I'm a 43 year old fan and have witnessed incredible heartbreak going back to the 1970s due to my beloved JETS. (I wont waste the time and space to recount all the horrors, but those of you that have been following the team for the past 25+ years know EXACTLY what I'm talking about...) If they win this Sunday, how emotional will you be as Mark Sanchez goes into the victory formation and the Super Bowl hats and tee-shirts are passed out along the sidelines? Personally, I'll likely be crying rather openly. The emotions will be THAT powerful, especially after experiencing all the years of heartache, heartbreak and futility. Yep, there will DEFINATELY be tears of joy!
i will definitely cry..i'm not going to lie but when greene broke that big run i shed a tear... if the jets win this game i'm going to lose it
I'll probably have the same reaction I had this week: Right after the game, it was an incredible adrenaline rush. I felt like running all around the campus shouting J-E-T-S and trying to get other people to join in. After about an hour, it was just shock, that I couldn't believe we'd shocked the world. And then it went to this totally serene feeling, just that things couldn't get better right now. Basically, that, times about 50.
I know i'll already cry if we get to the SB hahah, i'll prob go insane though, and pound some beers and light some Js to calm myself down haha
I yelled ...loudly ...and jumped ...and probably pissed off the people who live below me. I will probably get evicted come Sunday.
I will cry, there is no way I won't. I will also hold up my 2 year old and jump like a madman for about an hour. I did it yesterday but only for about 5 minutes... after the emotion wears off I'll have to figure out how the hell I'm getting to and going to afford going to Miami.
I'm not going to lie, just thinking about how I would feel if that was to happen is getting me a little misty-eyed. All my life, I've been fans of teams that failed to live up to expectations, that collapsed, that sucked when it really mattered. To do the complete opposite, to come out of nowhere and really shock the world...man, that would be the best.
I will go crazy if we win. I'm not sure if I'll cry, but I can guarantee I'll cry after the Super Bowl, probably more if we win
I'm your age and have thought about this. In all honesty I don't know what I'll do but I'm hoping to find out.
I know your pain... Mets, Nets and Jets. The two teams that have given me joy nobody gives a shit about (Devils and Liverpool FC) so they don't mean as much.
I will run out of the pub, get to my place, buy a Super Bowl ticket and a plane ticket. Then I'll cry.
I don't start up school again until January 28th, so if we do happen to win on Sunday, I expect tears and a celebration Sunday night my friends.
In in another thread I posted that I was 19 the last time we played for an AFC title and I was 3 the time before that. They are few and far between (although we fully expect that to change) so I know I will not be able to hold back the emotion. I can only imagine how many grown men in the bar will be crying when we win this game.
i am 35 years old,and 25 years as a jetfan (i grew up wearing jets jerseys its my popwarner team click in my signature) tears ... sure next weekend
Yup I thought of it too. Call me a pussy but I'm welling up just watching the highlights. When Shotty ran over to Rex and they were jumpin up and down like a bunch of kids. That was a touching moment for me. The road they took to get here. It's purely magical man. Thank you J-E-T-S!!!!
What a buncha vaginas. J/K. I'm still in shock. I haven't followed this team (started following them around 2000) long enough to share the amount of emotion most of you will feel if we win this game on Sunday. But I do know the history, so I know how much is at stake. I can only say that I will be celebrating my ass off when we beat the Colts, but I honestly don't know how I will react. If I do shed tears of joy, it'll be down there in Miami right after we win the big one.