Wait until a beat writer says something. If this is true...really dumb on TJs part. Would you want to play for a contender in the twilight of your NFL career? So I guess sign Huggie Bear if this is true.
I actually found this on CBSSports: http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/10714917/20313020 So far, this is the only source that I can find. Next time, Buc, post the freaking source or STFU. If it's not a fake, good. At least then his name comes off of the "our next move" thread.
He knows this was going to be his last contract so for him it was obviously about the $. Can't say that i blame him.
http://detnews.com/article/20100306...ot-expecting-another--big--free-agent-signing and this source says that basically, the lions are done with FA and aren't going to make any big moves.. meaning TJ isn't signing there..
because not to many contenders are in the market for a RB like jones. and at this point in his career its all about the money
I feel sorry for TJ if that's true, to go from the AFC Championship game to...Detroit. I mean, there are teams just as bad (St Louis, KC), but then at least you don't have to live in Detroit. God, that's got to be the NFL's version of hell.
I really hope TJ is back on the squad. I still think we lack a vocal leader on offense and he'd definitely fit the bill if he stays a Jet.