17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Seat update, in case anyone cares, row 8 in section 135 lowest row left in LL 15K section,

    Jets side LGL and TC are basically sold out, Visitors side LGL and TC best you can get is mid twenties and back in the middle. Only 33 rows in LGL and TC so that is last 8 rows in middle only. Mezz A is bascially sold out.

    Good Luck moving Mezz B, LL EZ between uprights and row 25-33 in the middle LL sideline and the remaining super expensive club seats.

    Also good luck with UD. I originally wanted an extra pair up there but looks like I can buy individual games up there at face so whats the point.

    Great Empty Hall Club one million rabbit foots would not be enough good luck.
  2. backtoshea

    backtoshea New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Actually over 20,000 unsold PSL's as of today
  3. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    20,000? No wonder they keep calling me and emailing to buy more seats....or if I know someone looking. Where did you get that number?
  4. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I think 20K unsold is being generous, IMO there's way more than that still left
  5. rgoltsch

    rgoltsch New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    So, is that just club seatsd remaining? Or PSL seats? I know club seats don't count towards the NFL blackout rules.....but if there are that many regular seats still unsold, there will be lots of unhappy people every Sunday this fall.
  6. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Unhappy season ticket holders yes, but also happy joe sixpacks who can get cheaper tickets. Look at the Yankees, brand new shiney ballpark coming off a World Series win, but because there's about 12,000+ tickets for sale to every game on the secondary market $25 seats can regularly be found for $5-$10. You shouldn't expect that kind of haircut for Jets tickets, but I can easily see $50-60 tickets being available on stubhub for certain games
  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Section by Section Analysis of Remaining Seats

    Upper Deck - 50 Sections - Sell Out By Start of season

    Mezz-A 4K psl - 24 Sections - Nearly Sold out or Sold Out by Opening Day

    Mezz - B 4k psl - 10 Sections - Pretty Empty - Price Reduction is Needed

    Mezz - Club Corners 5k psl - 8 Sections - Nearly Sold out or Sold Out by Opening Day

    Mezz - Club Goal Line 7.5K psl - 8 Sections - 4 Sections closer to ten yard line sold, 4 sections by goal line pretty empty

    Mezz - Club Sideline 15K psl - 8 sections - lots to still sell.

    Mezz - Prime 25K psl with a - 2 sections - With a $395 ticket price, no free food and a 25K PSL very overpriced, pretty empty

    LL EZ 5k PSL - 14 sections - 8 sections towards corners pretty much sold, 6 sections between Field Goals had weak sales

    LL TC 6k PSL - 4 sections - Nearly Sold out should be Sold Out by Opening Day

    LL LGL 7.5k - 4 sections - Nearly Sold out should be Sold Out by Opening Day

    Lower Sideline 15k - 6 sections - Jets side 4 sections sold fairly well and Visitors side a little less. May be patches of empty seats on opening day but no reductions needed

    Lower Prime 20k - 2 Sections - With a 20K PSL and a $150 ticket AND on the Visitors side with no cover or free food these two sections are pretty empty.

    Great Hall Club - 1 section - with a 25k PSL and a $600 ticket on visitors side with a crappy small inside part this is most empty part of stadium. .

    Coaches Club (20k, 25k and 30K), 5 sections. At least Jets side, inside is beautiful and you get to go to press conference, eat with players, and go down to field level, even park in players lot and enter and exit with players and get own private entrance and exit ramp plus park in players parking lot. But come on this is Jets $700 a ticket is nuts. But still that section is pretty much sold out.

    Now for the Summary as of today:

    UD – 50 Sections, All 50 Sections will sell
    Mezz – 60 Sections - 36 Sections Sold, 24 Sections pretty empty
    LL – 36 Sections - 25 sections pretty much sold, 8 sections weak (6 LL EZ between posts and the 15K Jets side), 3 sections pretty empty.
  8. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    You know what is interesting about this whole PSL affair is the NYGs sold out the entire stadium via the PSL route & here we are only having to sell 27,000 less PSLs then the NYGs not able to sell out ours. Makes me wonder what the reason is since supposedly we have such a dedicated fan base we should have sold out out 65,000 available PSLs long before the NYGs. I really doubt that the simple reply is they are richer then NYJ fans is just rationalization when you are talking of NY Metro area of what 15,000,000 souls or more
  9. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I don't think the Giants are sold out.

    Maybe Jets fans are just fiscally smarter...you can spin this stuff any way you wish.
  10. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yes I guess U can but since we had less PSLs to sell we should have been done a long time ago. As for the NYGs I think outside of a very small smattering of PSL they are done including the UD which for us was PSL free

  11. CT. Jets Fan

    CT. Jets Fan New Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    Yes the Jets had 28,000 less PSLs to sell because of the free UD..but because of the free UD they also had 28,000 less customers to purchase those lower level PSLs.

    Net-net its the same.

    The Jets fans are:
    a) not as passionate as Giants fans
    b) not as wealthy as Giants fans
    c) fiscally smarter than Giants fans

    Like I said..you could spin any answer you like
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    NO PSL UD seats made 4k Mezz less attractive. And Giants Visitors side LL was attractively priced, no GHC and our 15K seats were only 10K. Plus they had their TC corners part of the LLEZ for 5k.

    Jets created too many prem priced seats which was partially created to make up for loss of no PSL in UD.

    Giants LL was a much better deal than Jets. A lot of Jet fans would have skipped UD if they could have bought our four TC corners for 5k or our LL 15K seats for 10K. Jets tickets also sell for less in secondary market but those sections had a higher PSL price. Plus most of my Jets friends have tickets all in their name Most of my Giant friends have individual seats and go as a group.

    Lets say Champ friends had four tickets to Giants and they always go together. Giants offered group section 143 row 20 on 30 yard line for 10K each. Giants let you do half now and half one year from now. Champ pays 5k today, 5k one year from now and he is sitting in great seats.

    Jet fans for whatever reason one guy has tickets in his name and friends buy off him. Champ would have to pay 15x4=60K for the 4 seats.

    Also Giants was better off collecting money early and not doing this musical chair option also till recently Giants required 100% down. Even now with 50% down, no one is walking away. Also when Giants assigned seats they made sure to give away all good ones first. There would be no chance to get good seats later. The Jets are still dishing up Mezz A corners and LGL aisle seats
  13. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That is a GREAT point and I never thought about it like that.

    If the Jets were to put a 1k PSL on the Uppers I'm sure more of them would've said "F" it if I'm going to pay this PSL I might as well fork over the extra 3 or 4k.

    With that the Jets could've had lower price points in the 4 and 5k sections.

    I think that would've been best for the business aspect but certainly not some of the fans.

    When you look at it, 1k spread out like the Jets probably would've let people do is not much at all.
  14. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    I would've loved to pay a $1K PSL in the UD between Rows 1-4. Oh well. I'm happy with my Mezz A $4K seats.
  15. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    rows 1-4 are 5k
    5-26 are 1k

    and the jets made beween the 40's prime too. $125 a tix
  16. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    The Giants are asking 5K for Rows 1-4 in the UD? Wow.

    If thats the case I think I could manage to move into Row 5 for the 1K per.
  17. joejets1

    joejets1 Member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I think one of the big reasons the Jets aren't sold out yet is because of the ticket prices combined with some outrageous PSL Prices. Although the Giants have PSLs everywhere they have lower ticket prices then the Jets do in the Mez, and LL. I believe someone posted a chart comparing ticket and PSL prices. Giant ticket prices were notably lower. I don't think the Giants are sold out yet, when Mara was on the FAN last friday he said they were close but not sold out yet. I also doubht that the Jets have 20,000 seats still available meaning they only sold 62,00 seats, and only 35,000 PSL seats. I think the number is prolly half of that.
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Actually I think Woody knew the PSL was going to be a tough nut to sell to NYJ STHers which is why IMHO he made the UD PSL free for the moment. That was 27,000 less PSLs he had to worry about at this time.

  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I was lucky to snag seats in row 1 UD however if I had to pay billionaire Woody one penny for them I would have said adios amigo

  20. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Yes, absolutely true. And may I add, not only was it 28,000 less customers, more than likely those 28,000 are their most loyal, long-running fans that actually attend the games. (In the sales profession, we call those "qualified leads") We know this from the seniority aspect that they used and made these seats available to. Before selling any PSL's they eliminated many of the year to year fans who love attending the games from their PSL market.

    I've had six seats in my name. Going upstairs was my only way to keep the group together. No way in hell I could even consider 4K or 5K x's 6. If the PSL's on our previous EZ lowers were say, 2K each I might have at least thought about it even if it meant reducing to four seats.

    So what do they have now? They have unsold seats, and guys like me who are upstairs and unhappy about it. Way to go guys. I still say this is the result of the Jets pretending they had the Giants market. It might not have been much different if both teams did it the same way. I am thankful not to have had to finance license fees, so I will keep reminding myself of that sitting in the upper deck.

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