"Rex, you talk a lot so talk to the refs," says Colts Safety Melvin Bullitt

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by kbsothman, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    the problem with not calling it is that either it is always a penalty if you hit the QB after he hands it off or it never is. the ref can't attempt to determine whether the defender knew it was handed off or not, it is up to the defender to make the correct decision.

    complete bullshit that it wasn't called.
  2. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I know, right, because all injuries are comparable. if you are going to be a troll, at least try not to be troll with the logical analysis of my asshole. now, my asshole might seem to be pretty smart, it knows not to shit my shorts and hold it in when I have to go, but it certainly can't conduct anymore complex behavior than that.
  3. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    So do we know that the officials saw the hit, but determined that it was legal for this reason?

    I just assumed that the refs never even saw it. Because I have to think they'd have flagged it if they did.

    That said, it's not like the game turned on that one blown call. Games rarely do turn on one blown call.
  4. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    I am not going to bad mouth Payton, the guy is one of the best QB's to ever play this game. I want to bad mouth Parcells, if anyone, for not telling that young kid who was willing to come out early, he was going to be a Jet if he came out ,no if ands or buts.. Think about it Jets fans PM should have been a Jet, if you ask me this was one of Parcells biggest plunders as our GM and HC...

    I give credit to Tanny, Rex, and Woody for correcting that error and going out an getting "Dirty". This kid will be another one who over his career will leave his mark on the NFL, all in Jets Green baby!!!!!
    So I will not cry about yesterday loss, we as a team are going to get back there a few more times, the drought is over Jets fans, the Green is going to get very popular over the next few years.

    As far as the hit on Mark being legal and Cots fans thinking it was, two things for you

    1) This was a blatant late hit on the QB long after the ball was gone, Bulitt can expect to be hearing from the NFL this week and he can also expect to be witting a large check for that hit.

    2) You Colts fans know that if that hit was on Payton there would be hell to pay with thousands of you all over the net crying about what cheap shots artist the Jets are.

    We have seen this for many years with Tommy Boy matter of fact you have as well, when your defense got even close to him and a flag was thrown. while your QB got pounded with the refs looking the other way.

    I will not blame this loss on injuries, bad calls, bad play or smack talk. The Colts were the better team yesterday and deserved to win, they earned it thru out the whole year.

    Payton is a offensive coach unto himself under center and again one of the smartest to pay QB in the history of the game.

    Yet, make no mistake Colts fans the Jets days are coming and next time it might be in our house or could be back at yours it won't matter. With all the working parts for both teams on the field the question of who is the better team and coaching staff will be answered in a way that will not make any Colts fan happy!!!!!
  5. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Colts can't stop our Running game man. Greene got hurt and Jones can't run for shit, thats why we got no running game. We will beat the shit out of them next year in the playoffs.
    #125 Jets007, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  6. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    I agree it was a late hit and a flag should have been thrown. My guess is the ref turned his head to follow the action and didn't sit Sanchez until after the play.

    JetBlue......I didn't start this. All I read is what a stud Green is and he ran over Bullitt and hurt him. First, he may have put a lick on Bullitt, but Bullitt never backed off. Green didn't keep running. He came at him and they both went down at the same place. When you put a 240lb back against a 200lb DB physics says the small obstacle is going to lose. What I saw was the smaller guy showing nads every bit as big as Greens and stopping him right there. For all we know, Greens injury could have started with Bullett hitting him. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.
  7. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Well, I think the Bullitt hit on Sanchez should've been flagged. So you don't need to convince me of anything there.

    But there's a tendency to overemphasize blown calls and other "bad breaks" in situations like that one. It's a huge game, you built up a sizable lead and started sensing the prospect of victory, then lost the lead, etc.

    The blown call probably didn't have any impact on the outcome of the game. Whether or not Greene's injury did, we'll never know. But injuries and imperfect officiating are both a part of the game whether we like them or not. And, in my experience, neither of them are very often determinative in who wins and who loses a football game.
  8. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Jones had 1,400 yards and 14 rushing TDs this season -- good for 3rd best in the NFL in both categories! Are you nuts?

    Tell you what, if you don't want TJ and his "can't run for shit" 1400 yards, we'll stick a horseshoe on his helmet by dinner time. I'd bet that all but only 6 or 7 teams in the league would gladly trade their starting RB for Jones.
  9. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Your act is becoming tired. Bullitt is a bitch and you are just trolling. Some respectable Indy fans, you know the ones with class, aren't defending this jack-off. And if you paid attention to the play where Greene was injured, the slow motion replay shows his ribs hitting the ground and about 3 fat linemen landing on top of him, so give me a break, unless you are counting the turf as one of your D-Linemen.

    At the time he was taken out of the game, Greene was running all over your defense. Your team won, be happy, the gloating isn't neccessary..
    #129 dabrowsk1, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2010
  10. cwoodruf

    cwoodruf New Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Who cares if the Colts were 32nd in rushing. They out rushed the jets... who were first. So you guys should get the ring because you couldn't throw all year? We run when we have to. We run well inside the 20 as well. We play different styles of football, that's all there is to it. Your team is set up for years to come. You will need more than ground and pound to do anything though.
  11. Coltsfan123

    Coltsfan123 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    dabrowsk1 thats alot of talk when alot of people on this forum are saying fuck the colts and are acting about as mature as a 5 year old that didn't get any candy. Some of jets fans here are actually being mature, but you can't call him a troll compared to the other responses throughout this thread. Your response is just a fraction of how petty some are being. I'd hate to feel how the players or coaches feel if some of you are acting like 5 years olds over the loss. Atleast they can show some class in a loss. To those on the forum that are showing some class over the loss keep setting the good example.
  12. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I agree with all of that, however Greene's injury was very significant. As someone who watched all of the Jets games, Jones lost a step as the season went on. Greene dominated the first two playoff games and was explosive. In both games, the second half is when he really started to poor it on. And he was just starting to do the same to the Indy defense when he was injured. But it isn't an excuse, injures are part of the game, but it was a lucky break for the Colts.
  13. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    He runs that many yard because of our O line!
  14. Coltsfan123

    Coltsfan123 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    Jets O-line is easily the best overall and running O-line in the NFL.
  15. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    It would matter that you have no rushing game if Polian didn't lobby the NFL to change the rules to benefit Manning. I'll tell you this... without the rule change that doesn't even allow the defensive backs to look at the receivers Manning still doesn't win anything
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    depends...are you serving camembert or brie?

    Big difference between coming out because you were embarrassed and coming out because of busted ribs...

    You still have failed to accept that Greene was starting to torch you guys. 41 yards on 10 carries ain't bad. He also busted one for 12 yards right before he came out. He was just getting warmed up. I don't know what happens if he doesn't get hurt and the Jets still probably lose but losing him certainly was a large part of why we were ineffective in that 2nd half.
  17. Coltsfan123

    Coltsfan123 New Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    And Addai torched you good chunk of the time as well? As good as Greene is he doesn't play defense and couldn't stop the colts O from figuring out the Jets D and picking it off.
  18. go_indy_colts

    go_indy_colts New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Well, I'll defend Bullitt himself. If what he did yesterday was a deliberate cheap shot, it'd be the first time I've ever seen him deliver one.

    You may not believe this, but I'm pretty certain that neither Caldwell, nor Bill Polian, nor Jim Irsay would ever tolerate dirty play. Dungy wouldn't have, either.

    But I do think it was a penalty, whether it was a deliberate cheap shot or not.

    It's just my opinion -- and the best we can do is speculate -- but I don't think Greene staying would've made any difference as far as the outcome.

    Manning and Moore had your D figured out. And, when they have a D figured out, they're pretty good at finding ways to score the points they need to score against it.

    We had the ball for less than 15 minutes against Miami, on the road, and still found a way to beat them.
  19. IndyColts1

    IndyColts1 New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    I posted on here and congratulated the Jets and their fans on a well played game and how they had me nervous in the first half. Then I read drivel from poor sports like you that want to whine about something to make yourself feel better rather than ackowledging the Colts won straight up.

    I'll ask your mommy to make you some hot cocoa with those little marshmallows you like. Maybe that will make you feel better.
  20. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    First off this is a Jets forum, the Colts won and some fans are coming here to talk smack. Look back on this thread, look at who started the thrash talking and then look at who I was responding to. So get off your soap box.

    go_indy_colts, Jabba, among other colts fans have been nothing but classy and I have said as much. But it is easy to tell which posters are trolling and I am calling them out, sorry if you have problem with that, but too bad. How about you tell some of your fellow Colts fans to show some class after a win, huh? I have never made any excuses on why the Jets lost, Indy is a great team and Manning is a great QB, the better team won. But I am damn proud of what the Jets accomplished and where they are going, so I not going to sit back and listen to fans troll these boards talking smack.

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