Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Dallas has a good D and if you saw that game in Dallas SD was pretty impresive on both sides of the ball.
  2. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    It was on last night... had to grab it
  3. concussion80

    concussion80 New Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Dumb chargers fan called 1050 and says, the jets won't get anywhere with that dumb running gameplan because they will be down 14-0 right away. Mike Kay or whoever it was says,"what are you talking about? What if Jets get opening toss and drive down the field and score 7? That can happen you know? Your defense is not that great and the Jets DO have the #1 rushing attack". Caller almost has a brain conniption fit like the neurons won't register the Jets actually being able to do this. He starts stuttering and babbling about, yeah, maybe duhhh whatever.

    Chargers fans are a pretty stupid bunch and they ARE taking us very lightly. Bring it on.
  4. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    That's a blanket statement.

    There are plenty of Chargers AND Jets fans that are overconfident. Bottom line is that there is a huge difference between Charger fans taking the Jets lightly and the actual team taking the Jets lightly.

    They are the ones on the field Sunday...not us, the fans.

    There is no doubt that the Jets run game is great and that we have had suspect defense this season (with the exception of some really good games I.E. Dallas). There is also no doubt that we have a very dangerous pass game.

    I think we can all agree that there are many what if's for this game because there is not a whole lot more to talk about until gametime.
  5. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    The bolts lead the league in Yards per Pass attempt but the Jets LEAD THE LEAGUE (by a mile) in Yards allowed per pass attempt. Best passing team vs Best pass defense. It should be fun. :beer:
  6. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    They won 20-17-

    Vincent Jackson had a huge game, say goodbye to him(praise revis).

    Dallas is the 9th overall defense
    20th against the pass
    4th against the rush-

    As you know we are number 1 against the pass.
    8th against the rush, they have not faced a d like ours and won.
  7. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    As you know we also had much less pass attempts against us than Dallas did becuase we played a ton of teams this year with outright shit QB's. Brady sucked game one lite us up game 2. Brees did little against us but he didn't have to they ran all over us and played D.

    This game is going to be won by the Jets based on a dominating performance by our OL. The Chargers will score on us.
  8. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I was just listening to XTRA Sports 1360AM here in San Diego and Chris Ello and alot of the Charger fans say they have no concern when playing the Jets since Revis is just one man. He makes the point that no team other than the bears and dolphins have won it all or a divisional playoff game with the #1 def and #1 rush. They are also saying that the chargers should win the game by 21 points.

    Is it me or is just some charger fans are only informed on their team and not the other team that they are playing?

    We already know the chargers are a good team winning 11 in a row. But to overlook a team that isn't even suppose to be here with the #1 defense isn't a concern when the chargers haven't really played a team like this all season outside of the Ravens and Steelers.

    One more thing Chris Ello said was that he is more afraid of other teams like the Falcons, the Eagles, Texans and this is what got my blood boiling the Lions.

    Now even more as a Jets fan I want to see the JETS smash this team to the ground. Its not hate its the lack of respect I have been hearing. That is why I refused to watch this game with charger fans and family. I have decided to get with some people that even though their not charger or jets fans they understand football and what the jets bring to this game.

    wooo. sorry had some venting to do.
  9. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    We know the team is not taking us lightly I bet they are practicing their hearts out like The Jets are doing.

    I just feel all time a talk football with charger fans they don't realized or know enough about the team they are playing against. And when I mention players to watch out for they look at me like who are they?

    For instance after the playoff game with the bengals i mentioned some players like Keller, Cotchery, and Harris and they were like who are they. Did you even watch the game and see the plays because these could be one of the teams you are going to play. Their answer was it doesn't matter they both wild card teams and one team doesn't even belong there because they were a backdoor team.

    Speaking of backdoor teams everybody keeps talking about the Jets being a back door team but nobody is talking about how the Ravens are in the same position no matter how you look at it whether teams laid down.

    AFC championship is going to be Ravens vs Jets. Two almost identical teams and they have a back story Rex Ryan 1 year after leaving the Ravens to take the Jets team as HC they meet in the AFC Championship. Now there goes a story to talk about.
  10. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    We barely made the playoffs last year and we received the same treatment and came out to beat the Colts in the WC round last year so I hear you on that one.

    Since we don't usually play you guys in the regular season (I can only speak for myself) I didn't really follow you guys much until there was a possibility that we could meet up in the playoffs....that was only one game. There's no doubt that there is a threat....every game is a threat in the playoffs because it's "lose one and you're done".

    There won't be one team that will let off the gas pedal in the playoffs no matter what the lead...that's for sure.
  11. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No...we suck. Tell all your friends. No use going to the game. Mine as well just buy your plane tickets for Indy now.

    I think...we have given up around an average of 155 yds passing a game. The only way you guys win by 21 (as read in a previous post) is if we turn it over a few times. Just like every other team we played this season.

    It really all depends on our blitz. If we can get through like we have some games this year...well...good luck on that 21 point win

    The Charger fans on here sound excatly like the BenGIRLS fans did last week...a little more cocky though. Question??...where are the BenGIRLS fans now. I'm sure win or lose you guys will certainly respect us more after this game.
    #171 HOI, Jan 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2010
  12. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I never predicted a score for the game (show me where I did), just a win obviously because I'm a Charger fan.

    If you want to compare me to "all those dumb Charger fans" so be it. That's laughable at best.
  13. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    LOL!!! This place would be intolerable!!
  14. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Yeah but at least it was one game and that you saw or at least glimpsed at. But if somebody watched that bengals game they would have saw that Keller is a threat if they can work him into some plays and that Harris, Pace and Scott are people to watch out for.

    Its just frustrating hearing no respect. Because when i talk to Jets fans they understand and respect the jets offense. Even if the run game is less respectfully with LT and Sproles. But people understand that Sproles outside run and his special teams play is dangerous and that LT is a hall of famer.

    I just wish they could play this game already win or lose. I am just glad we made the playoffs and won one game so far hopefully more
  15. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    We didn't do the 11 in a row but we were on cloud nine last year when we had that win streak with brett. People were talking SB.
  16. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Uh, how many other teams have actually had both the #1 overall defense and #1 rushing offense?

    San Diego is the most ignorant fan base out there as far as other teams are concerned. I'm sorry for the generalization, but I know a lot of diehard, huge Charger fans, and only 1 or 2 know anything about the rest of the league outside of fantasy numbers.
  17. greaser

    greaser Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Very reasonable assesment if you ask me. Class act right here. :up:
  18. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Yup after the Pats and TN game we were the Peacock in the NFL chicken coup.
  19. Ilikethechargers

    Ilikethechargers New Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Hell Jets fans. One thing I keep seeing is that "the Chargers are 20th against the run." While this is true it is interesting to note that over the course of the Chargers 11 game win streak they are actually 12th against the run which isn't too shabby. I already know you guys are gonna score points with the run, i've seen it quite a few times this season - especially in the first five games. SD had a lot of backups and guys that hadn't played the positions they were asked to play playing them.

    The Charger's passing attack against your Jets' numero uno pass defense is going to be pretty interesting and it is the one factor I am most concerned about. While I haven't seen more than three or so Jet's games this season I have seen every single Chargers game (save Christmas). I have seen Rivers pass it off to so many targets is ridiculous. Do you guys know who Tolbert and Legadu are? I won't mention the rest of the cast because i'm sure all of you guys are aware of them.

    I honestly only know a few players on your team and I've been trying to acquaint myself with them so I won't be suprised to hear their names being mentioned in the game.
  20. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I know tolbert, hester and Legadu (Thats what makes the WR corp of the Chargers so dangerous with an average height of 6'5 and buster davis being i think the shorts its pretty crazy). And thats what everybody is saying about the chargers is their weapons from Jackson, Floyd, Osgood, LT, Sproles, Gates, Legadu, Tolbert, Bennett, and hester makes them a very dangerous team.

    They talk about their run defense not being that great but they have their weapons too like Siler, Merriman (not what he used to be after being caught with steriods), Philips, Weddle, Jammer and Cromartie is nothing to scoff at too since they are all veterans.

    but on the other side of the field we have people the chargers have never heard of or know little about like Rhodes, Harris, Scott, Pace, Lowery, Leonhard, Westerman (most jets fans don't even know who he is), and Gholston (hahahahah i just had to put him who would know him since he is a ghost transparent). So its just not Revis out there.

    On the offense they talk about the Rookie QB and the the run game. But there is more to it with the players that surround Sanchez that will do what they can to get this win like Cotchery, Keller, Richardson (He is the man he is the man), Edwards (when he wants to wipe the butter off his hands and close up that hole in his chest), Smith, and i want to see more of Clowney instead of Edwards in a game like this where you can rely on his catching win its thrown to him.

    But I try to keep track of the teams we play in the playoffs just purely for the respect they deserve.

    Off the topic if you ask me who needs this game more I would say the chargers since next you will most like see a different team then what you see now. Since teams are eying Ron Rivera for a HC job whether it be this next season or the season after that, let alone alot of those players may not be back like sproles, LT, Merriman, and Jammer.

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