Am I the only one annoyed by the blatant Superbowl talk regarding our beloved team? Don't get me wrong I am enthusiastic about our current regime and the ability to get a 110 percent from the players who they annoint to the 53 man roster. I know we have had one of the best offseasons, but it means nothing until the season unfolds. I think we have a very difficult schedule next year and can very well start the season 0 and 2 like I saw predicted by a Dolphin poster...I think. I can get into why I am very worried about teams like Miami and Baltimore, in addition to usual suspects such as Indy the Steelers and San Diego. I wonder if some of this stuff comes from an overwhelming desire to be able to say I predicted it and to repost the thread you predicted it in. On the other hand it definitely contributes to the manic depressive nature of the posts that are made throughout the season.....and as I type this I realize that Double R is the poster boy for this attitude.......remembering when he called our season over last year....... Stay humble and curb the enthusiam........
I think that we are a consistent playoff team now... after that in the playoffs nobody never knows what will happen... to me it's always playoffs or bust... not SB or bust.
I don't see an overwhelming number of people predicting Super Bowl. I think people are just excited more this offseason than usual, and with good reason. The Jets are finally making the right moves. Can it all come crashing down? Yeap. But that can be said for 31 other teams in this league as well.
You're right, nobody should talk about football until it starts in the fall. So... who wants to talk about the NBA...
I much prefer the Rex Ryan superbowl or bust talk to the "same old jets" crap. Plus what, should we be satisfied if we win the division but lose the first round of the playoffs ? Or maybe just make it to the superbowl and lose there ? Its Superbowl or die now, and this teams ready to take it all the way.
teamjets... i agree with you. this was a 9-7 team that played well for 3 weeks. we added a bunch of guys with big names but questionable personalities. i am not as confident as most around here that the almighty 2nd year coach rex ryan can melt this team together and make them a superbowl contender... i am also not sold on a number of positions on the field at this point. and the only thing that will tell is time.
What kind of a fan does not want their team to win Championships? Talking about it is the first step. Besides it is the off season any team can boast about "we are going to win the SB". Why would this annoy you? Epic fail by just saying you are annoyed. Another epic fail for agreeing with a phins poster. It is just that sick feeling you get in your gut that something is bound to go wrong with the Jets. Just ignore that feeling for now it's the off season lets enjoy what can be.
Plus how many times in a jets fans life do we actually get to go into a season believing that we have a legitimate chance at winning a superbowl ? Or hell take it a step further, how often do we as jet fans go into a season thinking we should actually be the favorite to win it all. Its a new feeling for most of us im sure, but well get used to it in time.
Some, like me, are so superstitious we can't even put the words "Jets" and "S___r B__l in the same sentence. But I sure am excited to see this team get on the field.