Possibility of Jets blackout on local TV

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, May 13, 2010.

  1. WesleyWalker

    WesleyWalker New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Does anyone really believe that he would EVER be allowed to get away with this? Blacking out one of the top football markets in the country would cause the networks, who pay MILLIONS to show these games, to go BAT SHIT. Never going to happen...just a desperate owner desperate to sell a product that's WAY over priced in the midst of a financial downturn...
  2. Docny1975

    Docny1975 New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    I've got to let my cable company know that I shouldn't be charged then.
  3. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    This is the heart of the matter right here. Money is hard enough to come by for most people right now to spend even when you're getting back something tangible for it. Paying $5000 for the right to buy something nobody else is buying makes it worthless, a complete waste of money. When they came up with this scheme they had a ten-year waiting list and supply/demand was in their favor, now it isn't. If they're smart and they want to sell out the games they'll have to drop the PSLs but they insist they won't and they're selling. That company line will work only until the games happen and there's nobody in the seats. If they think it can't happen because they had a good month after going 9-7, they should look at what happened to the Yankees, whose trophy case will never be confused with that of the Jets.
  4. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    Living outside of the NY metro area is the best option...if it comes to Blackouts....I doubt it would get that far.

    I don't know how any middle class NY Jet fan would spew out so much coin on a PSL, I wouldn't even consider it if I lived back in the NY area. Saving for my Kid's College education, my mortgage, remolding projects on our home, retirement savings...etc.. is far more important.

    What is sad, the whole Jet's gameday experience + tailgating.....is a memory for the average former Jet's season ticket holder.

    MY Dad had season tickets at Shea for 10 years and gave them up when they moved to Jersey, he was very bitter and refused to commute from Long Island to the Meadowlands. I was too young to take over the cost of tickets in 1984.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I'm hoping to continue it, just at a bit higher cost with a huge downgrade in seats, but after this year we'll see. I'll probably still go to the games, just not as a season ticket holder upstairs if the whole downstairs is empty.
  6. GatorGar

    GatorGar Active Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    More shit from Deadspin about this here.

  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    It is not a matter of money. It is a matter of paying more than its worth. Donald Trump once "famously" said I may be a billionaire but I would never pay five bucks for a pack of gum.

    Overpricing an item has nothing to do with an economy.

    Of people I personally know who bought tickets or a PSL and I roughly know their salary, one is a giant fan with a one million dollar salary who bought a 1k PSL and only bought two seats the rest are Jets fans , one is a partner with a $600K salary who bought two 5k Jets PSLs, one is a EVP in a bank making 400K who bought two 6k Jets PSLs, one is a Bank VP making 200K who bought two 4k Jets PSLs, one who is a IT guy around 30 who is a huge Jets nut who makes around 90K bought two 15K Jets PSLs and the last two people I know who make around 200K each bought in the upper deck.

    Funny part is no one I know who I am sure makes over 200K a year bought a PSL for over 6K. My one friend in Upper Deck said I hit donate to charity on pre-season every year and don't want to eat that much money if I had a PSL to see just eight games. The Partner said I would have bought upper deck but I take some clients and I can't expense it in UD as clients won't sit there. The million dollar a year guy said he hates PSLs but he paid his 2k for his and at least that is all he can lose. He hates throwing money out the window. The 90K a year guy who bought two 15K tickets does not have a life and is single was on list forever, then got real garbage seats upstairs and is looking forward to it. That Jet nut even paid his whole 30K in cash even through he could finance. He can't walk away as he paid in full. He said I don't care if whole stadium is empty as long as I am sitting in my 6th row Jets sideline seats!!! There are very few Jets Nuts who will pay any amount of money to sit between the 20's on the sideline. The rest of Jets fans dropped out, went to UD, bought Mezz or EZ and some moved over to 6k and 7.5k to get a somewhat sideline view. But that was the end for most fans.

    The Jets offered me the no money down PSLs and when I added in financing the 15K seats are a total of $306.25 a ticket and the TC seats are $187.50 a ticket. But aisle seat in TC is only 26 seats from first seat in 15k section. That is an extra $118.75 a ticket to move 26 seats downfield. Even for a well off guy that is a tough nut to swallow when we all know even the best lower level sideline seats in a good season rarely go for above $200 a ticket regular season and $50 a ticket pre-season.

    There are enough rich folk to buy a psl but do they see a value? Also the 6k and 7.5K seats on the aisle by the higher priced section was offered to my friend in UD who makes 200K and he refused to leave upper deck he has too many memories of eating tickets. He was not happy with the $105 for upper deck as he had $75 dollar upper deck tickets last year.

    It is not the economy stupid, it is the pricing.
  8. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    The PSLs also destroy re-sell value people used to get out of their season tickets. It used to be a good investment to sell your season tickets at a markup for a profit, which is why the waiting list was so damn long in the first place.

    You have to really want to go to every game to buy a PSL.
  9. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    So don't buy a PSL, if you don't want to buy a PSL, nobody is making you buy a PSL. People act like they are being forced to buy a PSL. Its just like anything else - if you want season tix buy them. If you don't think its a fair price, don't pay it. I'm not sure what all the hyperventilating is about. If enough people don't want to pay the price then the price will come down. If the Jets or the NFL wants to make the business decision to blackout games in the area then thats up to them. Its not gonna happen, but if they blackout the game - SCREW IT - go for a walk or have fun doing something else. This is hardly an issue to get all worked up about.
  10. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I still want to know how they are selling this?
    Great Hall Club
    Section 139
    PSL: $25,000
    5-Year Plan Annual Payment: $4,519
    15-Year Plan Annual Payment: $2,164
    Ticket Price Per Game: $600

    When only three sections over you can pay this
    Lower Goal Line
    Section 143,
    PSL: $7,500
    5-Year Plan Annual Payment: $1,356
    15-Year Plan Annual Payment: $649
    Ticket Price Per Game: $125
  11. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    They will NOT blackout the Jets. The NFL would lose BIG $$$ from DTV, the networks, cable, etc.

    NFL teams make about $240 MM a year in revenue and TV gives them $120 MM or half of that.

    40 years ago TV made up only 15-20% of their revenue.
  12. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Meh at least we can watch the plaoyff game i assume!
  13. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Nobody is hyperventilating, we're discussing tickets many of us have bought and used for the past few decades, so people are passionate about it. Tickets that went from somewhat reasonable to impossible for no real good reason, so people are going to have opinions. Nobody here is going for a walk when the Jets are playing if we can help it, so you're talking to the wrong crowd.

    The one thing you said that I agree with is if nobody buys the tickets the prices will come down, I think we're seeing the early stages of that.
  14. Willie WhiteShoes

    Willie WhiteShoes New Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    This is what the stupid Jet ownership does in a city where they're already treated like the step child? Foolish after they again started to build believers and some credibility. If the games get blacked out because of this, I may just start rooting for the Giants.
  15. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    That'll show them!! But what happens when after two years of Giants mediocrity the Giants can't sell their more expensive PSLs and their games are blacked out?
  16. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    They already got the PSL money from the first group of idiots. They can cut the price in half and still walk away with a profit, i would think.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Holy Christ:

    "An even more telling sign of the discontent: There already is a burgeoning market of Jets and Giants fans with a strong case of PSL buyer’s remorse.

    A survey yesterday of three major PSL resale sites (stadiumpsl.com, craigslist and eBay) showed individuals offering 26 Jets PSLs and an eye-popping 134 Giants PSLs for cost or far below cost — and that’s months before either team has played a game."
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This just in....

    Woody met with Revis,Mangold,and Harris, and told them they would get new contracts...

    If they each sold (or bought) 100 PSL's
  19. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Playoff games are also subject to blackouts.
  20. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    yeah well this wouldn't affect you anyway. It's for people in the tristate area. :wink:

    Regarding the quality of streams:

    I watch streams every week. It depends on the streamer. You're typically not getting HD quality, and streams get taken down as the NFL contacts the sites hosting them.

    Obviously it's not an ideal solution, and I'd much rather watch games on TV than streamed over the Internet.

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