17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Are they lowering prices for those who bought already? I heard from Jets that today they are offering everyone a chance to re-locate within those sections. Does that mean they pay original price because they got best seats or they get the new lower price.

    Also Newsday said they lowered it in 6,400 seats in lower goal line.

    The ticket price change from $140 to $125 is a good deal. Funny lots of people relocated to EW corners cause with a 10K price and $140 tickets 5K and $195 tickets made sense, now it does not with a 6k and a $125 price. Is anyone buying? You can get as low as row seven in the 7.5K psls.
  2. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Actually price reductions don't devalue existing seats, those who bought already overpaid and now Jets are moving to selling at market prices. Once we hit secondary they all would be selling at market prices.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The pricing mayhem will spill over into March of 2011. The price of PSLs for resale will be affected by the lowest purchase price... the lowest common denominator. Someone who purchased cheaper seats in a nearby section or row will be able to sell at a lower price to break even than the original buyers, affecting what those earlier guys can ask for theirs. Total chaos and pandimonium in Jets PSL Resale Land 13 months from now.

    Meanwhile, I haven't even thought of calling my rep for an upgrade because I know I might as well be talking to a telephone pole. There's zero incentive for them to change me out of my Uppers into a decently priced PSL seat, because they have to do double work then and find someone for my Uppers. Besides, why would I even want to move into one of these "leftover" PSL seats? They're going to be lousy sections in higher rows, so you're still not getting value.

    I'll stick with my Uppers and ride it out and see how we like the seats this year.
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    with what i wasted on these STUPID FUCKING super bowl tix i could have paid off a psl.

    but fuck that i am not giving them shit.

    JOISEYJET New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Never! I asure you ,with the commisions they must be getting ,I sure would have set myself up with better then 10th row lower endzone seats.
  6. Section341

    Section341 New Member

    Jan 2, 2010
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    I'm coming from the standpoint if you bought the 15k seat, the section next to you is now 7.5k instead of 10k. Also, the difference between the LL EZ is cut in half so from a buyer standpoint, 2.5k is relatively small to be on the 5 or 10 yard line rather than behind the goal post.
  7. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    I am thinking of moving. I can get row 5-10 on aisle in 6K sections near 7.5k sections with a 125 ticket price it is not a bad deal, considering the four EZ corners low rows near lower goal line you needed to be a 20 year plus season ticket holder to getnow for 1k more you can seat 20 seats over with no seniority.

    people how bought EW club corners for 5k with 195 ticket price now are 35 rows behind lower goal line folks who paid 6k with 125 ticket prices. That is sucking up $70 dollar a ticket a game extra that no-one in secondary will give a hoot about.

    What is you are row 11 towards EZ in Club EW with a 195 ticket and are selling vs. vs. a ten yard line row one lower goal line with a 125 ticket.

    On stubhub lower goal line based on last year prices will go for $170 while that $195 ticket will get your around $150. Ouch.

    Of the two jets corners which is better, I have a choice same row same seat in 6k sides and can't decide. Jets side seats are slightly worse and I take train which is closer to visitors side.

    Plus close to field corners are pretty sunny anyhow even on Jets side.
  8. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That would be a good idea, it is a damn good deal now. Well compared to what it was-
  9. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Apparently nothing is left lower then row 7-
  10. franzman9

    franzman9 Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    I decided to buy in the 15K section (240). I sent my lawyer the contract and Im still waiting to hear back from them. Im having second thoughts now about actually signing the damn thing because it seems to me like the prices are going to continue to get dropped and I dont want to be locked into a price and have the guy next to me spending 5K less. Anyone know if I sign the contract and lock up the seats, if they lower the ticket price, will I be locked into the price or will my contract be adjusted to the new lower price? And does anyone this those club seats will even see price adjustments at all?
  11. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    if you sign you are locked in.
    i was able to back out after a month b/c i never signed the electronic contract.
  12. franzman9

    franzman9 Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    How about your deposit?
  13. kaboom

    kaboom Member

    Oct 19, 2009
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    They are giving all PSL holders the benefit of any price reductions.

    I am in the Lower Goal line, Sec 134 and the PSL was reduced from $10K to $7.5K, so on my account the balance due was decreased by $10K ($2.5K for 4 tix).

    I thought about upgrading to better seats if they had a new $10K PSL price point but the next highest was $15K and I can't justify doubling the cost to move maybe only 1 section over.

    My rep called encouraging me to "refer friends" as there are still a few seats next to where mine are or seeing if I was interested in buying more seats (which I'm not).
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    got it back
  15. RowOneJetFan

    RowOneJetFan Guest

    Hey I am thinking of buying in 133 near you two seats off aisle near 134 in row five. How are those seats, will I have good view of field and will that rail running down the aisle block my view when I look left most of game to see action. Do you have any pictures of that close? Thanks John

  16. franzman9

    franzman9 Member

    Dec 8, 2009
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    Going on a tour of the stadium on friday, Ill let you guys know what I think
  17. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Bring your camera and a big memory card
  18. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I'm moving as well and I'm currently in the 131 corner with aisle seats. Rep said there are seats as low as row 10 aisles available but that's probably too low for my taste.

    I'd prefer aisle seats closest to the more expensive section in the 15-25 row range.
  19. ozu

    ozu New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    You're locked into buying a PSL but you will get the lower PSL prices if you buy in a section that gets reduced. Here is an email to someone who had previously bought in the 10k section...
  20. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    You don't even have to talk to your rep for the upgrade. You can just call up and they will move your seats which is probably better than dealing with your rep and they get a pretty nice commission for those $6k seats. I know a rep who works there so I know the deal with that part.

    However I think year 2 those seats get priced up to $160 a seat but that's just my opinion.

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