Asomugha wants to be a Jet

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by InRevisWeTrust, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    1) It would never happen.
    2) If could never happen.
    3) If it did happen, the Jets would probably have the best defense in football history.
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    I don't think tampering can be indicted here. He is NOT an FA, he is under contract, so the Jets would have to trade for him. Unlike with the Crabtree allegations, he was not under contract, and allegedly the Jets told him if you can force a trade, we would pay you what you want. In essence this charge was because the Jets although not able/willing or whatever to give Crabtree what he wanted, but because by saying hey look I will pay you exactly what you wanted, his asking price never came back to the Niners the way they wanted it to, and likely would have earlier if the Jets allegedly never told Crabtree or his agent that.

    In this case the Aso told the Jets he wants to play for them and Rex said I would love for you to play for me. But Aso is 100% under contract for at least the next year and Rex and the Jets would have to offer up a pretty penny to even have a shot to get Crazy Al to give up Aso, much less signing him to a long-term extension.

    So no I don't think they can be hit with tampering in this case, partly because Aso started courting Ryan, not the other way around. AND because he is under contract so he does not have the freedom to choose where he goes, so we can't find a way to convince him of where he wants to be before we are allowed to.

    So yeah I would think we are tampering free at this point. however it would be very exciting to see if there are even inklings of this in the future leading up to the draft, of this happening.
  3. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    Wow that is a pretty tempting proposal
  4. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Tongue in cheek - I thought about this knowing Old Man Al covets team speed.

    On the level though, does a halfass conversation between players and coaches of opposing teams equal tampering? I would think conversations between agents and GM's would be.

    Secondly, with an uncapped year on the horizon, do you think AL would trade away Asomugha just to dump the salary? This might be his only opportunity to trade the rediculous contract away. It's not like the Raiders are going to contend anwyay.

    Mike T could take the salary on for a year and wait to see what kind of CBA comes about for the 2011 year. Then he could act accordingly.

    And if Davis is holding a 40+ year old grudge toward the Jets, then he should look in the mirror and get over himself.
  5. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Im surprised that nobody addressed the flipside or this.

    What could the jets get if Oakland really wanted Revis ?
  6. rhodesfan16

    rhodesfan16 New Member

    Feb 7, 2008
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    Nothing really
  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    When the Packers filed Tampering charges on the Vikings for having contact with Brett Favre (who was under contract with the Packers at that time), NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the following:

    Q. What is the NFL’s definition of tampering?

    A. "The term tampering, as used within the National Football League, refers to any interference by a member club with the employer-employee relationship of another club or any attempt by a club to impermissably induce a person to seek employment with that club or with the NFL."

    He also says here:

    "Of course, it has to be established. There are teams that file a tampering charge against another team and then our office reviews it and it turns out there was no tampering, or that there was insufficient evidence to prove that there was tampering. And in most cases, invariably, the team that files the tampering charge believes there was tampering and the other team doesn't believe there was tampering, so gray area? Absolutely. That's why these disputes are resolved by the commissioner or the commissioner's office."
    #87 abyzmul, Feb 1, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2010
  8. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Its not about him being under contract. Look at this way: We call up J.Cribbs and tell him come to New York. We'll get you $8 mil a yr contract with millions in gauranteed and signing bonus, plus a guaranteed starting RB spot. Cribbs is under contract. But we just fucked the Browns cuz Cribbs would want the same deal with them aswell and ask for him to be released or traded if they can't match. Hence, it is considered tampering cuz we tampered with a player under contract.

    In this case, Aso initiated the conversation as per the article. What is important is what Rex did. He sure can say yeah we want you here. But at some point, he has to stop and say "listen son, there are ways to get things done and this is not one of them. Lemme talk to the old fucker and see what they want. I can not be talking to you" End of conversation. If that happens, we are safe IMO. If Rex goes and says "Yeah you lil freak, we want you to play for the fucking Jets. We'll fuck up this league and see who wants to be pass happy. You're the fucking man. We'll get you an even bigger contract. Go back to the old fart and tell him off will ya?!" Tampering charges are coming.
  9. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    If this is a true statement, we're fucked. That's tampering, cut and dried.

    You just can't do that! I remember at the draft a couple years ago Keyshawn Johnson was still with the Panthers and he was interviewing Andy Reid. Reid made some pleasant, joking comment "Oh, we'd love to have a guy like you here, Key." Mortensen chimed in "that's tampering." Reid knew it. "Oh shit, you're right..."

    I'd imagine the league let that slide because it was just harmless interviewer/interviewee banter, but in a situation described in the article above... fuck yeah, that's tampering. We will see an investigation, guaranteed. It's Al Davis, and you're plotting for his best player behind his back. Dammit.

    Keep your mouth shut, Aso!
  10. NYJetsMan7

    NYJetsMan7 Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Pro Bowl week sure alot of stuff was thrown around between players coaches. This just made a headline becuase of the talent of Aso. Nothing will come of it. Sure the writer probably exaggerated on it a little.
  11. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Revis will be 25 and Aso will be 29 when the season starts. Revis hasn't reached his peak yet, which is frightening! He has about 7 or 8 more all pro caliber season left, barring any serious injury of course. Aso has 3 or 4 at the most and then he's done being a top flight CB. Huge huge difference.

    Question is, would trade Revis for Aso? No. As much as I like Aso, Revis is young and is the best cover CB in the NFL. He would be the best CB in the NFL next yr and the NFL will realize it.

    If I were the Raiders and wanted Revis, I would give up a first rounder for sure and maybe a second with that also. A 24 yr old #1 CB is worth more than a first rounder, maybe even a first this yr and another conditional 1st to 4th next yr. Most of the players are 23 yrs old when they come out the draft anyways so 24 is not bad at all.

    For Aso, a 1st has to be it. He is not young, not that he's old though, but 28 yrs old doesn't warrant a player with an entire career left to play such as in Revis' case. I would not give anything more than a 1st for Aso, maybe even a 2nd, plus a conditional in 2011.
  12. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    How exactly do you figure? Aso can talk all he wants. He can talk with the GM, with the HC or even with the owner, but that doesn't mean we have a new contract in place for Aso pending a trade. It just states they talked. Maybe Rex said "go home son, this is not the way we do business"?

    Like I said, Aso can talk all he wants, its not tampering. Aso talking to the Jets does not constitute tampering, but the Jets showing interest and taking the conversation to a whole new level does.
  13. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    There is no one on Oakland worth Revis. You could give me there 3 best players and I'd say no way.

    Someone mentioned that Asomugha's contract voids after next year? Sign him lol.
  14. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Well I would think at the very very minimum Oakland would have to give up 2 1st round picks for him, which I still dont believe is enough.

    Two 1st round picks and say a 2nd for Revis and like a 4th or 5th round pick ?

    Reasonable ? Too much ? Just trying to get a basic grasp on what Revis's hypothetical value could be worth.
  15. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    His contracts not void, hes just due a huge option.

    And surprisingly Oakland has some good players.

    Tyvon Branch is a great young safety (23 I think)

    Im not saying I could ever dream of letting Revis go, but if the price is right who knows.
  16. Colintes

    Colintes New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Can we stop dreaming? If this were to happen we'd obviously have to lose someone good. People need to stop packaging all our garbage players and a 2nd rounder, and saying Al Davis will do it.

    If people started putting packages together that another team might actually be interested in, maybe Jenkins, Rhodes/ Lowery(if were lucky) Kellen, and a first in 2011, maybe that would be possible.

    The thing with trades is both teams need to accept. The raiders are only likely to accept it, if they think they are getting the better deal.
  17. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Two firsts aren't bad either. I was considering what others would like to offers. Jets would want two 1st rounders plus a low pick maybe, and deal might end up at a 1st PLUS a conditional that can rise as high as a 1st. Of course, we'd never be able to find out, but two 1sts sounds about right.
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Yes. Al Davis will never ever ever make a trade with the Jets unless it absolutely decimates the Jets. He doesn't just hate them because they kept the Raiders from winning the first AFL Super Bowl win, he hates them because they kowtowed to Wellington Mara and the NFL to make the merger happen. This took the Raiders bargaining position with the 49ers and trashed it and they had to pay indemnity payments, as the Jets did to the Giants, at a time when Al Davis wanted to play hardball by threatening to call off the merger.

    Finally, the Jets were the most successful franchise in the old AFL in terms of revenue prior to the merger and drew the biggest crowds. The Raiders by comparison were middle of the pack at best and Davis felt the merger payments were unfair given the difference in revenues between the two teams. He felt the Jets should make both sets of payments of they were so convinced the payments would lead to more prosperity.

    Davis will never trade Aso to the Jets. If it comes to it he'll trade him to the Pats CHEAP instead. Or maybe not so cheap. That 2011 #1 pick they got for Seymour might be what lands Aso on the Pats.
  19. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    Priceless. His value is priceless.

    I know that sounds corny, but it's true. He's the best corner in the league, but more importantly, he may become the best corner in the history of the league.
  20. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I think Ghost, KC, Drew, and Clowney can do the trick, without a pick lol.

    Seriously though, Lito has to be part of the trade cuz Oakland can't just lose their best player not have a half decent replacement. Lito, Rhodes, and a 2nd plus a conditional next yr as high as ANOTHER 2nd. KC and Lowery have no real trade value when you are talking about Aso.

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