I had a little party at my house last night for the game but I realized half way through it that I really like watching the games alone because I like to pay close attention to it. I listen to the announcers and I rewind it a lot. How can I ever host another playoff game party? How do you guys enjoy the games?
I'm the same way I turn down invites to go to bars with friends and peoples houses because I like to analyze the games and pay attention to every play. Most of my friends just talk, walk around miss half the plays, get up, go outside. I can't deal with that shit. I watch it alone.
Same here. I can't stand it when I'm watching with other people and they make boneheaded comments because they know nothing about football. They overreact to every play and I just find it annoying during a game. Super Bowl excluded of course. I'm such a great people person...
i'm exactly the same... i was thinking about having some people over this weekend but i'm second guessing that decision
either by myself or with my buddy who I go to games with. I find if I watch games with people not passionate about the Jets or football I have to spend time explaining things or answering stupid comments. I don't want to talk about work during a game - just let me yell at the TV!
I watch alone. I don't use the 38"HD TV, but use a 20" regular with the sound off (I'ts been good luck) because I hate almost all of the announcers.
I hosted a party at my house so I Tivo'd the game and was able to re-watch the 2nd half of the game that I was unable to closely follow after all the guests went home. Usually I just watch the game at home rather then going out to a bar.
yes most definitely prefer to be alone.i watched with a freind last nite and all he did was talk.and not about football.i felt rude bumping the volume up on the tv every other sentence.
Hmph, and I thought I was missing out on high-fives whilst watching the game by myself last night. Good to hear it could have been worse:up:
I usually watch by myself. Regular season seems the couch asses team plays the same time as the JETS do. Not that I mind.
As far as I know there are 2 Jets fan in Italy out of 55 million people That kinds of make it difficult to find company... but I enjoy writing on TGG while I watch the match... go Jets ! Ps: thanks god I foun the best stream ever with Stealthshot.net otherwise I'd be screwed!
I have a small sect of Jets fans I watch the game with. My best friends a Jets fan and just got a 65 inch with surround sound. He's had it since the Colts game. So that big fucker is good luck.
You guys should form a group called "The NY Jets Fans w/ Aspergers syndrome fan club". You can meet at a bar and all ignore each other.
i did watch the game with my new 9 day old son last night -- so hard to not scream and jump up when he was sleeping on my chest lol
That's funny dude! But, yeah, I definitely watch the games alone. I discovered years (okay, decades) ago that I find watching it at a bar or even with a few people extremely distracting and I just don't enjoy it as much. Plus, I'm less likely to hurts someone if I'm alone.
The only Jets game I watched alone was the Jets-Patriots 2006 playoff game since I was in Bermuda on business. The closest bar was filled with Patriots fans, so I decided to watch it alone in my apartment there. Glad I did.
I chase anyone who isn't gonna watch the game the way I am out of the room. Usually it's me and my bro and 3 dogs watching.