I actually like that the Jets aren't getting much coverage. It gives me the whole feeling of flying under the radar (even tho we're clearly not in the world of football). That and us being underdogs. When we get recognition or we're the favorites, it really begins to fuck with my psyche. I was actually starting to feel a bit nervous about most analysts picking us to beat the Bengals. Or how we have the right recipe to make a long Playoff run with our D and rushing attack. I don't want to hear that. I want to keep everything abt the Jets on the hush-hush. Even on PTI yesterday, they were the last matchup they spoke abt. Cards/Pack were first, Patriots/Ravens 2nd, Eagles/Cowboys 3rd and Jets/Bengals 4th. Nice. I like that. Keep us in the bottom of the order. Oh, and also, keep picking against the Jets Kornhole and Wilbon. Fuck you Kornhole.
Did you happen to hear what Tiger Woods did? He apparently cheated on his wife or something, I haven't heard much about it so hopefully more to follow.
I totally agree. Any excuse to talk baseball is all it takes for 660 and 1050 to get in baseball mode and drone on and on all day and night about any stupid topic. Its easy to do, no research, no thought, just say the same thing over and over. I have Sirius so I listen to the NFL channel which is baseball and specifically Met fans free. Sorry, you guys take over the air ways when something happens. Even EPSN2 is all Steroids.... ugggh, this is News!!!!!!!!!
I guess this is my point. How is this the "biggest story of the day"? It's about as newsworthy as the Earth is round. I'm just lost on that. And like another poster said, I don't want to hear about freakin baseball.
1050 had a special Jets Gameday today 12-2 with Buttle and LeGreca, leading right into Michael Kay. They covered Rex's press conference live, had Damien Woody on, they do a good job with the Jets.
Mark taking steroids after lieing about it in court is a pretty big deal and they just finished the hall of fame voting which is why they are talking about it so much. As for the Jets there is 8 days in between games theres only so much you can talk about so they are spreading it out and will probably talk more about it later in the week.
See the following: The facts are: 1) Whether you personally like it or not, baseball is still the American Pastime. 2) There is a lot more baseball in a year than there is football. There are obviously more games, but there is also far more off-the-field activity. In football, you don't have 4 months of the season to make trades. Plus, you don't see a lot of trading in the offseason. Besides the marquee FAs in football, people rarely pay attention to much off-season activity except the draft. It's the complete opposite in baseball. 3) McGwire broke one of the most hallowed records in sports. A record which should be hard to break, but was obliterrated. A record held by a guy who didn't cheat, who beat out a fantastic player in Mickey Mantle, and who broke the record that had been set by the likes of Babe Ruth decades before. 4) The guy was "known" as a juicer by anyone with half a brain, but he denied it. 5) As was said, the HoF vote was the other day. Most talk is going to be about how he never deserves his face in bronze on a wall in upstate NY. You're listening to a sports network and complaining that they're talking about the day's biggest sports story. Would you complain if LeBron James had scored 70 and had a triple-double last night? If you want to just listen to football talk, watch the NFL Network.
1050 now doing a commercial free Jets hour, 5-6 pm, I think every day this week. They just had Revis on.
I liked Mark McGuire. Really. But have you seen those pictures of him back in the day in his early days? He is literally half the size. It is completely identical to those skinny Barry Bonds pics when he was with the Pirates.
so wait does it bother you on monday after the jets lose and all the dipshits call up and talk about jumping off the bridge? does it annoy you when the jets win a game and everyone has them going to the superbowl? those things annoy me just as much as them talking about something like mark mcgwire. far too often people who are just too stupid to be on the radio are on the radio. mike francessa included
Be patient my son, be patient. As of 7:30pm, est, Sunday January 17th, 2010, the sports world will be all Jets, all Rex, all the time. Trust me. Come Feb 7th, you will puke whenever you hear "Rex", "Jets", "Namath"
LOL, and his Viking wife broke his face! That's why he hasnt been seen in public. But on the stations I listen to, all they talked about today was what a dope harry reid is, and how he seems to distinguish between light and dark-skinned people, including those who speak with or without the negro dialect, irrespective of whether they are clean or articulate. :shit:
Why do you really need to hear analysts beat the Jets/Chargers match-up to death anyway? I'm sure you know more about this team than they do anyway.
BUT ... it did produce a funny line from an angry Francessa caller ranting about Mark McGuire saying he only took roids "to get healthy" and not to put on strength or muscle ... Caller: "Does he think we're all stupid??? A while ago, TJ Quinn wrote an article linking McGuire to steroid dealers and HEAVY doses of equine steroids!! What was he trying to get healthy for ... The Preakness???" HAHAHA ROTFLMAO :=)