17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    So where we tailgating? I'm in Nashville airport. No ATT 3g so I'm not bothering to look at the links on my phone.
  2. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    nothing is official yet through the jets
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    ROJF, your opinions have been helpful and your seat information very good. But your constant posts about resales interest me very little and are actually a bit annoying, but I don't have to read themn either, which is what I find myself choosing to do most of the time... skimming over your posts and then disregarding much of it.

    But be that as it may, your one major analytical flaw as far as your "secondary market" is concerned is that you assume constants, and reality is simply not that way. In the above post concerning "monitizing your investments," you offer "the Jets have a higher percentage of sucking" as a reason for not being able to "monitize." There are no constants, therefore you cannot analyze. QBs go down, injuries end a season, your record turns bad, the weather turns, the schedule from your to year works against you (none as bad as this year, I'm afraid). It all effects resales, so there is no constant measurement.

    I've been posting this until I'm blue in the face and I'll do it again one more time so that people other than yourself understand the harsh reality of trying to make a profit on (or "Monitize," as you say) their season tix. It ain't happening. Yes, of course, there are "pockets" and certain sections that are inexplicably underpriced by the Jets and are therefore easier to break even on, but the vast, vast majority of tickets that are going to be purchased through the Jets this year won't even come close.

    So I just want to continue setting the record straight (and I know you love this subject so that you'll still believe that ticket resales are a good business model), but I'm telling everyone else within earshot that ticket resales are LOSERS for the most part, and that is 90% of the time too.

    I've had my seats since 1985 and ahve onloaded tix I don't need or can't use in just about every conceivable way you can imagine over the years. And these were damned good Mezz Row 5 seats with a roof over your head and no PSL, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've really scored (to make up for not breaking even). They've always been a loser, just as IS says.

    We buy our seats to go to the games, not for the "monitization" of them. I know that's not your primary thing and so be it, but please, everyone should know that 90% of the time they are L-O-S-E-R-S with a capital "L."

    A couple of good seasons (hopefully) and the ew stadium might change that for a while, but an awful lot of these folks who are paying beaucoup bucks right now for their seats better know that when Sanchez goes down with an ACL tear and the Jets go from a 4-1 start to a 5-9 slide, you get KILLED on your "monitization" because the remaining games are worthless... worthless. Throw rain in the mix and your Preseason nonsense and it wipes out that Patriots game you really scored on and then some.

    Just ranting here, I realize, but the average reader needs to know there is no such thing as "monitizing" your investment any more, not at these prices (Preseasons built in, loser games no one wants to go to, Holiday games like Thanksgivingf no one wants to go to, and God Forbid, the PSL). Total and complete LOSERS.

    Bottom line for everyone reading this beside ROJF is, buy your tickets and enjoy going to the games. I've been doing that for 25 years and don't regret it. Write the check at the beginning of the year and tell yourself you do not need this money back again, that you want no "ROI," or "monitization." You expect no return (because you legitimately will not have one, in all likelyhood). Just write the check and go to the games, or give them to your cousin or whatever. This business of worrying about a resale before you even buy the tickets is nuts, IMO, especially now.

    Said it the other day and I'll say it again... WE are the ultimate retail purchaser of these new stadium tickets. WE are the "secondary market." There is no "monitazation" or "return on investment." This is the end of the line. You've played musical chairs and the music has stopped and you're still standing. You're at the end of a game of "Old Maid" and you look at the card in your hand and guess what? There she is! That's what it is to be a NY Jets season ticketholder today.
    #6563 Section 227. Row 5, Apr 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  4. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Any season ticket be it UD ticket or PSL should want to at least break even on non-pre-season games even when they can't go. But I get your point no more ticket resale senarios.

    BTW Jets have lost all goodwill and their waiting list. Fans will no longer hold onto non-psl tickets when jets go south. Jets are now like Mets who lost a large part of their season ticket holders as they now realize their is no value in buying season tickets to a team where tickets in secondary always go below face. The fans who hung on through the Rich Kotite years no longer exist, there is no fear if I give up my crappy UD Jets seat I will never get it back. Going forward if Jets have a few bad years every bad seat in the UD will be empty only people with good UD seats will feel need to hang on and people in PSLs who don't want to lose their whole PSL investment will be hanging on. The days of 30 years in a row fans through good and bad times are over.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    This is true. As much as I hate the Patriot opener every year, it is one game they give us that is worth more on StubHub, but why would we sell that game instead of going to it? I used to have a second pair of seats upstairs I hung onto becasue I waited ten years for them, even though we had seats in 128. After the 2004 season anticipation was high, I did a guy I know a favor and sold him the whole season at face in the summer. Second home game Chad and Fiedler go down, the rest of the season was a washout, so it turns out I saved my ass by being "nice".
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hahahaha... My cousin called me up one summer and his son's a huge Browns fan. So he BEGS me to sell him the Browns game, so I do, at dead face.

    Well, I had to wait like hell for the money from him, even after I had mailed him the fucking tickets, but whatever. Th ekid finally pays me in September. So as the season progresses, the Browns go in the tank and the weather turns shitty on game day and here the guy paid me complete face, which was almost $500 for the 4 tix with parking and all.

    So the kid goes to the game and his 3 other Browns buddies are bitching to him about the ticket price they had to pay him, about how they could have bought the fucking tickets in theparking lot for $5 and all... you know the routine.

    So I hear through my cousin what a shitty time he had and bitching about the ticket prices and I'm like, "Well, I ain't doing that again." Try to help out a cousin's kid and do him a favor and right away you're a fucking price-gouger if the season goes bad. I told my cousin, "Hey, what if the Jets had a shot at the playoffs and the Browns were in the way, what do you think the ticket price would have been then? He could have scalped them for a $500 profit!" "Yeah, yeah, he tells me, but you know my son." You can't fucking win. LOL
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Hey, don't stop the nonsense on my account. By all means, who the hell am I? Maybe there are dudes on here that like to talk about secondary pricing all the time. Some of it I find interesting, but again, I bought my seats for 25 years to go to the games, bring my kids, friends and relatives, and now my grandkids. Resale is the furthest thing in my mind when I write out the check. I'd blow my brains out if I had to worry about what I'm going to sell them for at the time I purchase them. For me, it takes all the enjoyment out of it.
  8. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    For some your statement may be true but you're underestimating the diehard Jet fan.

    Eventually things will be corrected, at least I hope. My father and I have been going for 21 years and many of them bad. At no point did we ever think oh let's bail.

    I'd say that for about 90% of the people in our section as well, there has been very little turnover.

    I hope it does not come to that, I can't imagine the excitement of a family that was at the bottom of the waitlist and now has season tix. Fans like that and many of us here won't be going anywhere.
  9. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i think someone should do a poll on whether rojf should stop doing his aftermarket routine in this thread. :)

    i just read that wsj article and i am a bit incensed by it, i dont know how much of it i believe... or how much i want to believe but i would surely rather have a brick style stadium like i could imagine than this fucking albatross they have built. the fact that it is suggested that woodrow the cock sold them on the psl thing disgusts me. the fact he got pissy because he was going to sell it to his fans is what really disgusts me.
  10. Nova

    Nova New Member

    Apr 17, 2010
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    This is what we went through this year and it's really exciting. We never had that chance to be jets season ticket holders before and I never thought I would have this opportunity to buy quality tickets. I can't wait to buy tailgating supplies to join up with friends and family in August.
  11. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Except rows 1-4 are lower then the rest of the UD by a not insignificant factor. They treated that little terrace in the UD for what it is, essentially a separate part of the UD.
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Nova you the man!! I know how you feel I loved last year. When are you putting pictures of your seats up here?
  13. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    The Giants lower level seats are cheaper and they don't have that BS Great Hall Club either with a $600 per ticket price.
  14. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    My gut feeling is lot F will be a club seat lot since it's right by the great hall entrance. If they let non PSL and PSL park together lot L or J looks good for Pepsi corner or if they make us park out in bumble then lot K looks like the lot.
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Since resales have been brought up I will throw some input in here. I buy and sell tickets to different events to make extra money. NEVER EVER EVER EXPECT TO MAKE A PROFIT ON JETS TICKETS. I have only attempted once and I made a killing. Wanna know why? I took a tour of the stadium last year, got 2 free tickets to the Jets Bengals game for free for taking the tour and sold them on ebay after we beat the Colts. So anything I made was straight profit. Otherwise not worth it. I sold Giants tickets last year made some nice extra profits and considered a PSL but never signed the contract, when I saw they weren't top of the line seats I backed out since I was smart and never bothered to sign a contract.

    Only thing in sports you can make money on are grandstand or bleacher Yankees seats. Otherwise don't even bother. Football forget it with 2 preseason games you right away are in the hole.

    When it comes to the Jets I buy my tickets to enjoy going to the games. I haven't missed a home game in over 10 years and have had tickets since I was 11 years old in 1991. I'd rather be at the stadium tailgating with my friends and family then selling my tickets on stubhub.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    ^^ Good advice and what I've been saying for years. ^^
  17. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    There is only thing profitable for the Jets. Parking Passes!
  18. nyjetsfan22

    nyjetsfan22 Member

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Hey guys
    I live out of state but I have come to NJ for the first Jets home game for the past 15 years. So today I come home and my wife says "I just purchased 2 tickets in section 111a for the Jets/Balt. game from Stubhub for your birthday". SO I asked her how she did that since the tickets don't even get sent out until July......
    Are people really selling there tickets already? And if so how dependable is Stubhub of actually sending me the tickets????
  19. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Stubhub is a legit site. They're not in the busniess of screwing their customers. The actual tickets don't go out till the summer, but PSL holders know what seats they have and can list them. When they put the actual ticket into the system it'll get emailed to you.

    That's a nice gift, tickets in that section for that game are going from $500-$1000 per seat.

    Tell her in the future to use this site (http://seatgeek.com) to get a better idea when the best time to buy tickets is. It's not 100% perfect, but for the most part they're good at predicting the swings in supply and demand.
    #6579 davecrazy, Apr 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  20. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    another nice WSJ article today about Jets, what up? Next week after PSL dust settles from open house and Draft party will call back up Jets and ask about remaining seats. By then they will have contracts returned signed or people backed out.

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