Funny how much Rex Ryan changed our culture. Before Rex almost ALL of us would of been thinking "same old jets are gonna blow it" yet when we went to San Diego MANY of us were knowing the jets had a serious chance and were gonna give them hell. And now in a match where the average football viewer thinks the jets are hopeless, Rexy has us believing again that the jets are gonna go out there and win. I just cant imagine any jets fan not loving this guy
So far, it looks like we have a few Jets fans high and a few Colts fans low, but overall it is in the middle 30-50%. I think that is realistic and that overall the board has a good grasp on things. I am impressed.
You gotta love the confidence of a fan! LOL I realize the Jets are a hot team, but they were 9-7 this season. Which tells me that they win a little over half their games. As Herm Edwards said " You are what your record says you are". With those numbers it looks like this might be the loss for the JETS.
This thing is garbage. Simulates the Colts having almost 200 rushing yards, seriously ? I think wed all be better off simulating games of madden and just seeing what happens.
Actually that was Parcells, as any Jets fan could tell you. Herm played to win the game. And I do hope that the comment above that every game is 50/50 was a joke ...
I think we got a 30% chance to win. What I mean is if we played the Colts 10 times wed come out winners 3 times. Now I'm not saying we gonna lose Sunday, but the Colts are better than us. What we got going for us is the 'Us against the world' and im expecting that to play a big part for us Sunday. go jets
You don't bet on sports much do you, or should I say, you don't win much betting on sports do you. Dumb statement.
Having clicked 50% based on my gut feeling I'm now regretting not hitting 70% instead after looking at the match up a bit more closely. Truth be told the Jets are exactly the kind of team that has given Indy the most trouble all season. Jacksonville x2, Miami, Baltimore, etc. These guys with a decent defense and a strong rushing attack abetted by an average to poor passing attack have played the Colts close all season long. The runover of the Ravens last weekend was real but it also included an injured Joe Flacco who was not up to the task of propelling the Ravens offense when the running game got stopped. The Jets right now are much better than any of those teams and I think they're the favorite to win this weekend. Indy has had trouble against the type of team all year long, winning tight games, and now they are facing the best-in-class for 2009.
this is a lame argument. if your theory had any impact on playoff games....then the Pats would've destroyed the Giants in the Super Bowl 2 years ago. I don't give a shit about our regular season record.... I care about what's happening in the present. Sanchez has grown into his QB role since midseason, Rex/Schotty are making the right calls....and we're winning games on the road in hostile environments. If I was a Colts fan...I'd be very concerned right now.
I am assuming, much like we have experienced, that most visiting fans to your board are like "YEAH, we're gonna shut down the great Payton Manning (missplled intentionally for authenticity) and his horses ass team" And then the Colts go Being a Jet fan for a while and having been mired in the SOJ philosophy for so long has tempered our expectations pretty well.
No it's been mixed. I would say maybe 65% cocky Jet fans and 35% humble. Just guessing that number off the top of my head. I would say it's probably the same here with Colts fans. You got to love this game. I wish for both fan bases that both teams could feel the victory of the win, but only one of us can move on. I hope that team is mine moving on. :beer:
I tend to agree that 32 rushes by the Colts would be bad for the Jets, since many of the scenarios where that occurs are ones in which the Colts have a lead and are chewing up clock on the ground. I do think the Colts need to establish the run if they want to take command of the game early on, however I don't know if they'll try to do that or if they actually could even if they tried. Barring bad special teams play on either side I expect this to be a field position game for most of the first half.
I think this game is a coin flip, I think our run game will do ok in this game and our defense will hold Indy down pretty well, the determining factor will be red zone trips and turnovers
I admire your honesty... Good post... :beer: I didn't believe the Jet had a snowballs chance in hell, but your post is very plausible... Makes you think...