GIANTS to open new stadium!? HOW?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Royal Tee, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. joejets1

    joejets1 Member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Why would a Giant fan even post on these message boards, unless they are playing the Jets.
  2. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I like talking about football and, by virtue of the fact that I live in NJ, the team I am most familiar with outside of the NFC East are the Jets. I think I fit in pretty well here, even if my perspective is different from most on the board. I don't have much patience for the Giants/Jets fans that think it's the coolest thing ever to bash the Jets/Giants, but besides that I like most of the posters here.
  3. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    they have 3 super bowls, we have one, thats how.

    we will probaly open the preseason though, does that count?
  4. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    you have been posting on here for years, and you have been cool
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    That is where I divorce myself from most on this board since I have not the slighest care if I endear myself to them or not. I just post what I see & what is factual history being a STH since 65 & since U have not the slightest care in the world for us NYJs as I said before U should move back to ur friendly NYG red, while & blue forum & be gone with us green & white fans

  6. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Wow, what a well thought, cogent, and well-debated post. Clearly I'm talking to someone that knows....something?

    This is where I divorce from this debate as you've said nothing of merit and nothing with any factual backing. You don't like me here. Tough shit. Try holding a discussion once and then maybe I can say I feel imaginary undertones in your posts, as you've said you see in mine.

    PS: You're old

    PPS: What's a record?
  7. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Nice catch. Umm, I did not know they take turns. Kinda stupid if the NFC game in on the west coast, its a Noon start time locally
  8. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Friendly Giants fan, you come off like your our big brother and if we step out of line, you are gonna lecture us and tell our mommy. Its nice to have other fans on this site, but don't you dare talk to me about fair weather fans, I would say 1/2 the Giant fans walking around after your Super Bowl win, had price tags on their hats and jerseys and it did not say Super Bowl. We know its a year to year deal better then anyone so we are not doing a Gary Myers but OUR season just ended so we can still enjoy it. Stop acting like you are above us because you won a Super Bowl 2 years ago. If you want to debate talent and coaching between our teams, lets go. I would rather not, you seem like a nice guy, un-Dolphin like
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I just clicked on this thread, expecting something interesting and realized it's ANOTHER Francessa thread? Holy shit.
  10. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    You're completely wrong. When have I EVER talked down to anyone on the basis of being a Giants fan? I'll readily admit that I'm a condescending asshole towards whom I don't respect the intelligence of, but I don't think that liking one team over another makes me any more or less credible than anybody here.

    I've made it pretty clear that I hate bandwagon fans in general. Do you think this doesn't extend towards Giants' fans? My gripe against fair-weather fans is just a part of my character; here it applies mostly to Jets fans as we are on a Jets board.

    Where do you get me acting above you because of a SB 42? I rarely mention the game save when it's relevant to the discussion.

    I'll happily debate any aspect of football with you. If a roster breakdown is your choice, fine. I don't know where you're getting that from though. I defended the Giants' secondary because some jizzwad insulted it earlier and did so with no actual knowledge of why the secondary struggled. I pushed the question of the Jets secondary on to him to see if he can actually talk football (as opposed to just bash another team). Thus far he hasn't answered, but I'm not expecting anything good.

    I'll debate anything you want though, and I'll happily keep it good natured. Name the topic and I'm in. This is why I post online at all.
  11. CuttingEdgeNY

    CuttingEdgeNY Banned

    Feb 9, 2010
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    somebody's mad
  12. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    It's been real, buddy. Why don't you come back when you can think of something to say?

    And I'm not mad, I see you for what you are; a troll in regular poster's clothing. You won't get any more from me. Enjoy school tomorrow, you probably won't have a snow day again.
    #112 FriendlyGiantsFan, Feb 11, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  13. CuttingEdgeNY

    CuttingEdgeNY Banned

    Feb 9, 2010
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    He mad. A poor little bitch made vagiants fan lol. Can't face the facts. Vagiants on the decline.
  14. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I think you're being way too harsh dude. I understand you've been here for a while now but remember, you're still at a Jets forum where people live, eat, and breathe this stuff. It'd be like me signing up at a Dolphins forum with good intentions. I may come off as friendly and never strike up arguments but you know someone will direct negatives at me because it would come off as trolling. That aside....

    The Giants have far more fair-weather fans than the Jets. I'd hate to use this as an example but I'll scroll through Facebook on a sunday and see hordes of people with 'OMG LETS GO GIANTSSSSSSSSSSS!' messages. Most of them are girls (you probably could have figured by the repeating S's at the end of giants) or just typical douches who have little interest in football but cheer for who's playing well. I hope that doesn't happen with the Jets, though I fear it'll start sooner or later. If the Jets win a SB in the near future and I recognize someone switch from a G-men to Gang green fan, I'll tear them a verbal asshole. Where were they when we couldn't kick a FG to beat the Steelers in the playoffs? Where were they when the Jets collapsed last year under Favre's helm. Where were they from 1970 til 1997?

    You see where I'm going with this. If he's new to the board, don't blanket him as a bandwagoner. I've only been here for a few months but that doesn't mean I've become a Jets fan on October 1st. It just hadn't occurred to me to join a Jets message board on the internet. Also, a lot of our fans feel like a little brother to the Giants so shit-talking your team gets pretty common in our cliques
  15. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I know I'm on a Jets board, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect respect when I am respectful in turn. I think what I'm guilty of more than anything else is just arguing with a total dumbass, which is what cuttingedge is.

    Fair weather fans exist all over, and I hate them in every possible way.

    Most people here I don't have any problems with, some I even like (save for that Cato bastard, I can actually smell him through the Internet) but I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the Dbags.

    But it is the offseason, so I need to buckle up. BBI, where I also post, dislikes anyone that signed up in March. The 03/09ers (or whatever year they joined) are groups that are frequently bashed because they tend to bring retardation. Cuttingedge brought it a little early. He can take solace in being at the head of the short bus.
  16. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    In all seriousness, to any that pay attention, I am a Giants' fan that loves talking about football and, thusly, I post on this Jets' board. I don't expect the Giants to be loved here, though I do expect some manner of logic to be used in the insult. I'm interested in learning more about football through debate and discussion. I'll be polite and friendly for the most part, but I can also be offended. I find dumbasses that know nothing but think they do/make up for it by being obnoxious. Besides that, I think I get along with most here.
  17. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Female Giants fans are ugly
  18. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I popped your sister and then relieved myself in her ass
  19. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Your haircut is ugly.
  20. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    The ocean called, their running out of shrimp

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