"Rex, you talk a lot so talk to the refs," says Colts Safety Melvin Bullitt

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by kbsothman, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I don't think the game turned on that call at all, just that there is no excuse that it wasn't called. with all the rules the NFL put in play to protect QB's, there is no reason for a ref not to be watching that, so them not seeing it is as much an indictment on the officiating as seeing it but not calling it. plain and simply, it was bad officiating.
  2. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Fair enough. I don't disagree that it helped the Colts, but don't think it was going to end up making much of a difference. The Colts have done a great job against Johnson, Rice & Jones-Drew this year. I thought the Jets would have to get 150+ to win and felt the Colts could keep them to about 115. If Green had stayed in, it looks like he would have ended with about 100 going strictly on what had happened up to that point.
  3. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    It's all speculative at this point. But after all the games I have watched, IMO, Greene would have had significantly more then 100 yards. The 3rd and 4th quarters is when he really turns it on. And if you watch the 3 runs before the injury, he was starting to click with the Oline and hit is stride. It was the same pattern as the previous games. It was only a matter of time before he burst for a few big runs. IMO, with him in there, it is a one score game late into the 4th. But that is just me guessing, it is what it is.
  4. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    I would like to answer that, it all has to do with running style.
    If you notice TJ hops and waits for a hole to open and almost always drops at the first point of contact. Add to the mix that he was not 100% in spite of many have thought.

    When you have a defense as fats as the Colts do this type of style plays right in to there game plan. The defenders are on top of him before he makeshis move up field for either a small gain to a lost behind the line of play.

    Greene on the other hand is a pounder. He does not wait for a hole if it is not there, he gets behind his blockers and keeps his legs moving until his body is pron to the ground. If a hole does open he is thru it instantly with no hesstation and rather then being hit by the defender he is the one doing the hitting to the defender. As you saw from last weeks game, if you do not wrap up he will run over, thru and around you and has the speed to take it to the house.

    As other have told you over these playoff games he really did not get going to the second half. Yet, as with the Bengals and the Chargers they pound him at you over and over wioth him picking up 4 6 7 yards a pop till he break one. Then the defense will bring 8 or 9 up to the box to stop him. When this change takes place, this is when Sanchez will kill you with the Playaction passes to Keller or other coming off the line.....
  5. Coltsmania18

    Coltsmania18 New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Late hit definitely, but no bad intentions!

    I was at the game and did not see the hit because I was watching the play. I do agree, however, that it was a late hit, but Bullit held up ever so slightly when making contact with Sanchize. Still yet, a flag should have been thrown.

    Regardless, the Jets played a great game, but were over matched. Their ground game was useless and I was amazed at the softness of their defensive front. The Colts finally got 100 yards rushing for the first time in quite a while.

    As to the smack talk, I could not believe the Jets players and Rexy were spouting off at the mouth so much and then to hear the Jet's fans whine that the Colts talked smack after the game goes to show how out of touch they truly are in regards to being classy. Give me a break.
  6. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Running game was useless because our #1 RB was hurt. I can't stand these Colts fans who keep harping on that. Imagine Tennessee without Johnson. Imagine the Lions without Sanders, imagine the Vikings without Peterson, the Chargers without LT (pre-Rivers). I'm not comparing Greene to those guys, but I'm just saying, losing your top guy will absolutely kill your rushing attack.
  7. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Doesn't matter Saints are gonna win the Super Bowl and Reggie is gonna buy Kim K that ring.
  8. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    When did the Jets players and Rex spout off at Indy? Do you have an example? All I heard all week from the players and Rex was that Indy was a great team and Manning was a great QB. They said it on more than one occasion. They did say they expected to win, but so what, what did you want them to say "Well Gee, we are just happy to be here, and hope we don't lose by too much." There wasn't one disrespectful word uttered toward Indy, at least as far as I know.

    Bullitt talking smack after the fact, after an obvious late hit, is a little douchebaggish.
  9. colts fan

    colts fan New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    It seems as if most Jet fans forget the Colts had to play offense too...We scored and this effectively stopped your team from running, also we stacked the box, running was futile, hence Greene YPC was significantly down...Greene broke big runs against both the Bengals and Chargers...he wasn't going to do it against the Colts. Your team rushed at least 30 times in the game with no success. You didn't get a rushing TD and when Greene was in on our 30 your offense couldn't move the ball at all...

    A bruiser back gets injured often and has a short NFL career, scat back survive longer...Look at Terrel Davis, Okoye, Jacobs... 5 years is the expectancy for these type of runners. Then you take a rookie RB and hand the ball to him almost 30 times per game and his body isn't use to it (ala Cadillac Williams), he is going to get injured. Greene will never be a lone back in the NFL, he runs too hard. But, regardless if he was healthy or not, your team was not going to win solely by running the ball with Greene, it showed in the first half and in the 3rd before Greene was injured.
  10. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    The fact that we couldn't win showed during the parts of the game when we were winning. OK.
  11. colts fan

    colts fan New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Really? I guess that's because you didn't turn on your television. Stop being such a homer, everyone knows your team and fans talked a lot of smack. Revis talked smack, Scott, Rex and even Leonard through his soft smack out.
  12. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Do you really think that? That not calling something they didn't see is just as bad as not calling something they did see, but determined was legal?

    It was a running play -- and it wouldn't be surprising if the officials' attention were focused somewhere other than the QB after the ball was handed off.

    I was just asking if we knew whether or not they'd seen it and didn't flag it or simply missed it. Because I have to imagine they'd have flagged that if they saw it.

    I don't know why anybody would say that it was legal.
  13. colts fan

    colts fan New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    No you were never winning, your team had a lead. The Colts won and are winning, but I know it's semantics.

    It was a great thing the Colts knew the game was 4 quarters and not 2 or 3 this time.

    I guess you were confused with the first meeting in Lucas Oil eh?
  14. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Indy fans are so delusional that they take anything that's not high praise as disrespect. Very much like the Chargers fans.
  15. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    I didn't really pay much attention to what was being said before the game.

    But I do remember Rex making comments before the regular season game that suggested he was going to send guys after Manning to give Caldwell something to think about, or words to that effect.

    The NFL could do without head coaches making comments along those lines, I think.
  16. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    the officials have two parts to their job -- see the plays and call infractions, neither of which is more important than the other. if they did not see it, then they failed in their job just as much as if they made a bad call.
  17. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    ^Also rooting for Vilma.
  18. colts fan

    colts fan New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Not really, we went through the Pat's era and the fumbles within the redzone against the Chargers for two years in a row. These turnovers cost us the game twice.

    In about 5-6 years the Colts may be back on the bottom of the barrel again, but for now we are happy :)

    As for now, the Jets should be competing with the Pats next season for the division crown.
  19. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    What if he took Sanchez out? You cannot be too stupid to count to 3 right? Just look out your window... 1 cow, 2 cow, 3 cow. See? Easy.
  20. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Right, but that's not really what I was asking. I'm not saying that missing something is "good officiating".

    If it were me, I'd be a great deal more peeved about this if I knew they had seen the hit and simply chose not to flag it. To me, that would be inexcusable.

    It's not inexcusable that seven middle-aged men would miss seeing things that happen on a 57,600 sq-ft field of play with 22 big, fast athletes all moving and interacting at the same time -- particularly when those things are "behind the play".

    It happens...which is not the same as saying that it's not bad officiating.

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