I don't care about a "magical season" or "special run"--I'm still pissed

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nyscene911, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    it was a great season, a fun playoff run and we lost to the better team, not that we weren't capable of beating them. it's disappointing we didn't play better and win, but it isn't the end of the fucking world. we lost to arguably the best team in football, no shame in that and it certainly doesn't diminish the fun and excitement of this season and the potential that is evident going forwarded. this wasn't an opportunity lost, it was just the first step in hopefully a decade of brilliance. for the first time in my lifetime this team as it is constructed looks like it has the pieces to be a championship contender for the immediate future.

    I'm not happy we lost, but I am certainly not distraught. it was a great season. for fucks sake.

    what the fuck is wrong with some of you?
  2. KHBirdman

    KHBirdman Banned

    Aug 12, 2005
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    There is NO SUCH THING as a GREAT SEASON unless you win it all. It could be a good season but not GREAT.

    And, some of you haven't gone thru the PAIN of 40+ years so the frustration of watching and or going to 40 years of football hurts when you get so close.

    It's not the end of the world but there in no consolation prize for losing when you are so close !
  3. sozopol

    sozopol Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Well I'm 41 and been a fan since I was a kid, and I'm disappointed but feel good about the team and the future. I think it's clear that it's a new era for the Jets and how can you not be psyched about that. Espcially after years of feeling the creeping dread that goes with knowing your team is just not in the elite.

    I know you don't get many chances to win the SB, even as a good team, but it definitely looks like we'll be in the mix for years to come. I mean shit what's the point of going around pissed and miserable all the time just because you are not the SB champ. If that's you then I think it's time for a new hobby.
  4. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Its a classic case of unreasonable expectations compounded by a successful play off run. Symptoms include; diarrhea of the mouth, suicidal thoughts, bitchiness, whininess, watering of the eyes, soreness of the butt, dementia and lack of reason. Sufferers will often attack and lash out at fellow fans that are not as distressed and distraught as they are.

    Please reference the original post, #113 and #122 for case study.
    #124 greaser, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Really? It hurts you more than other people? You who can't even be bothered to pay close enough attention to the team to know what draft picks we have?

    Thanks for showing up after being absent all season to tell us what a great fan you are or how long you've suffered.
  6. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Our team and our fans just have to get used to winning, and that what Rex is trying to do here. Even if you go 14-2 every year, it's no guarantee that you win the whole thing. All you can ask is to be in a position to be successful in late January, and the Super Bowl will come.

    We have a rookie head coach, rookie QB, rookie RB, and we lost Kris Jenkins and Leon Washington and we were STILL in the AFC championship game with the lead at halftime.

    Get used to it, the Jets are here to stay
  7. KHBirdman

    KHBirdman Banned

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I try and avoid message boards as much as possible and mostly don't look at DRAFT STATUS until AFTER the season. Most people on these boards I believe don't have a clue. So, I didn't see that our conditional picks were finalized. Big freggin deal. I was trying to make a point that just cause we were close this year, doesn't mean we are on our way just cause we were close. We have few draft picks, and have F/A restrictions.

    So much can happen the following year and all it takes is one person's achillies to blow out.

    I've been going to games since 1970. I'm just saying that I bet there is less than 25% of members of this board who have suffered that long and know "There's Always Next Year" basically means NADA !

    I've seen "GOOD" Seasons but the last GREAT season the Jets had were before MOST of us were even born. And those of you who think this was a GREAT season I don't think have a clue. A great season is going 14-2. A great season is home field for the playoffs. A great season culminates with holding up the Lombardi trophy.

    Don't judge my passion and intellignce based on how many times I post on the Gang Green. Just cause people post often doesn't mean they have are so informed.
  8. Diabolical_Jet_Fan

    Diabolical_Jet_Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    The future is bright

    I'm 39 years old and I've been a jet fan since Richard Todd and Co. I've had The NFL Sunday Ticket since 1995 and haven't missed a game since. The 1998 Jets were by far the most exciting team to watch to date, however that team had a very short window for the future. The 2009 Jets are a relatively young team with a rookie head coach. The future is bright for the Jets and I am proud to be a fan.

    I must say, the 98 loss hurt worse, due to the fact that the Jets were better than the Broncos and in the Super Bowl, were far superior to the Falcons. Plus the reason mentioned above.

    Did this loss hurt? Sure it did. But lets face it. The Colts are just a better team than us with a future HOF QB. This years Jets were just too inconsistant, losing to the likes of the Bills, Dolphins, Jags and Falcons.

    The Jets have a nice foundation for the future they can build upon. Maybe they can stop bullshitting around in the regular season in hopes of getting a higher seed in the tournament. It is far too difficult to win three playoff road games in reaching the superbowl.
  9. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    You've had DirecTV or some other satellite company since 95? That's interesting.
  10. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    This. Squared. Fuck them all!
  11. Steve-o

    Steve-o New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    This was not a "magical season" or a "special run". A "special run" is the 1995 Colts. That team made it within a dropped hail mary of the Super Bowl, with Jim Harbaugh at quarterback. A couple years later, that team was 1-15, and drafting Peyton Manning.

    Your guys grew up a lot during this post-season.

    Anyone who says you didn't belong in the playoffs is an idiot. If you didn't belong, then Cincy and San Diego really didn't belong.

    You're going to be back in the AFC Championship several more times in the years to come.
  12. Diabolical_Jet_Fan

    Diabolical_Jet_Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    Yes. I used to have the huge pond sattelite back in the day, and went to the small sattelite in 97. The ticket has been around longer than what you think. I used to pay less than $200, but now i belive its over $300.
  13. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The "ticket" was launched in 95, my grandfather has a lake house in Maine and had one of those HUGE satellites.

    He had to have the ticket to go up there during football season.

    I've been to every home game for 20+ years now, My dad has had season tickets longer then I've been alive, but now they are MINE!!! lol
  14. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Must be nice...I have not been to a game in ten years (left NY in 2000). I'm over 30 years old now and I don't want to keep missing out.
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Where did you move to?

    I'm just over 30 as well and my Dad was pissed about PSL's. I figured all the years he took me that it was a no brainer to to it.
  16. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    I'm disappointed...not pissed.

    this was way further than ANY of us expected us to be. I thought we could have won this game and it looked like we were. But the injuries really hurt us. If we didn';t lose strickland and greene we win this game. I am positive of that. The whole complexion of both sides of the ball changed when those two guys went out.it just wasn't meant to be. it's ok.we didn't lay down or lose in a ridiculous way. and we didn't lose to a slouch or scrub team. we lost to a great team in their building. i'm proud of this team...

    we need to have a better record with a bye/home field advantage in the future. its hard to win 3 playoff road games in a row. not that it hasn't been done but it makes our road much more difficult and we could have used the rest
  17. JoeWillie

    JoeWillie New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    I think the original NFL Ticket was $179 back in 1995, then they jacked up the
    charge every year by $20 then I dropped it.
  18. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I don't think anybody is wrong in this thread,except the dumb ass Charger fan. There "should" be a great future to look forward to. barring an achillies(sp?) or wrist injury,something we know all too well. I think that is what has some of us bugged. Being 1/2 game,with a lead,away from the SB. Now knowing we have to start over with just hope that we don;t get a bad injury or some other shit that ruins it. We could also go 14-2 and lose in the wild card round,who knows? I hope this team sticks to the ground and pound and builds an old fashioned smash mouth football team winning behind the run and defense.
  19. marcusthetruth

    marcusthetruth New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    I'm a win now type of guy, even if the future is bright, I can't stand losing games like this. I dont think home field would have made a difference. The Jets played as well as they could on the road, but I think melted down in the clutch and we had some untimely injuries, ugh.

    The Jets aren't intimidated to play anywhere--they played EXTREMELY SB caliber the first half of this game on the road. They looked like the 2002 SB winning Tampa Bay Bucs...playing old school football with some gutsy gadget plays trickled in They SHOULD have closed this game out--we were 30 minutes away from Miami..I started looking for plane tickets after that Addai fumble...I'm amazed that people are just crediting Indy and saying Manning is unbelievable. Stop selling your own team short, they were toe to toe with these guys and in fact much better for the first half. There has to be a point where you have to stop saying the other team is better... otherwise you never will be better than that team. That's what champions do...the Pats beat the Colts when Manning was at his best, so did SD. I think this was the perfect time for the Jets to come up with the perfect 60 minute game plan to take down Indy. You aren't playing 10 games against em, it's just one game...and we let it slip away.
  20. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    I moved to Colorado Springs for a job opportunity. The Broncos' fans are everywhere but ask them to name 10 current players and they're stumped.
    Back on topic, I would give anything to watch the Gang Green the way you do. Shit, every home game? Count me in.

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