Chargers Fans Take on the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TurkJetFan, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    thats true its just like here in cali. San Diego, San Fran and Oakland. You could say San Diego is the Buffalo and Oakland and Niners are the Jets\Giants
  2. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    None of that supports the argument that Qualcomm will be any more hostile than the other road games we've had. And we've only lost 3 road games, NO, NE and MIA. MIA is basically almost a home game for us anyway.
    #82 BadgerOnLSD, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  3. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Yeah we saw you over there... You were the fool who replied to the question "how do the Jets handle the match up with Gates?" with No problem we'll just put a DT on him because he's slow.

    Thanx for the comedy. You're invited to Chargers message board anytime... Laughter is good.... And east coast fans say we're dumb.....
  4. gammatec

    gammatec Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    It's going to be close.

    A couple of things I would like to add...

    LT wont be a factor, he's gone after this season. He's just not the same anymore. I see the Jets stopping him easily. Our only weapon against the Jets will be Sproles (in terms of the run).

    I don't know if the Jets will have an answer for Antonio (has anyone found one?), I think they'll merely contain him, if that. I still think he'll get a touchdown or two.

    I know this is a Jets board, but what's with the underestimating/blatant disrespect of the Chargers? This is a dangerous team. I've seen almost all games for both teams (how many of you can say that on here, I missed one Jet game and one Charger game all season) and it's going to be a close game. Like I said, the Chargers are a great team, but I don't like the way the Jets match up against the Chargers.

    If they stop our run, we can't keep going to Antonio for everything. My biggest question mark, howevere, not Antonio, not Sproles or LT, but Vincent Jackson vs Revis. This is going to be an important match up. Can't wait to see it.
  5. TurkJetFan

    TurkJetFan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    i think the chargers are an excellent team...but your sentiment that the jets match up well against the chargers is agreed on from my standpoint
  6. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Man don't even go there with Jets fans being better fans and we support our team blah blah blah. I was in NY to see the game the last time SD played the Jets in NY. Jets fans are like any other if there team is rocking they're loud. If the team stinks, they're average. Jets were crappy that year, 5-11 I think, and your stadium was quiet..... The only time it got loud is when your FF guy lead the Jets chant, other than that there was nothing..... I've been to a ton of Charger road games and the Jets on that day was one of the quietest games I've been to. Did hear a lot OMG's when LT juked Ty Law out of his jock strap though.....
    #86 Boltfanbo, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  7. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Don't take the lack of fear as a sign of disrespect. Any Jets fan with their head on straight knows this is going to be a very tough game. Most of us are confident in our team but we're still very apprehensive about this match-up. Your fans are displaying their share of hubris too.
  8. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    That would state my sense of it too.

    Part of me wants to say that the Chargers will get up by two scores and keep the pressure on all day. They've practically scored at will in the past couple of months. I swear they toyed with the Cowboys defense and turned it up a notch after the 'boys finally scored a TD in the third quarter.

    But you have to be concerned about the Jets run game on both sides. I think the Chargers could come back from an early deficit, but I think the Jets would struggle due to Sanchez' relative inexperience and lack of exceptional receiver talent.
  9. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    Chargers are good for sure. I don't think anyone thinks a team that's won 11 in a row isn't going to be a challenge... But the Jets aren't like any team SD's played yet. In fact, the two closest are Cincy and Baltimore and SD is 1-1 against them (Cincy losing by 3). It's not going to be a blowout like everyone seems to think.
  10. ghostridergo

    ghostridergo New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    But at least their fans were there whether they were quiet or not and at least the game was televised.
  11. HOI

    HOI Active Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    The key for us is controling the TOP. If we can keep Rivers and Co. on the sideline we have a shot. If we get a lot of 3 and outs we'll be in trouble. Finally we're going to have to put up points. Our D is good...can be very good at times but you guys are going to score no matter what. You guys have scored at least 3 TD in every game this year....impressive.

    I think we have to put up at least 24-27 to get a W or keep it close. I think you guys will get at least 21-24 on us.

    I actually like the Chargers...and respect them. Rivers is one of those guys that if he's on your team you love him...if not you want to punch him in the face. I just want a good game. With the Jets D and Rivers...can you imagine the amount of shit talking thats going to take place?!?
  12. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Sure LT is not the same back that he was in 06 but in the red zone over that last two months he's been pretty darn good. What many people that haven't watched many Charger games don't realize is the LT was taken out of many games late to preserve him for the playoffs.. His touches were limited. Many times he'd have 50 yards on 12-15 carries at half only to have 5-8 touches in the 2nd half.... Turners approach with LT this year was all about preserving him for the playoffs. Will he run for 200 with 35 carries? No, but I think he'll be more of a factor then his regular season stats would suggest. Just for the fact he wont be taken out as often.
    #92 Boltfanbo, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  13. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    I challenge any Chargers fan to name 3 players not named Sanchez or Revis.
  14. B1nary Bolt Fan

    B1nary Bolt Fan New Member

    Jan 10, 2010
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    I admit it. I haven't even watched the Jets till they became a possible contender in week 16.

    I've seen how good they are, but have been forced to temper my thoughts about them because I've been predicting a Bengals collapse since the middle of November. They are who I thought they were.
  15. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Thomas Jones, (had him in FF), Greene the rookie who took carries away from TJ and will replace him in a year or two, Edwards who you got from Clev. Jenkens (sp?) your stud of a NT who's on IR. Mangold. Washington also on IR - Jets version of Sproles.....

    Jesus, the east coast fans just think we're all just a bunch of stoned surfer idiots.
    #95 Boltfanbo, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  16. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Google is your friend.

    Leon > Sproles

    Greene did not "take carries" from Jones. This is a 2 back league.
  17. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Google yeah right, because you know, us folk out here in the pioneer west know nottin about the pigskin...

    Leon>Sproles? Not on IR he isn't..... lol just kidding... both backs are great and exciting to watch.... and as for Greene not stealing carries from Jones, my FF team thinks different :) Mid year Jones was getting subbed quite often. By the goal line also... this was not the case when it was Jones and Washinton
    #97 Boltfanbo, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  18. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Just testing you....LOL:beer:
  19. gammatec

    gammatec Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    Shonne green, Braylon soap hands edwards, dustin keller (great for a player going on his second year). I did the minumum only because i've seen a lot of Jets games, so I don't really count I guess. :beer:
  20. Boltfanbo

    Boltfanbo New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Is it Green or Greene? I thought is was Greene... Maybe I'm thinking of the E at the end of Shonne. That is a unique way to spell that name.... I guess I could always look it up on Google ;)

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