(I better not get banned for calling this retard a fucking retard.) How fucking retarded are you? You are sucking on Parcells' nuts for going 8-8 with Ray Lucas (an experienced backup), when Ryan is one win away from having the same record with a rookie quarterback? Get out of here with this stupid shit. This team "sucks"? Really? You actually expected this team, a team without it's dominant nose tackle and it's most explosive offensive player/special teamer, to make a serious playoff run? MOVE THIS SHIT TO THE CESS POOL!
To be honest if Sanchez had cut down on the interceptions then I really feel we could have gone 11-5. Im not really disappointed because I didn't really expect the defense to be as good as it is. I knew they would be top 10 but #1? Its just unreal.
if after week three you say you expected 8-8 youre a god damned liar. we had miami2x, buf2x, oakland. that's 8-8 right there. nevermind carolina, jax, atlanta
this guys a dumb ass what would BB do with our roster that differently. Maybe our O would do better but our D definetly would not. Rex is building something for the future. If Sanchez wasnt an int machine and our special teams would stop blowing up we would be a playoff team. You cant blame coaches for everything, they put our players in a position to execute sucessfully and they havent.
hello, try and follow along. parcells had a squad start 1-6. they got to 8-8 rexy had a squad 3-0. hopefully gets to 9-7 but lol at that. my issue is that the head coach has not made adjustments and had the TEAM(he is the head coach of the team) grow. we get rolling up to 3-0. then we beat oak, buf, carolina, tampa(and boy did we kick their ass). our team is like a bunch of bullies. kick the shit out of junk rosters and then fold when the heat is on.
An Atlanta team that was a playoff team in 2008, but is done in 2009 because of some bad injuries to key players. Key players that played against the Jets. A Miami team that was a playoff team in 2008, and is still in the hunt for a 2009 Wild Card spot. A Jacksonville team that only has one questionable defeat. A team that plays in the same division as the best team in football...and has lost to them TWICE by 4 points or less both times.
lol @ our D would definitely not be better. Belicheks d roster is not as good as ours and the pats have #3 d in pts allowed
I'm sorry but I don't see a significant change in culture, sans the shit talking. They still lose games in remarkable fashion, and joke when its all on the line. We've seen these Jets before.
...you do realize that you're praising a guy for starting 1-6, right? The team Rex Ryan took over was a 9-7 non-playoff team that lost its starting quarterback and replaced him with a rookie. The team Bill Parcells took from 1-6 to 8-8 lost in the AFC Championship game the year before. He lost his starting quarterback to injury and replaced him Rick fuckin' Mirer and then went to Ray Lucas. The defenses were great on both teams. Who did a better job? You can say Parcells made adjustments all you want - his team didn't make the playoffs either.
and we have the number 1 of yds allowed and points despite our rediculous number of turnovers so whats your point. Other then revis and jenkins we dont really have any stars on D.
i never said they sucked i said they arent stars. Ellis is having his best year under Rex, scott is good not great same with pace. Harris is having a great year but I wouldnt say he is that elite and then thomas... dont know why you put that name in there.
if we dont choke to miami and buf (and these were absolutely horrific choke jobs), we are 6-1. with miami at our place
If we play Vince Young instead of Kerry Collins, that game is a much different story. If we play the Patriots with a healthy Wes Welker twice, we probably lose to them twice.
yea five years ago he was good i wouldnt say beast. and wtf do you have add or something this conversation started with you sucking Bills pathetic sack and ends with you talking about how good ellis is ?
true, but we didnt. i understand looking at the season and seeing 8-8. that doesnt mean you should be fine once games start happening. think about it. say we started 8-0, then we lose 8 straight. do you say "well golly gee, i only thought we'd be 8-8 when i saw the schedule"