Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I hope they rotate Revis around on all the guys on the chargers...Then I want to see how it works. Obviously it wont happen, but damn Lowery will need help out there.
  2. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    You know, I like El Indio, but I dont think it is anywhere near the best in the city. My Mom and Dad love it, but I prefer the hole-in-the-wall a bit east of downtown.
  3. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Perusing though that thread about Revis Christ on the Chargers board, a point that seemingly keeps getting brought up is that the Chargers have too many weapons for the Jets to handle and that despite having a great defense, all these weapons will just prove to be too much.

    I'm sorry, but I wanna hear what you guys have to think about those sentiments. Does anyone here honestly buy this 100%? I'd say the Saints arguably have just as many weapons as the Chargers do, if not more, and we still held their offense to 10 points in Week 4.

    Had it not been for two Sanchez turnovers that resulted in 14 points, who knows, maybe we win that game, maybe we still lose. But fact of the matter is that we still held that O to 10 points. Their offense definitely has the ability to put up a bunch of points, but I don't think it's as much of an absolute given that they score a bunch on us as some of those fans over there seem to think will be the case.
  4. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    There is always a fine line here. You say you only gave up 10 points to the might Saints. True.

    You also gave up 30+ mighty Miami.

    So which is it?

    You guys don't seem to understand just how good the "other guys" besides VJ are for us...

    and we don't particularly comprehend that the Jets D is more than just Revis. You have other guys that can step up, and have.

    Nonetheless, just throwing this out: you have not beaten a team that has scored more than 17 points.

    We have not scored less than 20...all year.

    Oh, and our run defense sucks...but wait...we have only allowed one 100 yard rusher since week 4, and that was Chris Johnson, mostly in garbage time.
  5. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I'd argue that teams that play the bolts are either gunslinging or playing catch up so huge running games are usually out of the question.
  6. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I would argue that you are probably right, which begs the question: how are you guys going to avoid the same fate?

    I've said this before: if you stay within striking distance at halftime, you guys will have a totally legit chance to beat us in our house.

    If it comes down to Sanchez, you will be in trouble. Ryan has to know that even if you get down 14 early, you stick with the run. We thrive on teams giving up early and letting our D get turnovers on bad passes.
  7. TD_Sandy_Eggo

    TD_Sandy_Eggo New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    One of the biggest players that fans of opponents have been overlooking is Ladainian Tomlinson. Though our rushing offense is near the bottom on the list, the salient fact is that Norv Turner designed the offense around the offensive presence of LT. While he is not 100% of whom he was in '06, suffice to say he can sniff an end zone better then everyone else in the league from inside the 10 yard line.

    You don't have to believe me. You can view Norv himself actually explain how he did this in an interview with Kevin Acee in this "Chargers Roll" segment for the San Diego Tribune (signonsandiego dot com). I can't post direct links, but you can put this link together to view exactly what I'm talking about.

    www3 . signonsandiego . com/chargers-roll/

    (Make sure you remove the spaces before and after the periods above)

    Put this in perspective: LT has exactly as many rushing touchdowns as Sanchez has passing touchdowns, 12. Yes, most of them have been from the Ultra-red zone (inside the 10), but rarely have the Chargers failed to score 6 in situations like that.

    Bottom line: ignore LT at your peril. NOTE: Even many SD fans are not appreciative of LT's contributions. I'm sure the Jet coaches are reviewing LT's play more than you may think.
  8. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Even if the Bolts start with the ball and score on their first possession, the Jets are not going to abandon the running game. The Chargers are weak inside and the Jets' strength is their OLine. With as many threats as the Chargers have in the passing game, the Jets have equal that in the running game with Jones, Greene, and B.Smith.

    You're also dismissing Sanchez as if the Chargers' passing defense is the best in the league, not even top 10. Jammer and Cromartie are good but they are by no means shutdown corners. The pass rush is benefiting heavily from weeks 7-9 where the Chargers recorded 5 sacks/game while playing against the Chiefs' porous OLine and Matt Cassell(HAHAHAHAHA!), an Oakland Raiders team that was still starting a left tackle at QB with absolutely no pocket presence, and the Giants right at the beginning of their downwards spiral and with an OLine that would give up 17 sacks to opposing defenses between weeks 10 and 17.

    The Chargers are also missing their best NT and Ian Scott, Vaughn Martin, and Antonio Garay are not exactly starting material. Castillo is a good end but he is not going to be able to make up for the lack of talent at nose and is going to be matched up against one of the best interior OLine in the entire league this season.

    The Chargers best defense was keeping their opponents' offense off the field but that is easier said than done against the best rushing team in the league. Add onto that about a weeks worth of rust accumulated thanks to the bye round for both the offense and the defense to work off. The Jets have a great shot at beating the Chargers in the first quarter of this game, let alone the second half.

    San Diego delenda est.
  9. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    That is a pretty big assumption that LT and the Chargers are guaranteed to get into that situation. The Jets have done a great job against better RBs this season.

    San Diego delenda est.
  10. ShutEmDownRevis

    ShutEmDownRevis New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    most of what I read says that they are scared of our rushing attack, revis will probably take VJ out of the game, but they'll just toss it around to gates/floyd/sproles all day

    which is what we're saying too
  11. TD_Sandy_Eggo

    TD_Sandy_Eggo New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I'm not assuming anything, but pointing out a fact that most fans (yes, including some SD fans) don't point out. I guarantee that Mike Pettine and Jeff Weeks are spending a significant amount of time planning around defending LT's presence. Norv has kept him at limited play throughout the year specifically to keep him maximized for the playoffs.
  12. GTechSuperChargerFan

    Jan 11, 2010
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    K. It is nice you know we are missing Jamal, but we've played without him for just about 3 months now. I would counter that our D-line-by-committee is not Jamal good, but has anchored a defense that is in the top ten the last 11 weeks.

    The good ol' rusty bye week argument is a typical one for this time of year, but I don't think in this case warrants any merit, especially defensively. The D will come out like gang(green)busters and Rivers and entire O has been in this bye situation before and has experience to handle it.

    I really think you are misunderestimating Norv's offensive genius as well. The coaches aren't taking the week off either. I guarantee that Rivera, our D coordinator, is busy designing schemes to corral your potent running attack, and you will not run for 150 against us.

    Basing your prediction to this game on beating a sinking Cincy twice, and ignoring your QB and scoring issues while glancing at stats that do not reflect just how good this Chargers team has played the second half of the season is probably not the best approach, and you may be surprised come sunday.

    I will be here after the game regardless (well, a few hours after since I am going), and will eat crow if I must, but for some reason I don't think I'll have too...
  13. ShutEmDownRevis

    ShutEmDownRevis New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    ^^ so you guys are favorites?

    wow I could have read the line to know that homie
  14. uknowmysteelo

    uknowmysteelo New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    The thing about the Chargers offense is that it really only revolves around Rivers. If you can get to Rivers consistently as Denver did early in the season you will have a good chance of pulling off an upset. If you don't you might shut down or limit both Jackson and Gates and still lose. There have been plenty of games where both were limited and because there are other very good options SD still manages to move the chains and put up points. Plus, Jackson and Floyd only average about 3-5 catches per game but both average 17.2 yards per catch. Both are freaks of nature in that they can be completely covered yet more often than not still make the catch (I'm talking deep passes).

    Now how I feel about the Jets:
    Great, aggressive, hard nose defense. Very good running game. Love Sanchez and I think he will be a good one but I wouldn't want to have to rely on him to win the game just yet if it were to become a shoot out. And, although he's been better as of late, he has thrown 3+ interceptions in 4 games (25%) this season and if the Jets fall behind and need to pass it will create great turnover opportunities for the Bolts.

    I like our chances but have been a fan long enough to know anything can happen.
  15. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    No, actually most Charger fans are conceiding that Revis will eliminate VJ. You are one of the few saying otherwise.

    "and Like many JETS fans w/ the Chargers and VJ?"
    What makes you think we don't watch Football other than the JETS? Many of us have sunday Ticket or watch streatms...etc..
    Just because You don't know the JETS don't try and dumb everyone else down to your level...
  16. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    wow... these charger fans posts are junc-esq in length...
  17. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Are you still talking? Pack your superhero lunch pale and go to school already.

    There is no need to dumb you've already established you have that handled.

    I wasn't speaking to you....if you are offended by what I said go cry in the corner. I'm glad you have Sunday's a star to put on your "kewlness" chart. :up:
  18. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    He's just following the lead of our HC. Talk enough shit until you actually believe it.
  19. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Chargers have had trouble against good defenses, it's as simple as that.

    We do have the number 1 PASS defense for a reason, that was a huge part of our number 1 total defense.

    If Charger fans think they're going to come out and light us up they're sorely mistaken.

    Again, they lost to Baltimore and Pittsburgh, both have great defenses. Chargers also lost to Denver when they actually had a defense.

    The rest of they way during their 11 game winning streak not one defense is close to our own.

    Any defense that is remotely good resulted in a very close game.

    Barely beating the Giants, who gave up the third most points in the league. This offense may seem great on the surface but when matched up against a good defense they are steadily held in check.
  20. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    Bahahahahahaha(the avatar).

    San Diego delenda est.

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