Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. BuckMelanoma

    BuckMelanoma New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    Howdy, folks. East coast Charger fan here, so you can dispense with the soft west coast smack right now. It isn't true any way, but I just wanted to set the bar for you.

    You have a good team - if you didn't, you wouldn't be in the post season.

    You have a good coach. when we fired Marty, Rex was on my wish list. I think he's gotten a little heavy-handed with the chest thumping, but whatever works. Different leaders have different styles.

    Bottom line - it's a new season now. We're 0-0, you're 1-0. congrats on your win vs. the Bengals. I take nothing away from you there - Revis shut down Ochocinco & you withstood Benson having a productive day rushing.

    Revis may well shut down VJ as I imagine that's who he'll go up against. That's OK - it isn't like VJ has had to carry this team on his shoulders this year. He's had a very good season, but there have been a few games this year where his production has been down that we've still won.

    Did you see what happened to Philly when their center went down? Looked like a different team. Similar situation with us when Hardwick went down. Took a few weeks to get another guy up to speed. Unfortunately, we met a good Baltimore defense the very next week & got beaten. Beaten - not whipped. It was a close game. I should know - I was there.

    Should be an interesting game. If you have any doubts as to the ability of our QB, ask Cotchery. He's pretty familiar with winning games while in the same huddle with him. If you're wondering how we'll handle your run game - we'll see. We've been answering that question in a positive manner for weeks now, but as I said - it's a new season.

    Too bad about Jenkins. We know how it is to lose the linchpin of your 3-4 defense.

    Here's a message to UVA grad Thomas Jones from a die-hard Virginia Tech fan .....

    We're gonna go Hokie on your ass. I know he'll know how that feels. :beer:
  2. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    You guys have an excellent passing game. As far as I'm concerned, the best in the league, even better than NO. That said, this defense will give you all you can handle. It's the best passing defense in the league by any measure. We give up passing touchdowns at a rate of 1 every other game, so it's not going to be easy to come by.

    The big question will be how will you handle our offense? We can run and will... a lot.
  3. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    It looks like Jones is breaking down? His knee is messed up, right?
    15 carries for 34 yards, with 9 being his longest? Looks like he's not going to be a factor this week.

    Greene had 135 with 39 being his longest. Seems to me he had a few other long runs too. The Bengals certainly dominated along the line in at least 10 or 12 plays last week.

    OH, I almost forgot... Cincy's been in a free-fall defensively since they lost Maualuga in week 14 was it?

    We're getting Merriman back and he's about as healthy as he's been all year. Shaun Phillips has been nursing a bad knee too, but has finally gotten to rest it. I just think you're going to see a much better defense than you expect... If we keep Greene from busting a couple of big ones, the Jets are going to struggle to score much. I'm thinking 17 for the Jets.

    Can you hold us to less? That would be a season's first.

    8 of your first downs came off of Sanchez' 12 completions! IMO, he played perfectly.
  4. BuckMelanoma

    BuckMelanoma New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    As I said above - in the same manner that we've handled every other running game that was supposed to beat us down.
  5. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I don't think you can match last weeks effort. I'm also starting to think the Chargers are going to attempt to find out early if they can run on the Jets or not. I suspect they might find some success if the Jets are selling out to go after Rivers.
  6. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    What makes you guys think we can't pass on you and score? We have very good talent at the skill positions in the passing game. We can open it up if you load up on the run game.
  7. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I said you'd get 17!
  8. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    On that shitty D? The only way we only score 17 is if it's a low scoring game and that's all we need. Personally I can't see us holding your team to less than 20, I figure we score 27 in this one.
  9. BuckMelanoma

    BuckMelanoma New Member

    Jan 13, 2010
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    If you score 27, I guarantee a 40 burger for Rex to choke on.
  10. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Should be interesting

    #1 scoring D vs #4 scoring O


    #17 scoring O vs #11 scoring D

    We're a shitty D? ...we'll see!

    Enjoy the game!
  11. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    "We're only gonna score 17 points? A huh huh huh huh"
    - Tom Brady
  12. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Number 11 scoring D against a sub 500 block of opponents. No. 17 scoring O against a plus 500 block of opponents.

    It's all relative, compared to our D you have a shitty D.
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Seriously? Your TEAM beat other TEAMS, but it's awfully foolish to try to argue that you've handled every running game this season, especially with that 182 yard performance the Titans hung on you, or the 177 that the Steelers put up. I'd argue you've won in spite of a poor run defense, not because you 'handled' their running game.
  14. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Yeah, I see that the Jets really wailed on a season full of powerhouses. :up:

    What a joke. Miami beat ya twice with a no-name QB, Buffalo did too. Jacksonville was a pretender, but somehow the beat the Jets with David Gerrard at QB. The Jets squeaked into the playoffs thanks to two games against a lame Cincinnati team that had lost its best LBer and had been deflated by recent deaths and losses on the field.

    And, Sonny, if you're talking relative, our defenses don't play each other.
  15. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    So the Jets lost to bad teams. It still does not change the fact, compared to the Jets, the Chargers D is shitty. I know since Winston wadded your panties you really didn't want to hear that again.
  16. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Indeed, it should be a good one. The only problem with the rankings is that they don't account for defensive TDs scored against. Our actual numbers by the offense only?

    NY O: 33 TDs 30 FGs 288 pts

    SD D: 33 TDs 25 FGs 273 pts

    So, your defense is surrendering roughly the same number of points that our offense is scoring.

    On the other side?

    SD O: 46 TDs 32 FGs 372 pts

    NY D: 19 TDs 19 FGs 171 pts

    We're holding teams to a significantly lower number of points than you're scoring. This is what's going to be so interesting, and it's part of why we feel we can execute our offensive gameplan against you. The question is who wins out on the other side of the ball.

    Of course, it's all meaningless come Sunday, but it's still a fun way to make that day come faster :up:
  17. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I believe the reasons our opponents Run D is not in the top 10 is because of us, for example the Bengals were #2 in Run D going into their 16th game, and left it at #7.

    The 2nd Miami game was lost due to 2 back to back Ted Ginn return TDs due to having a bunch of coverage guys injured, and Ted Ginn being a great returner.

    The 1st Miami loss was Rex's rookie game, he wasn't prepared for the Wildcat and it killed us early and at the end.

    There was only 1 loss all season, against New England, that wasn't due to either ST or one of our two high impact rookies (Rex and Mark)

    I'm not saying it's not like every team in the NFL can make it's case for reasons they "should" or "shouldn't" have won a given game, but it's just tough to catch any breaks with rookies at the two most important positions in the NFL in HC and QB.
  18. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    Jones had a rough game and his knee is tweaked, but it's been pretty much a roulette thing for who breaks the big run. Defenses typically put 8 or 9 in the box and we break about one long run per game (usually late) against these fronts. Jones is a solid back that's a little less smashmouth than Greene. He'll be a factor, even if it's blocking for Sanchez on third down.

    Cincy wasn't the only defense we've run against. We're not #1 in rushing for nothing. Not sure how much the offense can score, but I do think the defense can keep SD under 17. Why? Here's a run-down of how we've done against comparable passing offenses:

    HOU - 0 pts
    NE - 9 pts
    NO - 10 pts
    NE - 24 pts (note shepphard wasn't playing and the last TD was off a Sanchez INT where they went 25 yards)
    IND - 15 pts (in 3 quarters)

    The second NE game is a bit tricky since we fell behind early (Sanchez pick-6) and Sanchez threw 4 INTs and Welker ran free without Shepphard playing, so I would discount that one a bit. We no longer start out passing the ball. It was also the worst effort all season.

    The big question is, how many points will the Jets offense and special teams give up? The Jets give up one of those about every other game and they tend to be deadly. We've only won one game where we gave up one of these return TD's and that was late in the game vs. HOU. Thankfully, SD isn't particularly good in this area (1 punt return, 1 int return, 2 fum return), so not a huge concern.
  19. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    the most potent offense this year during their strongest point of the season scored 10 pts on the Jets offensively.

    You want 40? Child Please.
  20. Boltjolt

    Boltjolt New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    This has been rehashed. I guess you didnt read it. Your opponents record dont mean much. Again, we won 13 so that alone makes our opponents record worse than yours. We played some of the same teams including the Raiders which im sure you will say we played twice. You played them once. You lost twice to Miami and we beat them. You played Tampa Bay, lost to Jax, lost one of two to Buffalo. Two good teams there in Tampa and Buffalo eh? We swept the NFC East.

    Hey, you win more games your opponents record isnt as good now is it? So sorry we didnt get to play a 14-0 team to make your opponents record look better and then play against their backups after they had the lead but we dont make the schedule.
    Whatever makes you fell better about your record is fine.
    #300 Boltjolt, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010

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