Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Damn, got me dead to rights on that one. Not sure how I fucked those years up but I guess I'll just be checking my stats before EVERY argument from now on. I guess I had them run together thanks to Shawne Merriman and Shaun Phillips pulling off 17 and 11.5 sacks, respectively. Either way, I remember Cottrell's defense with the Jets was pretty much the same: leaning on the defensive backs rather than the front 7 to make plays.

    San Diego delenda est.
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    He's faced Andre Johnson at 225lbs and shut him down. The Texans offense didn't score that game, their 7 points came from a fumble recovery for a TD.

    But as stated by you and those above this post, he is the most physical that Revis will face the entire year. That's going to be the interesting aspect to focus on. Woodson had trouble with Fitz's physical play, but Revis is the better pure corner. I don't know, it seems to be a push.

    I think if chargers offense is moving the ball well, Rivers can ignore Revis and focus on everyone else. I think that's what is actually going to happen in this game. The Jets don't have enough on a pure passing passing team to handle it. If the Jets had a pure pass rusher, the Jets could be more convincing to pull the upset. However, its going to be a one possession game.
  3. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Whew, glad I fixed that for you...

    Statistically, the guy isn't there yet.
    and puuuuuhlease do not go with the BS of -oh well we spread the ball...

    The fact of the matter is, if he was such an elite receiver, he wouldn't be ranked 30th.

    Look at all the other Pass happy teams and their receiver is top 10.
  4. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Tee you can't just look at receptions. That's what he's 30th in.

    He ranks top 10 or better in every other statistic.

    BTW, he ranks first in 1st down percentage. guess who Rivers is going to on 3rd downs? Revis better do what he does on anything 3rd and plus 4. And I'm sure he will.

    Jackson is quietly becoming one of the best receivers in football.
  5. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Yes, I realize that but IMO Receptions # correlate to Elite receiver...

    That would mean he is a teams goto guy no matter what.
    Everyone knows who gets the ball on teams and yet the Elite receivers put up around 100 catches every year.

    remember, I'm not saying he sux or he's just ok. The guy is very good...just not elite in my book.....


  6. shockwave

    shockwave New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Hmmm, where to start. First, I respect your enthusiasm and admire your team's guts. You definitely have something going, but you are all reaching a tad or two.

    Everyone likes to talk about Revis shutting down VJ, who is an absolute freak at WR. There is no doubt that Revis has been playing excellent. If anyone has a chance to disrupt VJ, it may be him. However, that is still a huge maybe. VJ just catches the football, period. Most of you probably only see a few highlight reels on him. If he was on your team, you would all be frothing at the mouth at how good he is. A good matchup? Maybe, at best.

    But to entertain you, let just pretend that Revis does do a good job on what? That just means Revis is occupied. There are no weak links in the Chargers offense. If you lock up VJ, who is covering Floyd and Gates? Who draws the double coverage? But wait, now you just left the Backs open. If you load it up to stop the run, you are gonna get burned...maybe for an easy 10, maybe for 50+, and on either side. Every one of these guys has great hands and ability. And then of course you have Rivers throwing the rock. The guy is amazing.

    You simply cannot cover it all. That is the problem that every team faces against the Chargers. And don't be fooled into thinking that the Chargers cannot run. They simply usually don't need to very much. If you back off, LT and Sproles will burn you. You have a lot of pressure, a lot of blitzes? The Chargers setup off of that....touchdown San Diego.

    You guys are going to have to have solid success throwing the ball. Your run game alone is great but won't cut it in this game. How many points do you think you can put up? 17? 21? 24? That's what the Bolts may put up in the 4th quarter alone.

    Anyways, I'm not looking to start anything really but in any case I hope you guys have a happy rest of the year. The winter olympics are coming. Wink.

    Chargers all the way.
  7. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    /Violates rule regarding personal attacks

    San Diego delenda est.
  8. shockwave

    shockwave New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I do like New York, it's a cool place.
  9. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    its been established that if the depth at secondary and safety and the pass rush don't do their jobs, the Chargers will win this game.

    I still think its a one possession game though.
  10. shockwave

    shockwave New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    I was at the last one in 2005 so I'm definitely not going to just dismiss you. Different time and all but we'll be taking you very seriously in any case. Part II, see you there.
  11. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    Yea you're done. again.
  12. BuckMelanoma

    BuckMelanoma New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Keep reading the stats & watching the ball. Pay no attention to the FACTS that we're 13-3, despite all of the talk of how we're going to get run on by this team & that team.

    Buddy's wife should have swallowed.
  13. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    that 13-3 record is impressive.....especially when you play failures like Denver, KC and Oakland twice a year.

    Your mom should've went with the "wire coat hanger".
  14. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    ...and the countdown begins.

    San Diego delenda est.
  15. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    And the Patriots were 16-0...

    And you're a shithead.
    That's a fact.
  16. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I see that you don't have shit to offer. I love it when idiots announce that ahead of time.
  17. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Ftr I am getting tired of these posts that compare stats run up against different sets of opponents, and how to take into account such differences while still finding merit in the stat comparison. It's not that it makes my head ache so much as that type of analysis is of limited value.

    But SE thinks he's raising a big point here, which I find somewhat ironic, as he might not be aware the Jets did better on the road this year than at home. Even before Ryan got here I think it fair to say the Jet players seem significantly less rattled than your average group about playing in someone else's house.

    In fact it was not that long ago that a Jet team played in front of however many screaming Bolt fans rabid for their first NFL title and won the game despite such screaming presence.

    Not saying that means the Jets win this one; just that I doubt the home crowd ends up being much of an advantage for SD.
  18. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    You obviously have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way the Jets defense operates.
    First, you claim that Revis will only possibly VJ effectively. This is not just a possibility it is a fact. Revis will shut him down just as he has shut down much better receivers all season.
    Secondly, You say Revis will be occupied with VJ leaving your other receivers open. Remember, Revis will cover one on one where most teams will have to plan on double coverage. Revis in fact gives us more defenders to use elsewhere on the field including the blitz.
    Third, your claim that we can?t cover the whole field is true although Rhodes and Lito are both very capable breaking up the pass. However, the Jets strength is in forcing the QB to throw before he is ready.
    Additionally, Your statement about running up the score is so insipid I hardly feel like responding to it. This statement shows that you have no idea who your opponent is and any statement or analysis of the Jets you make from this point on simply can not be taken seriously. There have been some knowledgeable and respectable Chargers fans posting here lately. Unfortunately, the un-insightful, meaningless, dribble you just posted here keeps you out of the knowledgeable Chargers fan category in my view.
    In conclusion, we have the number one pass defense in the league and we have faced more potent offenses than the Chargers. That said, the Chargers have proven they are to be a respected opponent and I look forward to a great game and a Jets victory.
  19. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Here's some food for thought for all the Chargers fans claiming we can't cover there other targets and Revis is our only good DB.

    Lowest Burn Percentage
    Cornerbacks this season, Min. 50 targets
    Player/Team 	Percentage
    [B]Darrelle Revis, Jets 	37.0[/B]
    Jabari Greer, Saints 	37.9
    [B]Dwight Lowery, Jets 	40.7[/B]
    Drayton Florence, Bills 	45.3
    Leon Hall, Bengals 	45.3
    [B]Lito Sheppard, Jets 	45.6[/B]

    That's 3 of the top 6 corners in the entire NFL in terms of being "burned".

  20. nyscene911

    nyscene911 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    But...but...but...we didn't face the "weapons" San Diego has all season long :rolleyes:

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