Jets/Chargers Divisional Round Discussion

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Scikotic, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Well, of course, we can look at YPA to get a more level statistical comparison. The Jets lead that category at 5.4 YPA. Ditto for opponent's completion percentage at 51.7%.
  2. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    You said yourself that you haven't watched many Jets games this season. How would you know how we've performed outside of the score? If we tell you that QB play killed us with otherwise solid performances against most of our opponents, and you don't buy the statistics that bear it out, and you didn't see the games, who are you to argue?
  3. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    MBGreen...what gives? You don't want to give your fellow board member the "dumbfuck post of the day" comment that I got earlier for posting almost the same thing? hahaha

    Moss = Quitter

    VJ > Moss:up:
  4. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    post #171 referred to the comment about Revis never covering someone like VJ before....and the total disregard of Moss and Owens as WR me, the "dumbfuck post of the day" was justified. was directed at another poster.....unless that's you....which means you have 2 accounts....which means you won't be here for much longer.
  5. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    I was just looking at the Chargers stats and they are 31st in rushing yards. So this means they have absolutely no run game. They will rely HEAVILY on the Passing Game. I heard on ESPN that the Chargers do some 7 step thing which if we blitz would put ALOT of pressure on Rivers. If we can pressure Rivers and stop their passing, their offense will be completely gone.

    Next they are ranked 20th in rushing defense. We are ranked first in rushing. We should be able to run all over them. If we can continously force it to like 3rd and 2's, and 3rd and 3's we will convert. Just like how we did against the Bengals. Our passing should be able to make a few big plays. Alrite im done writing.

    and can someone explain Rivers 7 step thing?
  6. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Saying we can completely stop Rivers is unrealistic. He is gonna make his shots & miss some. We need some big time turn overs in this game and try to hold the Chargers to field goals.
  7. JetFanInMD

    JetFanInMD New Member

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Good god man, you brought up the stats. I explained game situation and you tell me stats suck?

    Now you're just a troll.
  8. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    Yes, and apparently the point is going right over your head. Yes, he has talent all around him and THAT IS WHY he only has 68 catches because we utilize all positions on the team.

    And no, I don't believe that the Texans or the Patriots have the depth that we have on offense and most NFL analysts will agree.

    If you are going merely off of stats you are just as clueless as the next guy. Watch some highlights of VJ this'll see why he's a threat. You watch on Sunday....Revis will be on VJ and we'll forget about him for a while - Gates will catch plenty of passes up the middle. Floyd will pull down a few jump balls and Sproles/LT will catch some screens. Then when you least expect it VJ will lay out for a bomb down field. It's happened for several years and will continue to happen....I don't care who we play, this offense has serious talent and hasn't been stopped (even when we lost we still scored at will - Defense just couldn't keep up early in the season).
  9. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Read the discussion. You just brought absolutely nothing that wasn't discussed ad nauseum.

    Yes, the Chargers are pass first. Yes, their run offense/defense struggles. Yes, we will blitz them. Rivers also happens to be one of the best QBs against the blitz in the league. You may want to search for "Naanee" and "Sproles". Sproles is one of the more active backs in the passing game, a la Kevin Faulk but faster.
  10. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    You need to understand that most people on here haven't watched the Chargers much and don't understand VJax's impact. His physicality on the LOS concerns me, personally, but I still think Revis controls him for the most part.

    However, you should also know that the impact of Revis can't truly be understood without having seen it, nor can it be overestimated by those who have. It's a situation of two players who are still underappreciated league wide and the fans who will support them.

    I've seen the Chargers play countless times. I live in the market and most of my extended family consists of diehard fans (my brother in law finished his career in San Diego). I get it. You'll have to forgive people for not giving Jackson enough credit, and I get your belief that he'll be successful regardless of defense. You'll also have to understand why people here are so adamant that it doesn't matter what receiver Revis matches up with. We have the same exact approach when it comes to #24, and it's likely even more merited.
  11. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    My bad, I skimmed the text and it almost looked like my earlier post(didn't read the poster). Same topic. Just found if funny that your fellow Jet fan said the same thing I did and didn't catch any flack from you.
  12. Bolts2SB

    Bolts2SB New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I'm coming to realize this. Good post. I think we could go back and forth all day about that matchup but ultimately it will come down to the game. VJ's achilles injury has had some time to heal up so he should be close to 100% by gametime. I can't wait to walk into that stadium...
  13. AirFouts

    AirFouts New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Its going to be a good game

    I have read most of the post on this thread and most are pretty good. I take pride in taking off my homer glasses when talking football on other teams forums. With that said i think Bill Parcells said it best " You are what your record says you are" Yes you have a great D and running game but it did lose 7 times and if the Colts actually play for the perfect season you dont even get a shot at the Bolts.

    This game is going to come down to two things; Can you pressure Philip Rivers? Can we show Mark Sanchez alot of 3rd and long situations. Rivers has seen good defenses in the past hes been to the AFCCG (yeah he had a torn ACL but he was there= experience) you guys have a great defense but its nothing he has not seen before. If we you guys are in alot of 3rd and longs that means we have nutralized your run and making you beat us with Sanchez.

    I think we have the better team and we should win. Do you have a chance? For sure you do and we have already lost in the playoffs in the past to teams we were statistically better then. Good luck boys and will see you at the Q on sunday for the lucky ones that make the trip.

    My Stat: Your great defense and all the blitzing has only produced 32 sacks our horrible D has 35. If you blitz and dont get to Rivers your in for a long day
    #373 AirFouts, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  14. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Flushing the pocket, forcing quick throws, having to keep more in to block means a hell of a lot more than getting sacks.
    35 sacks and 23 rec. tds
    32 sacks and 8 rec. tds
    What looks better to you?
  15. 400HZ

    400HZ New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    People on this board are way too stuck on Revis and Jackson. Antonio Gates had a whole whopping ten yards less on the year than Jackson. Our boy Floyd didn't even start the whole season and he almost matched what Cotchery gave you guys. You guys are focusing on the wrong stuff. The Chargers can win without Jackson if they have to. The game will be won or lost based on the Jets' ability to run the ball.
  16. Marblex

    Marblex New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    This is an absolutely awful argument.

    You may or may not know that VJ is 2nd in the league in yards per catch. From your post, I'm guessing you don't. Malcom Floyd (Our no. 2 WR) is 3rd in the league in yards per catch.

    Have you watched a Charger game this season? If you had, you would know that he is an outstanding WR.

    Now I'm not saying he will have a field day against Revis, in fact, I think he will be contained and perform no better than any other WR has against Revis, the guy is too good. Maybe 3 catches for 40 yards.

    Also, note that Gates, our elite TE, has also gone over 1000 yards this season. That takes catches away from VJ. Not to mention the fact that he is constantly doubled leaving other guys open to make plays.

    I have enjoyed talking football with you guys so far, and most of you have valid points, but this is a terrible argument. I suppose its all irrelevant anyway because you will have Revis covering him.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again. This game comes down to the Jets front 7 vs. Charger O-line. If Rivers has time, he will cut you to pieces, much like Manning. For all the people here who seem to think Rivers is nowhere near Manning's level, he really is. Manning will always be the best QB in the NFL as long as he is still playing, but Rivers isn't too far behind.

    Anyway, despite what alot of people say (Jets barely made the playoffs, only went 9-7, haven't beat any elite teams this season), I am still very worried for the game. Some SD fans seem to think this is a bump on the road on our way to the Superbowl, which really does annoy me. I don't care what anyone says, your D is scary, and your running game is clearly dominant. If you had an even average passing game, you would be among the best in the league, and I believe you could be very big contenders in the next few years.

    It is going to be an awesome game, and whilst I am obviously biased in my teams favor, you guys have the team to upset us on Sunday.
  17. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    People aren't looking at that matchup as the key to the game because Jackson is your only threat; they're looking at it as important because it allows us to double Gates all day. Essentially, we look at Revis as huge because it means we don't have to worry about who to double. IMO Floyd and Sproles are going to have to step up in the passing game for you.
  18. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    You contradicted yourself in the same paragraph, you said the Parcells quote "you are what your record says you are" and then that we wouldn't have beaten the Colts if they didn't play for the perfect season. According to Bill Parcells, we beat the Colts while they were 14-0.

    And our blitzing defense isn't about sack numbers, it is about QB hits and incompletions, which is why we lead the league in Passing Yds allowed, Yards per catch, Passing TDs, opponent's QB rating, and opponent's completion %.

    Last year we were in the top 3 in sacks, and our defense was middle of the pack, nowhere NEAR where we are now.
  19. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Cotchery got injured mid season, missed a few games and played injured for a few of them. He was actually the number 1 WR in the NFL in terms of yardages 3-4 weeks into the season before he got hurt. With a rookie QB.

    Cotchery is a vastly underrated receiver who I would take over Floyd any day.
  20. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    The Bolts have a great team offensively. It will be a true challenge to hang with them and beat them at home. The Jets matchup well but it will be a tough game for the Jets to win due to the explosiveness of the Bolts offense coupled with the jets having a rookie QB and an offense that relies on ground game. But you never really know whats gonna happen when you have two old AFL teams meeting up like this. Should be alot of fun.

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