17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Ok, I will be the voice of reason. Spoke to wife last night about new and improved corner seats I can get by trading in my UD seats. I said I can get a row close to field and aisle closer to the higher priced section all for "no money down".

    Wife then goes how much is the pair of seats, I say 12K but I don't have to pay at once. Ok she goes you pay over 15 year so that is an extra $800 a year. I then explain no there is financing so it is like an extra $1,200 a year, How much are tickets, I say 125or $2,500. So now she says you are paying $3,700 for these row five seats they must be great let me see them. All excited I bring up Jets site and show her, she goes you are sitting in corner, when you can't make a game who is going to buy corner seats off you for $370 which is your break even, actually with stub hub fees you need to sell them above $400 to break even. I said they will be hot tickets. She then says you had fantastic row one seats between the 40's last year and when you sold games you got only $195 a ticket, which sounds good for a $105 ticket but didn't you tell me you ate $420 in preseason games and that "profit you made just went to cover the loss from pre-season. Once again I said yes.

    The she goes where are you seats now and how much. I show her my UD crappy $95 dollar seats, she goes I can't believe you are paying $190 to sit in such crappy seats. You know when you take friends they won't go if you try to charge them for such junky seats.

    So I say can I buy PSL seats? I get from wife you can keep your UD EZ seats one more year and if they don't move you to better seats AND you have trouble unloading games you are not going to dump them.

    Finally, I go I have the money no problem so cash is not an issue and it is entertainment. She then said look you are already at the games and the 12K you save on PSLs and the $600 a year you save on cheaper tickets we can take a few amazing vacations, see broadway plays and buy a big screen TV while all you are sacrificing is a bit of a worse view.

    Bottom line, I think guys like me who first said I am skipping PSL lets just sit in UD for $1,000 deposit so I don't hear it from wife when I shell out big bucks in a bad economy may be tempted to say screw it I will just move down, not worry about it for 2010 season as $1,000 is applied towards tickets so I only owe not that much more in 2010.

    Guys come 2011 you will owe. $3,700 for those two corner seats and last year on stubhub good corner seats went for like $120 a game at best. I was honest and went over this with my wife and even kids and glad I did cause I did not want to "suprise" my family that I just committed to $3,700 a year payment for 15 years ($55,500) when I told her a few months ago I was spending $1,900 for 2010 Jets tickets and she said no problem. My wife is cool and never watches my wallet. But spending $55,500 in a 15 year committement is a little nutso even if you make one million a year. And don't tell me you can sell it as there is currently no secondary market for PSLs. Lets say you have to sell after a season where it rained on four straight games and Jets did not make play-offs and Sanchez just got injured, good luck.

    My worse downside is PSLs are a great deal and I am stuck in junky seats.

    Remember, last year I had four seats, and I sold an entire pair and it took me two months and I sold it by eating one preseason game, eating ticket master fees and they were $115 Mezz tickets. Trouble I had was people said yes till they realized with parking that is $230 a game for a pair and thought that was too high.
  2. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    BTW it is a FACT they will re-locate upper deck people if this is a success. Think about it if this is a success and 6k people leave UD and you start selling good seats to peopel off seats and leave ten year season tickets holders in garbage seats they will drop their seats in 2011. If this is not a suceess, I guess UD people will be offered even cheaper PSLs
  3. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    I wouldn't worry about that, PSLs should be good for the life of the building even with renovations or additions. But the more I think about it, the more I realize people who buy PSLs are getting screwed. You're buying the rights to a seat in a building but you don't get any ownership. Seems to me that PSLs should be shares in the building since that money is used to build the place.

    When the Jets/Giants or performers pay rent to the meadowlands, you should all get dividends on your shares. If the place ever gets sold, the money should go to you. But all you get is OBLIGATION (not option) of buying overpriced tickets that can be jacked up at the mercy of the team, and you only get that right for 10 events per year.

    What a total scam
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    You are not the voice of reason, your wife is.

    Stop posting and put your wife on the board instead.

    ELLSWORTH Member

    Mar 11, 2009
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    thankyou for sharing...you have one interest and one interest only, if I buy a psl can I make some money,, come winter time its too cold for you to go to games
  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Please provide whatever proof you have of this as fact. I want to believe that I can get closer to the rail but I have huge doubt, given all the shenanigans this year.

    Even if true, we all have to realize that NO ONE is going to give up a front row seat to move down into a PSL... not even guys in the first, say, 10 rows. And forget about the sidelines.

    So, this may all be much ado about nothing again because the guys that are going to take advantage of these offers are desperate guys who are in horribly undesirable Upper seats to begin with... high row corners and the like. In that case, if those are the seats being vacated, then all that will be accomplished is that I will remain in my current seats and the Jets eventually sell out those upper corners to newbies coming in for the first time with zero seniority.
  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 ask your rep, they are doing this in spring, rep told me this and was confirmed on this site by another person.

    Bottom Line 20/20 seats - Between 20 yard line, 20th row and down will not be given up. You can move down and still keep your UD seats if you want. For UD EZ and corner people row 20 and up we may be able to move to goal to 20 yard line in the 22 row we would be happy.

    Assume you are staying put or moving slightly ahead. Also remember UD tickets are 100% refundable and nontransferable so anyone who moves, dies etc. may ask for money back.

    This will be a one shot deal. And then we are stuck where we are till we die or give up seats.

    And no 227 your are not moving to first row in 340 in the 105 seats on asile next to section 339.
  8. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I don't think they would relocate the entire upper deck. I don't really care at this point. I wouldn't be surprised if they did something where season ticket holders had a chance to call and see what upper deck seats are available before they go on sale to the public. My gut feeling though is only a few hundred upper deck seats open up anyway.
  9. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Not sure if it's been said already in here, but I'm not reading through this monstrous thread that I've paid no attention to.

  10. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    This is where your anecdote breaks down for me. I don't care about breaking even since I don't sell my tickets. On the off chance I can't make it to a game, I give them to a buddy.

    Also, your $55k number assumes 15 year financing at 8% and no ticket increases, but we'll work with that as a baseline just for argument's sake. Pay your two 6k seats in full and you reduce that number by 7.5k, so you're at 47.5k. UD Endzone seats will run you 28.5k over that same 15 year period, 19k less or $1250/year to have permanent seats in the lower bowl goalline versus the UD Madden view of the endzone. It may not be worth it for everyone else, or even most people, but it is to me. I'd rather watch in a bar or at home than sit UD EZ.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Ok, I decided to get it from the horse's mouth, so I called the Jets ticket office. Interestingly, the que only gives you the option of talking to someone about PSLs. The last option in the que is to press "3," which brings you back to option 1 and 2 to speak to someone about buying a PSL.

    Okay, so I press "1" and play make believe with "Nick." Believe me, this guy can sell an eskimo an air conditioner... he's that good. Talks so fucking fast you have to slow him down.

    Bottom line is this... yes, in April they are going to have some open Upper deck seats, but he is telling me they are going to be contacting people without seats... he said believe it or not, there are people with seniority that have not taken any seats at all, so they will be contacted. Started making it sound like I was shit out of luck and my only choice to improve is, again... you guessed it, to buy one of his cockamamie PSLs.

    So when I pushed him, "Well what if I just want to improve my current Upper seats?" he finally admitted that yeah, in April or so, they are going to go back through the Uppers and they are going to do it by seniority. There was no qualifier in his statements about rows 20 or lower or anything else.

    He went back to the PSL push again and offered me Section 143, (5-YL) but on the aisle next to 144, which is closer to the goal line. He has Row 12 available at $7,500 PSL ($30,000 for all four seats) and the ticket price "is only $20 more than you're paying now (I will be paying $105)" So the price is $125 per seat in that section, or $500 for the 4 seats. So, these seats are in lower, but actually further away from the center sideline than I am now in the uppers. Mmmeeehhh.... no thanks.

    If I want to go to the Mezz, the PSL there is still the original $7,500, but the tickets are now $245 where they used to be $400. I told him, "Dammit, with my seniority, I might have considered staying in the Mezz if I knew the $400 ticket price was going to be lowered to $245!" This is not so, BTW, I still consider that to be way overpriced, (it's still more than twice my Upper seats per ticket), but I told him this to yank his chain.

    Bottom line, it does look like there will be Uppers opening up and if he is telling the truth, they will go back and somehow offer us Upper guys (BY SENIORITY) a chance to move or improve our seating.

    Nick sounded like he was on coke and speed at the same time though. This guy was hyped... pushing like crazy... "these seats I'm offering you now will be gone by the time you call me back.. I am literally watching these seats flying off my computer as we speak... everything is selling out now because of this great deal..."..... yadda, yadda, yadda.
  12. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    17a myself and the people I sit near are all ONE AND DONE in UD EZ. We are all bolting in 2011 if we don't get better seats. Besides you do not have better seats than me, I have 2 or 3 games in 111 next year I bought at face off a PSL purchaser wh can't make it to all games. Maybe I will get lucky and this deal will go on forever, hey he will shut me out of two biggest games of years and play-offs. But so what I sit in my junk seats.

    I may buy a psl down the road. I just don;t want to buy one today.
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    227 I wan't lying, then again if Jets lie to me and I repeat their lie don't shoot me
  14. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    He's got it completely backwards, he'll be flying off his seat after he gets whacked with a computer
    #5114 GordonGecko, Feb 4, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2010
  15. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Here's a conspiracy theory. Seems odd to me that so so so few (if any) of us have Upper Primes (by that I mean sidelines first 4 to 8 rows). Maybe the Jets have held many of those seats all along and it has always been their intention to allocate those last. Like old saying "Save you best for last".
  16. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Sorry U misspoke I have UD primes

  17. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    I think you maybe the only on this thread with Upper Primes first 8 rows.
  18. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well that could be but in the past not many STHs have registered on TGG. I think once there was a poll & there were only about 10/20 STHs who replied. If U R using this forum as a guideline I think U may be going on the incorrect track to get a feel for the prime UD STHs

  19. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I also have section 342 in my family which is not bad. Problem with Jets is they called you left a message if you did not answer and went to next number. Lots of old timers did not have email on their file. I know people with 82 senority who are sitting with 86 or 87 people as they did not get message right away.
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    What was even more "odd" was that right from the very first day, when the Uppers were supposedly first available... that very first morning, we were already getting reports in this thread from guys with very early seniority who were told, "the first rows are all taken."

    What? How can that be? The very first morning and they're all gone? Bullshit. So yeah, it's more than odd... something doesn't smell right with the way the Jets handled this whole thing right from Day One.

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