable experience.

    Like my wife said, "I'd be happy just sitting home in front of the big screen with a bowl of popcorn in my lap." Damn... maybe she'd got a point.
  8. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    My cousin went to his row 22 UD Corner EZ seats and liked them. But he always sat up there and he just donates his pre-season games, takes his wife to a game who always makes him leave early and then sells one or two games at face to his buddy. In fact my BIL who is up there does same. For people who want to go to all ten games in person in a bad UD seat it sucks. I think Jets are playing chicken and will open up the good seats.

    However, would not suprise me if they wait until after the Jets/Giants games so they can get people who go this sucks and might take the deal.

    I am sorry you don't like your seats. What really sucks is someone with your senority could have gottn a row one mezz seat offered to your with no money down and free parking in first place which really does not suck that much. My friend got a mezz corner and was very happy with his seats and he was suprised.

    Also sucks that 4 seats together in a 4k, 5k, 6k, or 7.5 in a good location is extremely hard to get now. Jets said they won't go after dead people for the money so find a 99 year old grand aunt and put it in her name.

    I still think you will get better seats up there.
  9. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Orange Parking

    Another word about the orange parking lots.

    I mentioned before that it's just plain bizaare to group all Upper Deck parking into one area. When I asked my rep if the Jets are going to consider moving the parking around, he came back with an immediate "No" almost so quickly that he had been coached about this question. Supposedly the parking lots are staying the way they are, according to him, which has got to be making his job a little easier moveing some UD guys into PSLs. But I'm suspecting that might be FOR THIS YEAR ONLY!

    I can see guys in Pepsi Corner getting pissed about the long schlep and calling it quits after 2010. If this start happening at an alarming rate, something will have to open up (lot K for example?) over on that side. It just makes sense. Perhaps after all the PSLs are finally sold, they will open up some other, more convenient areas. For now though, this is a very useful sales tool.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    If this is such a feasible option why aren't you online researching your own family tree? WTF?
  11. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I also like how reps are telling UD people who complain about parking, just go to ebay or craigs list plenty of passes being sold over there for $600 but I can give you one for "free" today if you buy a PSL.

    I am no longer in sales, but that is a great line.
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Jets will put in writting if you are dead they won't go after you.

    The smokers over 50 who hung out in the stairwells at old Giant stadium have it made, they never have to pay off the 15 year psl.
  13. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    227 - First of all, great write up. I took the tour back in March and they made an 80 year old couple walk those stairs to the uppers. Truly a bargaining tool for the sales people.

    Secondly, reading your write up made me a bit more pissed about the whole situation in screwing loyal, REAL fans. Like I've posted before, I thought in customer service, the customer is always right. In Woody's world, it's all about the money and he could care less about the loyal fan who has stuck with the organization for many years like yourself.

    I hope you are able to enjoy something about the stadium and/or team this season no matter where you sit.
  14. JLJets

    JLJets New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    227, Similar Situation

    227, Like you, I have good seniority and chose UL. I have the ability to buy PSLs but I'm inside the 40 yard line and I challenged the rep to show me a better view without going into the $20K/seat range. He couldn't. The amenities of better food, nice TVs, etc, meant nothing to me - I come to watch the game.

    I sat back, took a deep breath and decided that this will be a year by year decision. For 2010, I have a season ticket (actually four), a decent seat and hopefully a good team. Yes, crappy parking, but again, I'm looking at one year only.

    In 2011, we'll see what kind of season we're coming off of. The strike will be looming. The economy may not be better, or might be worse. Many PSL people will wonder why they did it. Ticket prices might go up, again. Parking might go up, again. I expect the secondary PSL market to be selling PSLs at much below cost. They might take the next off-season to rethink the parking.

    At that point, I'll evaluate the whole situation again - My UL seats, PSLs, the Jets, parking, finance, my kids' preferences, etc. However, without a PSL, if I walk away, no additional cost to me.

    Therefore, again, I'm taking it one year at a time. I'm set for 2010. I'll take a whole new look next year. But at least I feel comfortable with my decision for this year.
  15. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    If the Uppers drop their tickets after 2010 there will be plenty of people willing to take seats that do not have a PSL. And the Jets are not selling the remaining Upper level seats because those can be given away to charity organizations and sold online very easily in the weeks prior to a game because so many people don't want to pay a PSL but want to be there and to a lot of people being in the Uppers is better than nothing.

    227, I am surprised they turned the escalators off. I can say that when I was there 2 weeks ago and it was Mezz and LL people only, the escaltors were all fully working.
  16. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I'm sorry, but are you not a real fan if you decide to put down 4K or 5K a seat and purchase a PSL? I thought money that you have/decide to spend on the team has nothing to do with your fandom? The only "fake" fans will be the suits in the 20K and up PSL areas, and frankly there are some real fans (although very few) who have the money for those seats, too.
  17. franzman9

    franzman9 Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    I really dont think it is fair to label the fans sitting in 20k+ psl areas as fake fans. I personally am very blessed to have a father who can afford those seats and we are rabid jet fans. My father has not missed a game since the 70's and I have grown up a Jet fan. Dont label people just because of the seats they are in. I understand that most of the people sitting in those seats will be annoying business men who are not even there to enjoy the game, and will probably bitch about people standing (in which I will turn around and Umaga chop them) but some of those people, like myself, my brother, and father, will be in those seats going nuts and actually following what is going on.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    My thoughts exactly. One year at a time. Thanks for your excellent post.. makes plenty of sense to me, especially after today. I concur about PSL resales... going to make the stock market look like a safe investment by comparison.
  19. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Please read the entire post next time. I said that there will be some, although very few, real fans in those seats. You obviously will fit into that catagory.
  20. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Yes, REAL fans, longtime diehards. 227 has been around forever, judging from his posts. The Jets reluctance to do anything for his longtime dedication to the team is downright wrong. At least they could have offered him seats closer to where he wants to park. Or for that matter, could have announced the parking situation proir to having the fans choose their seats so they could have chosen accordingly. By doing that they did they have screwed all the fans who had a plan. Segregated parking, ticket owning, secrets, leaving escalators off, come on now.

    You are taking my statement out of context. I'm not bashing anyone who has paid for a PSL. To each their own. I personally want the new building of 80,000 Jets fans rocking the sh!t out of the place. But it's painfully obvious that the PSL is a money grab for the owner Woody Johnson, nothing more.

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