The Colts have good RBs and were far from one dimensional in the SB. Addai was probably the real MVP for Indy up to that point in that game. The colts don't run alot b/c manning is in control and he wants to pass, that's a negative check on him.
Actually it isn't a negative on him. It's a negative on the organization for failing to take control and manage it. I also don't believe an OL that has been fully tooled to pass protect can be that effective in the running game. Very different skill sets. Addai was having a nice game because he was being ignored.
All teams gear up to stop the apss agianst Indy, the run game is always open for them. he chooses not to run. he gets all the credit for calling a game so why doesn't he get blame when he doesn't do a good job?
The ball bounced in to his bread basket before anyone had touched him. And even if he was being contacted, he's a WIDE RECEIVER! His job description includes catching the ball while being contacted. Do you honestly think that this one play is harder than leading your team to a TD in the Super Bowl? Is it even possible to think that? If that's the case we should be up to our freaking eyeballs with QBs leading teams to TDs in Super Bowls. Actually, let's look at the math. The onside kick recovery rate for the receiving team is roughly 60%. Do QBs lead their teams to touchdowns 60% of the time in the Super Bowl? The answer is no. My hair is a bird. Your argument is invalid.
His job description is not catching onside kicks, it's catchhing passes and if he was good at it he'd be playing more. That was a tough ball to bring in. What does the conversion rate have to do w/ the difficulty of the actual catch of the ball? Most OS kicks aren't executed as well as that one was. That was a very difficult ball to bring in. Putting the OS kick aside, did peyton not have enough opportunities to score? Did that prevent peyton from scoring more TDs? Indy had the ball almost 30 mins, why couldn't he lead them to more points? Did that OS kick make Peyton melt on the INT drive?
He does get the blame. He is blamed for ever loss Indy every has about 3 or 4 per year. I really think Manning has been hurt by the responsability that the team puts on him. Joe Montana, great QB had the greatest O mind coaching him from day 1. He had the entire opening drive scripted for him the entire time he was on SF. He didn't have nearly as much to think about as Manning does. That's true of almost every modern era QB. Manning is in some ways a victim of his own intelligence.
the ball was bouncing up while he was going down. not to mention the fact that catching a kick isn't the same as catching a pass. a completely different type of adjustment ha sto be made on both plays. at best it was a shitty play call, and who is responsible for that? Manning. so, not only did Manning call the play, he made the throw. when he does both and it succeeds he is a genius, so how come when it fails it isn't his fault? either he is responsible for the play both when it succeeds and fails, or he isn't responsible at all. but Manning can't have it both ways.
His team, is not as good as they think they are. Plain and simple. Had they not been playing against a severely hobbled Jets team, their season would have been over two weeks earlier. And much like the Jets, in the AFCCG, once they lost Freeney on D, they did not have the depth to recover.
It's the Polian's fault for signing Baskett in the first place and it's Peyton's fault for throwing a pick six when his team needed a touchdown. Manning is one step ahead of Dam Marino. Unfortunately, that puts him way behind Joe Montana, Tom Brady, Terry Bradshaw, and Ben Roethlisberger in the "stats people really give a shit about" category. OH, and FGF, stop arguing with Junc. You'll get a concussion if you keep slamming your head against that wall.
Man! All this slamming my head into the wall mayde me furgit spellhing goode. And I think that while Polian deserves credit for his drafting, his complete lack of doing anything in FA is the reason their defense is mediocre at best.
i don't usually mind junc and his love of arguing, but when i saw him say that making a singular play was harder than leading a touchdown drive, in the nfl, in the 4th quarter, in the super bowl, i crapped in my pants.
He was supposed to possibly be the best QB ever, he leads an incredible offense. That OS kick was a great one w/ 9 guys bearing down on the receiver and it took a bad hop. It was certainly easier to lead that TD drive than to expect that player to catch that ball.
Junc, just shut up already on this one. You're arguing an asinine point. Even for the best, the most difficult situations are still extremely difficult.
That ball took a bad hop on Buckner. It would have been easier to strike out Mookie Wilson then to let that happen.
take the 9 guys thing and put it away. watch the play again... i know you have impeccable memory but your not even close on this one. skip to about 1:30 and they start showing replays. it's 3 guys in any position to make a play and he never gets touched until he has already screwed up. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]
I learned a long time ago that logic just doesn't work for Junc. He's a Manning hater. I'm shocked he hasn't started blaming Indy's D Playcalling on Manning yet.
It took over one minute for the refs to make the call on the onside kick. Question; how many times do you think that ball changed hands under that pile while they were all beating the shit out of each
Fuck Polian. That pussy could have just did this...... <cough> <cough> Peyton as the reason they lost or his rookie hc was outcoached big time.