just sent my email.... great idea... i can't stand him, and he's been more than a disgrace since the jets made the playoffs
If 1050 were to remove Michael Kay for Greg Buttle then 1050 would be a slam dunk better show. I don't listen to the Pig either way.
Francesa is such a prick. I wish that 1050 would put someone up against him that I could tolerate. The Michael Kay show is a mess. Too many voices competing for airtime. I'd love to see them bring in Mad Dog after his Sirius deal ends.
The other day he kept sayin dat we have the worst QB in the playoffs right now WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU DEFENCES WIN CHAMPiONSHIPS is eli manning better than tom brady? NO! DEFENCE WON so lets burnt franjessica's butt
Here's some articles about fat fucks blatant dissing of the Jets. So this is not going unnoticed by other members of the media. http://web.sny.tv/news/article.jsp?ymd=20100120&content_id=7941956&oid=36122&vkey=12 http://bleacherreport.com/articles/316729-mike-francesa-no-friend-of-jets-nation http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...her-level-as-team-heads-to-indy-for-afc-title http://nybaseballdigest.com/?p=20617 and jimmy johnson owns fat fuck.. http://www.tiricosuave.com/2009/11/25/jimmy-johnson-knocks-mike-francesa-off-his-high-horse/
I don't want to defend him in anyway, but I definitely enjoy listening to him. He's not a Jets fan, which means he can analyze our team in an objective viewpoint without drinking all the Kool-Aid us Jets fans have the past month. He gives the Jets credit, but he doesn't hype them up nor put them on a pedestal. I think he is a very smart sports mind in the market, and although I wish he was kinder to the callers, he does his research and does have actual evidence to support his views.
francessa cursed out on 2 shows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO7k0YbtHQU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNKw3yJylrM&NR=1 LOL
My biggest issue with him is that once he has a view on whatever the topic is about, no matter what you say to refute it...he won't admit he's wrong. He doesn't budge
I stopped listening to him. I may catch him for a few minutes once in a while. I like the Joe and Evan and Steve so I will still listen to the fan but never to mikey. He's terrible beyond belief and sadly he used to be good. 15-20 yrs ago the guy had a nice upbeat show with interesting guests. He is just burned out and beaten down to the point where he now just comes off like a bitter old beotch. Especially when he is talking about the jets. He is the new pete franklin. screaming and yelling and insulting people and interrupting callers and cutting them off...just a rude nasty fat old man who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. I am amazed people listen to him anymore. he's horrible.
You are clueless. Seriously. He's smart? He says having the highest ranked defense in the NFL "doesn't matter"? Hell, he didn't even know that Chris Chambers wasn't on the SD roster. Not only that, he didn't know this before the SD game, he didn't know it even AFTER the SD game. He is OFTEN proven wrong when he starts spouting off. He doesn't give the Jets any credit a all. Even suggesting that the Jets had a 10% chance of winning week 16 against the Colts if they left their starters in was "an insult to the Colts." He has no "evidence" of anything. The only thing that is "evident" is that he has no clue, and neither do you.
the only reason people still listen to the idiot is because he's on TV. when you're sitting around doing nothing during the day you turn him on.
Sent my email. Demanded a public apology to the Jets organization and it's fans. Told them I would email the Jets asking for an "interview boycott", and to any sponsors and advertisers of his show. Now, do we have a list of advertisers on his show? That would carry much more wieght than emailing the station.
The problem you have: Sanchex is not even close to Eli. Sanchex was the worst in the whole playoffs. He will get better. But he is terrible right now.