Much as I loved O'Brien, he didn't have a single playoff victory. Chad had two. Chad also brought a divisional championship. Ken had a very good 1985 season and an incredible start to 1986. Chad had an incredible 2002, a great start to 2004 and some solid patches thereafter. In the final analysis, both made Jets fans believe we had a contender for years to come and then disintegrated. My vote goes to Chad.
Christ that's like asking who was a better lay, the grotesquely obese chickthat smelled funny or the toothless meth addicted hooker. Fuck both those clowns.
I disagree. When did Chad ever have guys to throw to like Al Toon, Wesley Walker and Mickey Shuler? Both were good QBs who had careers derailed by injuries but Chad was better.
Chad...most accurate passer in the history of the NFL, 32-29 with the Jets. O'Brien was 50-55-1. For my money, I think Chad was the better QB. Obviously, I think the older crowd will argue it was O'Brien. I think Chad played on some very bad teams, and O'Brien had more weapons at his disposal. O'Brien's longevity with the Jets might make people think he was a better QB, but I'd have to argue that Pennington was better.
They both played w/ some talented teams and both had careers ruined b/c of injuries. kenny had the better arm and I believe was the more accurate passer downfield but Chad was smarter and had better feet. kenny took alot of sacks he didn't need to take. Both led the NFL in passing once but Chad did lead us to a div title and postseason wins in 2 different postseasons- Kenny never led us to one postseason win.
"most accurate passer in the history ..." is a silly thing often said about Chad. Highest completion percentage is what people are talking about when they say that.
Chad's biggest problem was a 20 yard out, he was good at throwing the ball straight downfield. Remember that pass to Moss in the '04 playoffs at SD? That was a perfectly thrown ball about 50 yds in the air.
Not just the deep out, but fitting the ball into tight spots in general. I agree he always threw a fine deep ball. He rarely attempted it though because he is so conservative.
Who had a better career as a Jet? A broad question and poll. "Better" defined as?... I always felt our chances were better with Chad. His limited arm strength was unfortunately diminished to NFL sub-standard arm strength after his injury (injuries).