I'm willing to bet he drops it at the next pay-per-view. Probably to someone like Edge or even back to Jericho.
I always loved characters like that, over the top funny. Like the Bushwackers...crazy. Anyone remember Funk as Chainsaw Charlie with Cactus Jack...I used to laugh my ass off at those two.
I much prefer this guy... or this guy or this guy BTW this is the 50 worst characters in WCW History... we know they've had some really really bad ones....come of them had me :rofl: http://www.bedofnailz.com/wcw.html
Kanyon was the gay guy who had how many bouts with depression and drugs and pain killers? I liked him, but he really fucked up his life.
I can't see Jericho winning next friday because having two heels face off for the title is rather pointless. So I'm sure Edge will win and then somethin else lame will happen. The draft is comin up soon. I really hope Kofi goes to Smackdown along with atleast part of Legacy. I'm praying Truth doesn't come to Raw because the better show doesn't need to be ruined with a terrible act. Oh, and get Orton a title run already haha.
RTruth won't be going anywhere, the young kids love him and that is Smackdown's target audience. I want to see a heel Cena, but that won't happen with him out shooting stupid horrible movies.
I haven't been keeping up with wrestling lately, but I hear RAW is at the new Meadowlands Monday. Wonder how they'll block off seating for that one?
Orton finally gets his shot he deserves. He pumps up the crowd more than anybody now and I'm STILL waitin for E&C
LMAO. That list is pure hilarity. WCW was always such a load of trash..... So many funny ass failures on that list. Roadblock: Random guy that met Hulk Hogan in a gym. Later that night he jumped the rail during a WCW event, chased One Man Gang around the ring and pinned him. He became a glorified jobber who carried a police barricade to the ring with him.
Shelton Benjamin is such an incredible talent and WWE never used him. The Gold Standard? Ughhh. Hopefully he goes to TNA or something and people actually get to see how talented he is.
He had break after break after break. WWE can't be faulted because he never capitalized on his opportunities.