See I think this is where I seem to differ from alot of Jets fans...I saw it as neither a bad playcall or a hard throw to make...I don't look at things like that because a play is either executed or it's not...could be the best playcall in the world people will still call it shitty if it doesn't result in something positive. How is it a bad playcall if they know Sanchez can make the throw (he did) and Edwards can beat his man in single coverage (he did)? Hell, if anything it was a good, aggressive playcall terrifically executed up until the point it sailed between Edwards hands...but since it didn't work it's an evil, complicated playcall designed to fool our QB and raise the hopes of none. Such if the life of a coordinator.
Tf? Single coverage...Edwards had him by at least a step...what'd Sanchez miss? I thought I was the guy missing games?
I'm not talking about that play. I'm talking about the playcalling in general. Execution isn't just about making the throw. Sanchez was not mentally ready for some of the defenses in this league. That was a perfect pass and Edwards ruined it. (You also edited your post after I replied)
Wouldn't...playcalling be messed up by a 22 year old rookie QB having trouble reading coverages? Me, I'm not expert obviously...hell, I barely watch football from what I've been told...but I'd think that'd affect how someone calls a game...and how well those calls get executed.
You don't call those plays if he's not ready for them. You think it would change the way someone calls a game, but it really didn't. Schottenheimer put Sanchez is a shit ton of horrible situations. You have to simplify the offense with a rookie quarterback. Schottenheimer didn't do that until Rex Ryan's Color Code was installed.
1. You don't know if he's ready for the plays if you don't try them in game...They wouldn't start him if they thought he'd limit them severely. 2. Sanchez put himself in a shit ton of horrible situations. That tends to happen when you're a 22/23 year old rookie. 3. Schottenheimer clearly simplified the offense for the rookie QB. Not a ton of motion...lots of passes to Cotchery...tons and tons of running the ball...when Leon was healthy he was set up to get the most touches he's ever had. It's just not obvious, therefore it'll be missed...thats how many sports fans work and it's not shocking to see it happened here too.