I'd like to see Christian win MITB but I think they'll continue to shit on him and send him over to RAW where he'll be buried in the midcard for the next year or so. I think John Morrison is the favorite to win MITB, I don't think McIntyre is ready to be a main eventer.
If there smart Christian will be sent to Smackdown..but with Christian it never goes right for him so he'll probably be sent to RAW and job there..sad I loved Morrison over the summer and pretty much all of beginning and middle last yr but have continued to lose interest in him since then. Average to mediocre mic skills, can't get over as a face, corny jokes (tho that's not his fault per se), etc. I don't see how anyone besides McIntyre would be the favorite to win to be honest. If there gonna let Morrison win the MITB he should start getting a push.
Well I thought they were already pushing Morrison since hes in the Elimination Chamber. Christian would be great on Smackdown, I think a Christian/CM Punk fued would be great. They seem to have great chemistry in promos. I also think it would have been cool to see an E + C reunion or even a fued. I just really don't see Christian going anywhere since he left the company and came back.
Yeah of course. I watched Smackdown last week but it was pretty unwatchable. Lame storyline He's been fightin with the biggest piece of shit in the wwe lately so it seems they're trying to make him face, not doing many cheap shots anymore either
I like the idea of Batista and Cena having a storyline, that way I can just totally ignore watching Raw for like 12 minutes every Monday. Better than seeing them slosh through other decent wrestlers time. If only they could throw Sheamus in there too.
Time for the Elimination Chamber. I shelled out for it on HD again, since I didn't get to do anything this weekend and I'm bored. I did go to the card shop in another town and buy a Sanchez rookie card Saturday, but that was the extent of my activity for the entire weekend. God, it sucks, now here's my reward to myself for living through it. PPV time!
Cena wins elimination chamber and belt. Then, Mr McMahon comes out and tells Cena he has to defend the title vs Batista, right now. Cena barely able to stand, Batista pulls 2 moves and pins him. Batista new WWE champ. Ted DiBiase eliminated Randy Orton with a lead pipe given to him by Cody Rhodes.
Who would have thunk an impromptu US title match Miz vs MVP would steal the show? Nice to see some blood finally.
See, we had to know that was coming, it will be Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at Mania and Jericho vs Edge. I knew they had to have Shaun Screw Taker tonight, it was seen coming up Main St
Shawn and Taker are both taking a couple month break after WM, so this match should be total destruction.
Stuff from JR's blog that made me wonder. Its just my speculation, but these quotes, well... Its just a thought, but reading all that, I wouldn't be surprised to see Good Old JR calling matches on Monday Night again. Just not for Vince McMahon.
I could have told you Jericho would win. It's been obvious it would be an Edge beats Jericho match at WM plus Taker is taking time off. Also, Cena to beat Batista at WM. Duhhh... god I hate WWE sometimes. They need to put the title on Orton again.
Jericho vs. Edge at Wrestlemania... My favorite of all time vs. my favorite of the current generation. Splooge.
What do u know..Cena won and Jericho won. Geez who didn't know? Only surprise was Batista getting a title shot after wards and winning the belt right off Cena. Wrestlemania looks like this Cena vs Batista (Bret Hart will be involved somehow) HBK vs Taker (will Taker's streak actually end? I don't see how they would have this match two years in a row if it didn't mean HBK ending the streak. If that's the case I would prefer a young up comer end it but whatever) Edge vs Jericho I wonder where this leaves HHH?
I can't see him going over there. I think he'll get back on Raw at some point, hopefully sooner then later.