Jets vs Chargers by Position

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 624, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    In other words, you dont know but are trying to state a "fact" here. Alrighty then!

    As for your Lowrey commment....yea, yea, yea.....he isnt reaching his prime already and that is ridiculous. I bet HE hopes he isnt reaching his prime already because if he is he wont ever be a starter and i sure love the matchups with him on any of our WR's.
    Lowrey isnt NEAR Revis' talent as a CB. Revis was a first round pick for a reason.
  2. firemanedjr

    firemanedjr Active Member

    May 16, 2008
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  3. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    LOL...dude, you cant have an intelligent conversation without using curse words or name calling. I dont have to know you to see some things. I dont care to know what your favorite food is or what type of chick you like but i can see for one thing, you cant have an intelligent football conversation without calling someone names so excuse me if i dont take you seriously......and i dont.

    As for your stats...i have deciphered that your ST's stats are ridiculously useless and you are not savy enough to even see it.

    I hope we dont ruin your weekend after we win but i have a feelng your going to throwing thingsaround and cursing out somebody that dont deserve it. Yeah i dont know you, but thats the impression you leave.
  4. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Great...another stat that doesnt tell the whole story. There are many of those but as long as it makes you confident...great! I know Drayton Florence isnt near as good as our CB's. He used to be a Charger so those stats to me dont mean much and dont figure in many things.

    Maybe your front 7 had something to do with your CB's numbers? I dont know but a QB that has 5 seconds to throw will have better numbers than a QB that has 2.5 and if Rivers has that time to throw those numbers against Sheppard and Lowrey will be pretty high tomorrow.
    #84 Boltjolt, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  5. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    But with out looking it up I think I am correct. Since I am a Jets Fan in San Diego and do keep up with the local team. I must be correct because you didn't say anything about that. Ok I looked it up and Cromartie is the only 1 time probowl cornerback the chargers have. So I trust my football knowledge to the extent of knowing the chargers in recent past years.

    Yets again he did say he is reaching his prime probably one be this year or next year but it is reaching his prime. Plus he did have an INT in the Bengals game.
  6. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    but it does tell a story. what is the whole story then? Just as I have seen a another charger fan that doesn't know squat about his team. Let alone they can't even get a new stadium and doesn't even know if their team is going to stay in san diego. yes I know we rent the stadium from the giants so we are just bad.
    #86 ghostridergo, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  7. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I can't believe these Charger clowns continue to recycle these arguments.

    The game is gonna be played's going to be a tough game for both sides.

    There's really nothing more to say.....\
  8. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Where did I name call? Cause I said "Sunshine"? :lol:
    I have never been banned for this very reason because it isn't tolerated very well on here so please point that out to me.

    And yes, I swear a lot and anyone who actually knows me on the board and off knows i'm a potty mouth so deal with it. It's part of life..

    You wanna dismiss the ST stats then fine go I said they are there to be deciphered by anyone.

    Now, how about all the rest of the sats? I mean as I said, other than Passing Offense the JETS pretty much outrank the Chargers...
  9. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Jammer for some reason always gets snubbed and has deserved to go to the PB over some guys in the past. Just as Jamal Williams has been snubbed a lot too. Personally i dont think Cromartie is as good a CB as Jammer but he does have better hands. Jammer drops a lot of INT's and could have 6 or 7 every year if he caught half of them. He is a good cover CB but dont get the press as many of our players dont.

    Hec, LT didnt get the press or make the probowl when he rushed for nearly 1,700 yards and had 100 receptions which is a record for RB's.
    He got snubbed too.
  10. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I know its a different day but....

    You called us fans "fags" and insinuated it in that sentence as well and you said i am cockslapped . Im sure if i said those things id get banned because im not a Jets fan.

    And once, i really cant believe that you dont see how misconstrued those ST's stats are. I mean seriously? You cant see how fouled up they have those catagorised? How the hell can we have 1 punt return and you have none and that makes our ranking 13 spots LOWER than you?

    You dont see that? C-mon man! Serioulsy i think id delete those since they are so messed up. They are saying a lower number there is better....LMAO.
    #90 Boltjolt, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  11. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I will say that Jammer is actually playing to his potential this season. But I wonder if it is because he is playing a contract year. I don't know what happened to cromartie. I did see alot of that since he has been in the league. I would say that Jammer could have made probowl if played like he did this season consistantly. I like Rhodes on the Jets there were alot of years he got snubbed because of John Lynch when Rhodes clearly had better consecutive seasons.

    With LT he starts slow and ends strong. but he is awesome. He is the only reason I am hoping the chargers win. but right now I have go against that. its said both these teams had to meet.
  12. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    R U Serious? I never called you "FAGS" that word or name calling was never posted. So please, don't lie.

    and now insinuating = namecalling? No wonder people aren't taking you serious....
    You don't even know what namecalling is!

    You are in the middle of a JETS message board shitting on our team and you don't expect jabs?
    C'mon, Getting all butthurt over "cockslap" really, REALLY makes you look bad.

    Man the fuk up and stop crying already.

    You really are having trouble reading the charts huh... you do realize that one column is for ranking (LOWER # = Higher ranking).

    also, you seem to be totally avoiding all of the other stats I posted...why is that. You ae sooooo hung up on special teams? Is it really that important to you?
    I don't think so.
    I think you just refuse to admit that the JETS have the edge in almost every category other than Passing Offense.
    But that's ok....Maybe you just like the Big PINK elephant in the room w/you....
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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  14. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    my whole point went over you're head.

    You're still the dumbass.

    Two paragraphs that have nothing to do with what I said.

    Starting to hit his prime was the sentence. 3rd year is the breakout year, and the "prime" of a players career begins, no matter how good that prime is. That's football 101.

    Yes, Philly let him go for a reason - they didn't want to pay him. Do some research.
    #94 NDmick, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010
  15. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I believe you knocked one of our fans for using stats?

    You bore me.
  16. Marblex

    Marblex New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I'm not getting caught up in this argument but I do just want to point out that pro-bowls are a very bad measure of ability.

    At the end of the day I would take your starting CB's over ours.

    And as for the other debate, theres nothing in it between both teams LB's IMO.
  17. Marblex

    Marblex New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Dude, what on earth does the fact that we haven't got a new stadium yet have to do with anything? That is of zero relevance to anything.

    As for the comment about the team staying in San Diego.... well I'm just speechless.
  18. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Really? Here you go junior. Your quote!

  19. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    just ignore it....
  20. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    LMAO @ you runnin around the forum with your ass all on fire from being so insulted! :rofl2:

    Wow, did I actually say :
    "All you SDFAGS" :rofl:

    this is just a ploy to avoid discussing the rest of the stats which you STILL haven't addressed.
    So caught up in the trivial BS....

    Really shows you're level of football...Now,
    go put on your flip-flops w/ matching somoa skirt and enjoy the rest of the afternoon....
    #100 Royal Tee, Jan 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2010

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