This is awesome. NFL Network has joined with HULU.COM There is plenty of great programming available to watch for free on the site. There is a section for the NFL Network and sections of all 32 teams. I linked the Jets site that has many great shows to watch. Enjoy! :beer: i forgot the great memories penny gave us.
lol we were 2-5 in 2002 and went to SD who was 6-1 and we crushed them to turn our season around. And lamont jordan had a 61 yd td run in the 2nd half. HAHAHAA Thank You SD!!@!!!@,v,1,0 super bowl 3
the game vs GB in 2002, when NE won and the stadium just exploded is what brings tears. That was one of the best moments I remember from the Jets.
hahaha even in the 2003 playoff game vs the chargers, doug brien hit the up right on a 42 yd fieldgoal and it still went in.
Man, I wish I was older then 10 during the 2002 season, I just watched all of those highlights and I don't even remember if I watched it live or not...
I started really following the jets in 2001. My top 5 moments are 1. SD 4th and 1 run to win the game 2. Doug Brien in ot vs the chargers 3. Packers game to win AFC EAST 4. Colts 41-0 game 5. Bengals playoff game honorable mention to john hall 52 yd fg, where i became a huge jets fan.