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Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jtrain, Jan 18, 2010.
michael turner
lol...little did we know...
SuperBowl Champ!
Mr. Plow
/ thread
head-on colliShonn Yeah, well it was the best I could come up with. Truck still works fine for me.
I like Greene Machine, or Greene Guy
Shonn "One man gang" Green.
Get the fuck outta the way or Shonn Greene is going sit you on your ass
Go-Time.....(that's the time when a traffic light shone green)
Shonn Deere Greene or Shonn Greene the pain machine
Mr. Playoffs
The Green Hammer.
This is the best one so far
Sicklerville Strangler.
Bruise Giver
How about Colt Killer for this week :beer: One last try: ConcuShonn
It's always been, and will still be, War Machine. Great nickname.
Shonn "Bowling Ball" Greene
I like "the truck"