17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    The Jets offered me a good seat to move down. Funny how no UD seats are availalbe. Guess easier to sell a psl if no-psl option is gone. Around March 1st once the buyers for these seats are dead they will re-open sales of UD tickets
  2. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Maybe we can set up a play date at the NJS. One of mine is alo 7. lol.
  3. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Well preseason I am using four seats as my cousin sits next to me, I will have a 9 and a 7 year old girl in tow but for sanity sake the 3 year old will be at Grandmas house!
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Got the same email verbatum, but from a different rep. A real setup job here. Lure the poor bastard away from the best value in NY sports seating (Jets, Giants, Yankees, you name it... the uppers are the best value in seating bar none, dollar for dollar) and the guy falls for it and gives up his reasonably priced seats.

    Once he's on the hook for the PSL, then they turn around and raise the ticket prices on him 10% per year for the next 7 years and bingo... the ticket price has just doubled.

    Not possible you say? Woody would never do that? Well, he already has... to the Mezz Section... over his entire tenure as owner.
  5. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    90% of the people moving into the 6 and 7.5k sections are going to be 5k Endzone or 4k Mezz B holders that see better value in sideline seats for only a couple thousand more. It's much easier to justify better seats when you're already laying out 8-10k. People with uppers are likely staying where they are.
  6. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    if anyone i mean anyone sees me talking crazy.and i start mentioning a PSL. please STOP ME!!!!

  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I was stopped dead in tracks by people I sit with in UD. I asked if anyone wanted to go half with me on two 6k pls, I buy one they buy one. First person said I can't justify paying any amount for a PSL even with nothing down.

    Guess his point is he has two UD EZ tickets he laid out $1,000 deposit and now owes $950. For $1,950 he gets 20 tickets.

    Going half with me would be ten tickets. 10*$125 is $1,125 plus either a $519 or $1,085 payment. If he finances the 15 year way he is paying $1,644 a year for only five games.

    My choice is to stay where I am with my two seats and let $950 hit my card in spring no big deal. But if I bought two seats on my own in 6k section. I would pay nothing now but come spring I owe them $1,250 for tickets (they cost more) plus $519 which is $1,650. I bet a few guys go what the heck upgrade let me worry about it in spring are going to get hit with a rolling pin when wife see credit card bill.

    However, if you already bought last row LL EZ or Mezz B middle row seats for 4k this is a no brainer to move over. You can't back out and these seats are much better. However, who will now buy last ten rows LL or MEZZ EZ middle seats now? They will have to reduce those prices.For the folks in seats like that. Even more for the damm corner Mezz B seats that are jammed against that huge screen when your view is blocked.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This may be so, but it has never been about the PSL price as much as it has been about the ticket price. The PSL isn't the killer, the prices of the tickets is and will be. This is what is keeping most Upper people glued to their original decisions, because at least they are starting out at a somewhat reasonable level and are not hog-tied and owned by the cockamamie PSL bear trap.

    Of the 5,000+ posts in this thread, probably 4,492 have been mine, warning people about Woody Johnson's propensity for raising ticket prices unmercifully, year after year, in certain sections he deems a good value. Not that he won't try to do this to the Upper people, mind you, but he won't have the sledge hammer that he has now over anyone foolish enough to lock themselves in his hurt locker and shackle themselves in position over the proverbial barrel in anticipation of Woody's annual prostate exam.

    When Woody took over from the Hess family, my Mezz tix were $60 or so. Four seats weren't that bad... $240 to go to a game. During the course of his tenure, he brutally raised the prices 10% per year (far exceeding the national COLA averages). If you take any principle amount and hit it with a 10% add-on for 7.5 years, you will double that principle amount in 7.5 years, and that's exactly what happened to my $60 Mezz seats.

    So yeah, the schpiel that the PSLs are "only a little more" is digestable, and so is (for now) the pitch that the seat prices have been lowered for this offer. But my point is and always has been, look out for much higher tickets increases in all te PSL areas (because he can), and particularly the discounted, now sale-priced tickets that are supposedly such a tremendous value. They certainly won't be once Woody has your PSL money in hand and you are shackled to the examining table in his office.
  9. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    wait a minute that is 2x519 or $1,038 plus $2,250 for tickets so in year two those End zone corners will cost me $3,288 as opposed to $1,950. Even better,

    $3,250 X 15 -$48,750 for LL goal line corners

    UD EZ is $1950 X 15 = $29,250.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    LOL... Come see me after you get kicked in the nuts and I'll provide the counselling you'll need to keep you from falling off the wagon. I'm thinking of starting a professional service.

    If I've accomplished anything else in this thread, I feel like I've helped thousands of otherwise weak-willed Jets fans from taking the plunge over the NFL equivalent of Niagra Falls. I've got enough man hours in this thing that I've earned the equivalent of a PHD in PSL Counselling, PSL Financial Grief Management, PSL Post Traumatic Financial Stress Disorder and PSL Buyer's Remorse Syndrome.

    PSL Buyer's Remorse Syndrome (PSL-BRS) and PSL Post Traumatic Financial Stress Disorder (PSL-PTFSD) is the most troubling because we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. While the onset of BRS has been evident for some time now, we can only imagine how bad the PTFSD will get once the buyer has sent in a sizeable number of payments and sees no way out. Then the bill arrives each spring for his tickets, only to find a hefty increase for his seats. And now he's still making payments on his original PSL purchase while having to cope with the increases in ticket price. The entire thing is going to become quite stressful, and that's under normal conditions for the buyer. Add college expenses to the stress level, or perhaps an impending divorce or business disolution and you can only imagine how that will weigh on the PSL-PTSD and BRS.

    227's PSL Counselling Services - $120 Per Hour

    Specializing In:

    1) PSL-related Financial Grief Counselling, Including the "WTF Did I Do?" Quandry
    2) PSL-related Post Traumatic Financial Stress Disorder - Sessions On How To Tell The Wife How Really Bad The Ticket Prices Are Becoming
    3) PSL-related BRS (Buyer's Remorse Syndrome) Dealing With The Ultimate Question: "How TF Do I Get Out Of This Now?"
    4) PSL-related thoughts of suicide or self-mutilation (such as wearing a Dolphins jersey, praising Tom Brady, etc.)
    5) PSL-related thoughts of death threats on Woody Johnson's life - "How To Avoid Being Arrested and Staying One Step Ahead of Stadium Security"
    6) PSL-related anger management issues (public urination on the new stadium seats, giving shit to the concession stand workers, etc.)

    Section 227, Row 5 is a licensed and accredited PSL counselling service. 227 has a Doctor's Degree in Getting Fucked by Woody Johnson and a PHD in Mezzanine Level Financial Hose Jobs, with over 25 years experience in posturing for annual prostate exams by the Jets Ticket Office.
  11. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I understand your position and it is certainly a leap of faith in regards to ticket pricing when you own a PSL, but my opinion has always been that Woody wants the stadium filled, not just this year, but in perpetuity. Raising ticket prices 10% per year one year after he effectively raised them 55% does nothing to keep people in those seats.

    The Jets felt that the mezzanine and lower level sidelines seats were undervalued for the market and to an extent they were. $80 for lower level seats on the 40 was so much of a steal that STHs in prime locations would just sell their season for a 50-75% profit and then StubHub the games they wanted to go to. This year's increase puts the ticket prices ($80 to $125 on LL goalline) in line with where he envisioned them. I honestly see no benefit for him to increase prices more than a nominal inflationary increases of 2-4%.

    For the record, I had already purchased 2 aisle seats in 131 that I have since upgraded to 134, a few seats in from 135. The upgrade was a no-brainer to me. I was annoyed at the tacked on seating in the corner aisles that I would have had, and the reduction gave me the opportunity to sit essentially where I did this season (128) for a few thousand more, and I loved those seats.

  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Classic case of denial, ladies and gentlemen. This is exactly what I'm talking about.

    Ozu, I have an opening this week due to a cancellation (a PSL buyer's wife hit him in the head with a frying pan last night after he lost his job and told her he still wants to keep his tickets). Be in my office Thursday morning at 10:30. I feel so bad about this situation that I'm going to offer you two initial counselling sessions absolutely free.
  13. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Bet I have a piece of news so shocking that even 227 might crack a smile.

    The Jets have stopped all UD ticket sales till spring. Every ticket turned in during PSL sales event will not be sold for a few months.

    In spring they will re-bunch us and give us opportinity to add seats then remaining seats will be sold to General Public.

    227 pull you pants up and stop spanking it. This is your dream situation.
  14. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    OZU is actually what he will be yelling when he gets PSL payments for 15 years.
  15. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Sunk cost. The PSLs are paid within a year or two and since I'm not married (yet), no one holds veto power over my discretionary entertainment expenses.
  16. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Yup. I got that from my Rep as well. April 1st he said. I guess that will be Relocation Part 2 (almost exactly a year from the start of Part 1). Can a team F-up a reloc process more?
  17. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I got my call. So the sales pitch is the ticket price between the UD and downstaris is not much different and "come on down".... sounds like a game show. Meanwhile, the PSL remains intact which is why I would not come on down. Its the PSL stopping me, I would pay $150 per ticket, a $45 price increase, but i have a kid going to College in September and Uncle Sam just told me I am not eligible for free $$ to help. We all hate what's going on, I am really bummed about breaking up my section, geez, 25 years hugging the same Jet friends, but as a season ticket holder, I want the place sold out and rocking ever year, its gonna suck if we have patches of empty seats on TV like the Yanks did for most of the year. I really doubt the Jets are gonna reduce or eliminate the PSL's and I say no way do they sell all their inventory. Maybe all the crowd shots should to the UD where we sit. Sorry if I am rambling, first post for about 2 weeks, decompressing. And thanks to 227 & 17A for keeping this alive. Until the Jets sign someone or the draft is completed, this is the only off season news for me.
    #5077 sec314, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2010
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This IS truly shocking, if it's what I think it is. IF the Jets are freezing all open Upper seats that have moved and by "re-bunching us" you mean that they will systematically (and by seniority) allow all of us to relocate to slightly better seating in the Uppers, then THIS, my friend, would at least be a step in the right direction.

    It's the only fair thing to do. But I'm not holdoing my fucking breath on this either, because up until now, greed was the only driver. Pack 'em in and forget 'em. If I can improve my seating in the Uppers by having people bail, all the more reason to support it. In fact, I've changed my attitude already:

    Attention Upper Deckers!

    Now is the time for you to take advantage of the PSLs!

    Bail out now on your lower rows in the Upper Deck!

    Opportunity has never knocked you up harder!
  19. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hehe you are the man 227!!!!!

    ill say it to you and 17a and 314 and all the others who have put so much information on this thread. thank you!
  20. NewStadiumSec101

    NewStadiumSec101 New Member

    Oct 6, 2009
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    If your lawyer wants some insight into the Jet's stance on several issues within the PSL contract send me a private message. I had a lengthly conference call with the Jet's counsel prior to executing the agreement.

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