Yeah, I WISH I could take credit for kelly. He managed to piss off so many people over the years. Then again it would be tough to pull a kelly and still maintain a life. Whatever pleasure this person is getting off the kelly account posting on multiple boards is the only thing keeping him alive apparently.
This is the Jets section. If you MUST post pictures of Dolphin fans, please put them in the NFL section. Thank you.
Exactly, because we all know that chicks who post on football message boards love posting pix of themselves in bikinis, doing shots, or generally having their tits hanging out of every top, especially those from Denmark. Kelly, thanks dude. Be sure to take a gander at the Atlanta skyline on your way back from the public library to your room in your mom's basement.
If the schedule is released on 4/20 it's probably going to be really fucked up. Goodell is gonna drop that shit from the moon.