The women beating stuff is definitely a red flag. People bitching about his weed use, and I'll even go as far as to say selling (explanation coming), is overblown. If you have never smoked weed in your life, that's totally cool and that's your choice. But I would not label people people who have smoked "drug users" or "bad character" In terms of selling in high school, it really depends on what he means by it. If he was selling ounces, pounds, or any other large amounts then yea this would be a red flag. If is he selling an eighth or two to close friends of his while I wouldn't condone it, I wouldn't blow up about it. The wake and bake comment, that's just funny to me. But yea that wouldn't be cool if my employee waked and baked before he came to work. This guy isn't Pacman. If he messes up here he knows he's done. I think the risk will pay off for us.
How about the fact that it happened in high school as a reason not to be concerned about it? If he was still doing/funding it after, then I would be concerned.
That's pretty much what I was getting at. But if Holmes was slinging ounces and pounds in high school then it probably would have been his sole means of income, hence it happened after high school too most likely.
If Holmes was a QB and Ben was a WR, Ben would have been cut. THis was a PR move by the Steelers and something they will regret in the future. THey gave the freaking guy away, you don't think they will miss him, they have no running game. Lets see what balls they have, suspend Ben for 2 games if Goddell doesn't. Bet they fine him and send him a warning. No BJ's in a bathroom anymore
Other than the woman beating incident, which I highly doubt was a one time occurence, my isssue isn't that he smokes weed, its that he failed repeated drug test throughout his career knowing that he could put himself in jeopardy. I mean seriously, how many freaking times to do you have to piss dirty to get suspended for it? It's not like he got caught with steroids or HGH, he is suspended for four games for SMOKING WEED. This shows a complete lack of caring, which is the real red flag, because since he has been smoking his entire life he has a good idea how long it takes for him to piss clean. They are definetly certain periods of time throughout the year when smoking would be safe for him. He could get clean piss, he could buy a whizzinator, he could just abstain all together. There is plenty of information out there on this topic. The fact is this, more than anything, shows that he just does not care.
At least quote the whole sentence. My point is that he failed THC tests over and over and over again, knowing that they were coming and knowing that when was going to come up positive in the UA. Once you piss hot the first time, the tests are gonna keep rolling in in an effort to monitor your "rehabilitation process." Holmes clearly didn't give a fuck and continued to smoke weed knowing that one day it could cost him a job. Now he is one postive THC test away from being suspended an entire season. Not exactly giving himself wiggle room.
If falling from grace means having a 79 rec, 1,248 yd season and being traded to a team that made it to the AFC Champ game last year, sign me up.
I am sure you are a good poster, this is the first post I remember reading from you notably, but this has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read. What an amazing stretch. Please explain to me why you think this. He doesn't want to work as hard as everyone else so he takes steroids, or he works as hard as everyone succeeds and smokes weed. It takes almost a month to piss clean after smoking pot, where its only a few days for steroids.
Here comes the lynch mob with assumptions...... Again, everyone is up in arms over the weed. If he gets suspended, all the Jets are out of is a fifth round pick. They move on. I guess the Jets will have to "get by" with Edwards, Cotchery and Keller.