So, she was just picked up on pot because she wasn't living in California. It is no big deal. I think within 10 years pot will be legal in a lot fo states, Florida being one of them. As far as doing her; I be afraid to for fear of taking out a knee.
eh no big deal.they'll plead it out to felony possession 18 months probation with early termination and withhold judification.or what we used to call the value meal no.3
its not surprising to see some members comments. as a father its your job to make sure your daughter doesnt end up on the pole..... i think a website dedicated to your daughter being a ho is probably a new one i will have to add to things to make sure you are not a failure as a father.
...defending an ugly chick like you all defend a below-average QB who had one moment... 47 more career INT than TD? Lol. NY Media Spin GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Owner's daughter dies. Legend's daughter arrested. Strange pattern. Does Rex have a daughter and if so, should she be allowed out of the house before the end of the season?
Nice to see that you proudly have no understanding of context. And hey, Neil Armstrong was just a below average astronaut who had one moment. Banned for trolling in 5...4...
Quick name one more QB who is more overhyped than Namath! Statistics mean something...and his are laughable. But he fucked a lot of chicks so it's OK.
If it means a win get Rex's daughter out there right after SD. Joe's daughter has this game covered. Who's daughter is going to take one for the team for the SB though.
...I know you brainless Jets fans don't look into things like that...and aren't too smart in general...but really, look at his career stats. LOL...
We're elitists, not brainless. When you win one big game for New York you are a legend around the world forever. When you win one big game for San Diego, no one cares.
Nah...I've met enough Jets fans to have a solidly formed, accurate position on this: you're all brainless.
Eli Manning.... below average QB who had a below average defense miss two tackles and a below WR bail him out. Even better .... Tom Brady. All his SB victories have an * next to them. I wonder why all the media has ignored that fact that Matt Cassell won more games in 08 then Brady did in 09 because all we heard was how Brady was undefeated in 07 but the Pats went 11-5 in 08.